Dishing the “religion of peace”

N.B. Thanks to Diane for suggesting the name for this dish in comments.


And thanks also to Blonde Sagacity (and to SWWBO 😉 for this week’s themed Carnival of the Recipes—Pork: The Infidel Meat

Infidel Casserole

In recognition of “the religion of peace” I’m eating as much ham and other pork-based products as possible during Ramadan. (Hey, if Muslims were serious about this “religion of peace” thing, they’d at least ostracize the barbaric savages who commit mass murder and other atrocities in the name of Islam.)

Enough of the politics. On to Ham and Potatoes (or in this case, piling injury onto insult, SPAM and potatoes).


  • 6 potatoes, sliced (NOTE: Since I’m lazy, that’s six moderately small potatoes, to fit in the feed tube of my food processor. I love my chef’s knife, but more than a few thinly sliced potatoes is asking too much of me 🙂
  • 2 cups shredded cheese (your fav, just so long as it melts well)
  • 1 medium yellow onion, diced and sautéed
  • 1 clove garlic, minced and sautéed
  • 1 can cream of mushroom soup
  • 1 can SPAM, sliced thinly or diced, small chunks

Cooking the stuff:

In a crockpot, layer the ingredients, potatoes, onions (the garlic’s already well-mixed with the onions from the sauté-ing, I hope :-), SPAM and cheese in thin layers. Top with the mushroom soup.  Cook on low until the potatoes are done. Variations: a can of Rotelâ„¢ tomatoes and chiles or just a can of green (annaheim) chiles, chopped (can also roast green annaheims, then peel and chop them). Also, a couple of dashes of Chinese Five Spice don’t hurt this dish any.NOTE: I was reminded last night as we ate this that a special step was left out above: a grind or three of pepper on every layer of potatoes/onions/cheese. It makes a big difference. Oh, and Romeocat asked about baking this dish: great! 325-350 degrees for an hour ought to do it. It’ll have a different texture and need more watching than a crockpot, but just as good–maybe better.

Of course, any previously cooked ham could be substituted for the SPAM.  But if I were to entertain any Muslims during Ramadan, I’d serve ‘em SPAM.

Unless they had turned in some imam for inciting violence in the name of islam. Then they’d get some respect. (OK, I guess I haven’t had enough of politics.)

‘Nother update: What would a SPAM recipe be without The Spam Song?

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Note all the updates and additions–credits to Beth and to ALa and Diane… Also the Free Piglet! graphic found at Blonde Sagacity and, of course, the Spam Song.

Of course, I was ahead of the curve on this whole theme (see here). heh

How sick is this?

Yeh, yeh, it’s all over the place, now.

Terror Plot Was A Hoax

Lead: “The informant who sparked last week’s New York City subway threat alert has admitted it was a hoax…”

Give the “informant” a one-way ticket to Mosul. But first tatoo “Mohamed was a pig” on his forehead.

Happy Ramadan!

(Yeh, I know it was an Iraqi “informant” but no one said where in Iraq he was located. If already in Mosul, hey great! Smaller expense in dispensing a lil poetic justice… )

Moonbats Left AND Right


Every time I read, see or hear another whining so-called “conservative” bitchin’ and moanin’ about Harriet Miers, I just want to say, “Grow up folks.” Republican senators, for example, who’ve let the Democrats push ‘em around forever on the subject of Bush’s judicial nominees. They want him to push the envelope while they’ve still not got the stones to stand up to the dems themselves?

So-called conservative (or originalist or whatever) media pundits who nevertheless blanche not one whit at tons of unconstitutional federal over-reaching demonstrate their hypocrisy more than anything else. (The one-issue—whatever the issue of the day might be—“originalists” are perhaps the worst.)

Academics who—well, I guess that said it all. They’re darned near all too full of themselves, assuming that the sort of expertise they value is essential to a justice of the SCOTUS. Pettifogging elitists.

And bloggers who open their fat mouths and begin chewing away at whatever presents itself without taking thorough stock first are likely to discover that what they’ve been eating away at is their own feet. (Yeh, I’ve done it myself. So? Doesn’t make my argument invalid. 🙂

See Beldarblog for a smart lawyer’s take. Yeh, he’d have been happier with someone else, too, but he’s smart enough to know the difference between a Souter and a Thomas—something all the stuck pigs squealing about Harriet Miers aren’t.

If the enmity of the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade minions of the Demoncrapic Underground and Moooveon.orgy aren’t enough to convince one to reserve judgement on Miers, perhaps Markos Moulitas’ (of DailyKos infamy) antipathy toward Miers could persuade Loony RIGHT Moonbats to chill a bit, ya think?

Gee, as easily as the thought of a Justice Miers inflames the doofs on the Left AND the doofs on the Right, it seems she might be just the centrist to pull a divided court together…

Romeocat has some commentary to check out re: the Miers nomination flap. You oughta kick yourself if you miss it. I like her comment, “I’m firmly on the fence, and adopting a wait-and-see attitude.”

Descent Into Kerryland

No More sKerry BS_button
Given Jean Fraud sKerry’s penchant for loose talk (and insistence on NOT being accountable for what he says and does—where are your records, John boy?) I thought it’d be appropriate that I pick up a few “talking points” from The Progressive People’s Truth Generator, the site devoted to framing everything in “progressive” language.

