“Survival cancels out programming”

Let’s hope so. From the afterward to Watch on the Rhine:

Right now, Western Civilization, however much many of its members may refuse to admit it, is involved in a world war. No, it has seen no entire cities destroyed; no trenches have drawn their scars across entire continents. It is a world war all the same. Moreover, it is a world war that is putting to the test every notion of individual liberty, freedom of conscience, and rule of law that the West prizes. And should we lose we will see, or our grandchildren will, the erasure of all that is good in Western Civilization.

We cannot afford to lose.

Yet winning will have its price, too… Because side by side with the virtues of Western Civilization are paired vices that may destroy us: a narrow legalistic mindset, an emphasis on form over substance, and an unwillingness to do the ruthless and violent things we must if we are to survive. This list is not exhaustive. Perhaps worse than these things, however, the West has nurtured at its own breast a set of execrable, vile, treacherous and treasonous villains that seem to seek at every opportunity to do all they can to ensure its destruction.

What is said above concerning Western Civilization in general goes as well for the United States. This election year, be very careful to vote for candidates who do not fall into the class described above as, “execrable, vile, treacherous and treasonous villains that seem to seek at every opportunity to do all they can to ensure [our] destruction.” And do note well, Sarah Palin’s clarion call in her “debate” with Plagiarizin’ Joe that we Americans must awake to our own responsibilities and duties as individuals.

It is your duty to seek out and nullify those “execrable, vile, treacherous and treasonous villains” seeking the destruction of our society.

And remember also the clear words of James Burnham:

“Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for Western Civilization as it commits suicide.”

2 Replies to ““Survival cancels out programming””

  1. This election year, be very careful to vote for candidates who do not fall into the class described above as, “execrable, vile, treacherous and treasonous villains that seem to seek at every opportunity to do all they can to ensure [our] destruction.”

    Damn. That’s not leaving me a very wide selection from which to choose. Am I going to have to write-in in every race?

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