…with this pic
…is that at least some identifier of the “masked man (?)” behind what is apparently the TOTUS should be included. Like this:
"In a democracy (‘rule by mob’), those who refuse to learn from history will be the majority and will dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance."
Or, at least The Zero would if he could count to five without taking his shoes off.
Check out The Zero’s face in this video. “WTF?!? What’s he talkin’ ’bout, Willis? Is that MATH?!?” If you’ve ever wondered what Odumbo’s face looks like when confronted with numbers, well, here ya go:
Oh, and during all the demonizing of Ryan and his budgetary proposals, do remember that they guy who was THE ZERO’S PICK to head up his “deficit committee” and represent the administration’s policies, Erskine Bowles (Clinton SBA head, later WH chief of staff), über-Democrat, had a different view:
Just sayin’. Serious policy wonks don’t share the views of Mass MEdia Podpeople like Rachel Maddow and Michael Moore. *sigh* The only real negative I can see in having Ryan as a vice presidential candidate is that he’ll be wasted “debating” Cwazy Unka Joe (if The Zero’s campaign even lets that massacre happen). At the top of the ticket, he’d have a chance to obliterate The Zero, metaphorically nuking him from orbit.
Oh, fun. Jerry Pournelle suggests (in my words, not his) that with the Romney/Ryan strengths on economic policy against The Zero’s (and zero-cubed, Cwazy Unka Joe) profound weaknesses, some Dhimmicraps might be tempted to play the “no foreign policy experience” card… and that that would be a real tarbaby for the Dhims, as
“…anyone including Elmer Fudd has more experience in foreign affairs than the current President had on taking office.”
By now, anyone with more conscious brain activity than a bowl of coleslaw has heard about the scurrilous ad from an Obama-promoting PAC essentially accusing Mitt Romney of being a murderer.
It’s a pack of lies, built by selectively stating a few highly slanted facts… and omitting any truth. And those who presented the ad KNEW they were crafting a slander.
“[They] did enough research to find Mr. Joe Soptic. They did enough research to craft an ad from the man’s sad story. They did enough research to know that Mrs. Soptic died seven years after Romney left Bain, they know that Bain tried to save GST, and they know that an Obama [campaign finance] bundler was the person who ultimately shut GST down. They did the research, they brought the ad forward, and they know more than any of the fact-checkers know, that the ad is a lie.”
They AND the official Obama campaign that introduced Soptic to them also know now AND knew then that Soptic was offered a buy-out, got another job, didn’t put his wife on his insurance–even after she left her job in 2003–and that no insurance under the sun could have saved his wife’s life, since she was symptom-free, was diagnosed during an unrelated illness and passed away 22 days after diagnosis.
And the Obama campaign knew all this back in May, when Stephanie Cutter, deputy Obama campaign manager, hosted a conference call with reporters featuring Soptic and his now infamous story. And yet, of course, the Obama campaign–including Stephanie Cutter, from her own mouth–denied knowing Soptic’s story when the SHTF about the lies in the ad and denied as well any connection to Soptic or the story told in the ad.
Lying about their lies. Oh, well. I guess it’s common enough in this administration to be just another “dog bites man” ho-hummer of a story.
[Roofing work takes a brief blog break 🙂 ]
So, Odumbo, The Mighty Zero is now claiming, “I didn’t say that!”
Yes, Odumbo, you did, and, quite apart from all the YouTube hits on the video that proves you did, even your own White House web site says you did:
Mostest brilliant prexydint evah. And his little dog (“Soup”) too.
The Zero, addressing successful businesses (seeking to establish that they need to be taxed even more) has said, in part,
“Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that.”
WTF?!? Business owners aren’t taxed out the wazoo (America’s business taxes are the highest among industrialized nations) first with taxes on their businesses and then on their personal income (“Top 20% pay 94% of income taxes. Bottom 40%? Nada, zilch, zippo”) to pay not only for infrastructure but for “a multitude of New Offices… swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance”?
You do realize that, just in order to make any profit at all in the face of the horrendous expenses imposed by almost endless paperwork and other “compliance” costs businesses are compelled by just the “feddle gummint” alone to incur that businesses must pass on the tax expenses (at the very least) the government imposes, AND that the supply chain hidden taxes are about 22% of every product and service you purchase? What Odumbo is really saying is that because he wants to expand the number of people dependent on government, he wants to TAX YOU MORE.