Jean Fraud sKerry, you are a baby-killing troglodyte and an ethnocentric racist pig because you are not enraged by phrases like “International Monetary Fund!” You are a hateful hillbilly because you think O.J. was guilty! You are an arrogant sexist because you don’t openly pine for the reconstruction of the Berlin Wall! You are a chain dog of the bourgeoisie because you do not militate for government elimination of McDonalds fast food and daily required consumption of granola and tofu!  You are a baby-killing child murderer and a chauvinistic red-meat eater because you voted to invade Iraq! You are a polluting elitist because you think that you’re entitled to own private property! You are a homophobic opportunist because you think the Rolling Stones are better than the Beatles! You are a selfish chain dog of the bourgeoisie because you’re just stupid, stupid, stupid!

There. I feel better, now. Don’t you? Playing by Jean Fraud’s own rules (it’s just words, so who cares what I say?) allows one to say anything at all with no accountability.

Of course, if Jean Fraud ever developed a sense of decency, characterized by accountability and a responsible agreement between his words and deeds, I’d have to retract some of the above. But as it is, “liberalist-speak” applied to Jean Fraud seems… fitting.

Where are your records, John Kerry?

h.t. to Idunno who for the tip to the “progressive-speak” site. Hey! If you read this and think you’re the one who pointed me to the thing, give me a whack upside the head, eh?

From Cao’s Blog, this lil notice:

We’ve formed a blogburst group and here are the bloggers who are contributing so far. If you want to join the blogroll for Free Kerry’s 180, click here to email me, include the url for your blog. The blogburst is every Tuesday, so don’t forget to blog about it. All you have to do is encourage Kerry to set his 180 FREE, I’ll send you the code for the blogroll.

The more people we have, the merrier!

It’s a blessing, not a curse. Really.

Some may call it ADHD, ADD, AADD or whatever. I call it non-linear thinking.

So, there I was setting a possible battery replacement for Lovely Daughter’s car up for a recharge, when a series of pinballing connections fired through my brain (outside installing the battery, front yard, used tire-based retaining wall landscaping project, mole problem, etc.) resulted in thinking, “I want one of these.  Maybe two.”

Yep. These lil guys just LOVE to eat moles. And other small animals (including poisonous snakes). Common kingsnake. Gotta get me some.

Seal Our Borders?

[Here’s a retread from May 2005 that approaches the problem of guarding out borders from a slightly different, uhm, angle.]

In the never-ending search for the best way to protect our borders, the U.S. government has explored many options for sealing our borders.
Some  of the earliest leaders in the race emerged from the idea of adapting proven technologies from the food service industry.
seal borders01

seal borders02
Field Wrap

Those proved impractical for various resasons, but our intrepid leadership was not deterred. Rapid advances in new technologies showed some promise.
seal borders03
Force Field  

Finally, congresscritters and their ilk decided the best method would be to simply require citizens to meet the ravening hordes, bowing and scraping in efforts to serve their every whim… while remaining bowed to serve the perverse desires of congresscritters from behind…
seal borders04
“May I serve you?” 

This has been a production of the Guard the Borders Blogburst, held every Monday at Euphoric Reality and other blogs. Our mission is to keep immigration issues at the forefront. If you’d like to be a part of it, send your blog URL and name to kit.jarrell@ gmail dot com.

Blogs already on board:

Note: with the rare exception such as Tom Tancredo (congressman from Colorado), the snark above is an example of taking illegal immigration more seriously than our esteemed cpngresscritters do. For more sober takes on the issue, see Kit Jarrel’s Guard The Borders Blogburst post today, or perhaps THM’s Bacon Bits’ post, “Guard the Borders: Fixing a Broken System”. Or, CLICK on others in the blogroll to check out what folks are discovering/saying.

Linked at the Stop the ACLU Open Post and at Basil’s Blog

Barking moonbats have controlled thought??? Who knew?

Where does GM find this stuff?

(Oh, I see: here.)

The new and improved tinfoil hat!

Here’s my contribution: since the “new, improved” thingy-ma-whopper cuts off all “alien mind control,” let’s do an experiment with Mass Media Podpeople. Put a few “new, improved” thingy-ma-whoppers on some MMPs and watch ‘em keel over as their remote control operators’ Waldos fail to work.

I’d pay to watch that.

New Republican Mascot? In My Dreams

On a lead from Random Rambling, I found this.

It’d make the perfect new mascot for a Republican Party that’d discovered some backbone. What fun to watch all the loony left moonbats run away! Run away!

Unfortunately, the Republican Party ought to have this for its mascot:


“Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right…”

Well, James Lileks was in fine form Thursday…

Concerning the Miers confirmation hearings,

There will be attacks, but they’ll be mild. Usually criticism of a professional woman would the tar the critic as gynophobic sexist, but in the case of conservative women you can attack all you like, because conservative women have to give up their uteruses to join the party. Totally true, dude. There’s this big ritual in front of a giant owl and everything.

And, of course, conservative moonbats (yeh, there are some on the right end of the wagon, too) come in for some prime snark, too:

The wailing! The gnashing! The rending of garments! If the conservative reaction to Harriet Miers is any indication, Bush has no chance of winning a third term.

Just toodle on over and catch the Snarkmeister at his best.