“Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right…”

Well, James Lileks was in fine form Thursday…

Concerning the Miers confirmation hearings,

There will be attacks, but they’ll be mild. Usually criticism of a professional woman would the tar the critic as gynophobic sexist, but in the case of conservative women you can attack all you like, because conservative women have to give up their uteruses to join the party. Totally true, dude. There’s this big ritual in front of a giant owl and everything.

And, of course, conservative moonbats (yeh, there are some on the right end of the wagon, too) come in for some prime snark, too:

The wailing! The gnashing! The rending of garments! If the conservative reaction to Harriet Miers is any indication, Bush has no chance of winning a third term.

Just toodle on over and catch the Snarkmeister at his best.

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