BTW, as it stands right now, there are only about 1.2 workers for every person either on welfare or in government “employment”. Yes, yes I know some government workers really do exist, workers performing essential tasks. My own back of the envelope guesstimate would place them at about 1/5 of the total of government employees, based on what I’ve observed over the past half century or so. The rest? Just a covert “welfare” program for useless drones or toxic, “Type 2 Bureaucraps”.
As for Odumbo, well, he either knows he’s lying or he’s an idiot. (The two, I realize aren’t really mutually exclusive, and, in fact, in Odumbo’s case, aren’t at all.)
Sarah Hoyt posted yesterday about her experiences with “gummint bureaucrappy” (my neologism applied to her descriptive narrative on bureaucracy), and that prodded one of my two active brain cells to simulate something like life.
Her youngest son had to trek (with Mom, for reasons Hoyt skewers) to the DMV for his license.
“…which will then be mailed to him, in a week or two…”
Good Sharkey, Colonel God! That’s worse than I’ve experienced from any DMV in 40+ years’ experience driving! Most recently, it took me 15 minutes and I walked out with my new license. BUT, it did chap my gizzard that for the VERY FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE, thistime, although I have a 40+ years’ easily-trackable record with four states’ DMVs (20 years in this state alone), THIS time I had to have my birth certificate to “prove” I am me. (WTF? How does my birth certificate prove that I am me, unless the whorls on my baby footprints were to be matched up with my adult footprints?) The funny thing? (No, not “funny ha-ha” but “funny gag-gag”.) My birth certificate was temporarily unavailable (long story), so I sent off for a duplicate (yes, a photostatic duplicate that was as exact a duplicate as can be produced, as comparison with my original later demonstrated). To obtain it I had to include a scanned copy of… my current driver’s license.
So, my (then) current driver’s license was all I needed to obtain a duplicate birth certificate… which was needed to renew that driver’s license.
Complete, absolute and total paper-shuffling B.S.
I draw from this sort of thing–and from Hoyt’s post, to which you can surely add your own examples–an extended lesson:
Governments cannot run without some form of bureaucracy, but since bureaucracies are subject to both Parkinson’s Law and Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy, perhaps that’s an argument for anarchy. *heh* The bureacrappic anarcho-tyranny that is now strangling our economy, castrating our liberty and aiding in stultifying society is certainly the most potent argument against surrendering health care to the “tender mercies” of yet more “gummint bureaucraps”.
Just sayin’
[N.B. Sticky post; newer posts below]
Was an expression of hope for change, unanswered.
This post will be pinned to the top of the blog for a week or so. Newer posts will appear below this one.
It seems to me that “individual mandates” as delineated by Justice Roberts’ majority opinion in National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius [pdf file] (the “Obamacare” decision) have long been with us. The “feddle gummint’s” taxation power, exercised through the IRS, has long treated different people differently, taxing some more than others, excluding some from taxation because of behaviors the “feddle gummint” wants to encourage, while taxing those “others” more because they don’t do something the “feddle gummint” wants them to.
It seems to me that the two Very Good Lessons we can draw from this decision are
1. ALL the Dhimmicraps (The Zero and his co-conspirators and the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind and all the Academia Nut Fruitcakes, et al) who promoted Obamacare deliberately, maliciously and wittingly LIED THPOUGH THEIR TEETH to get the thing passed.
2. Justice Roberts very wisely (Niccolò Machiavelli would’ve handed him a gold star) didn’t leave it at obliquely pointing out what liars the Obamacare supporters are but placed the responsibility for fixing the mess where it belongs when he said of the Court:
It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices.
My exegesis? If you abhor this law as much as you should, then get up off your fat lazy asses and WORK to elect representatives who will overturn it, and in the future pay more attention to electing representatives who genuinely have the republic’s interests at heart.
Continue reading “Individual Mandate Picking On Individuals to Tax: UPDATED”
According to ABC “News” *cough-gag*
Both the Washington Post and CNN report that if the House cites Holder for contempt, it will be the first time in history that a U.S. attorney general is held in contempt of Congress.
Could that be because this is the first time in history that a U.S. attorney general has acted so contemptuously toward Congress? Hmmm? Could be… (Is)
The Hivemind needs to learn to call a spade a spade.