Is This Dumba$$ Serious?!?

The Zero, addressing successful businesses (seeking to establish that they need to be taxed even more) has said, in part,

“Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that.”

WTF?!? Business owners aren’t taxed out the wazoo (America’s business taxes are the highest among industrialized nations) first with taxes on their businesses and then on their personal income (“Top 20% pay 94% of income taxes. Bottom 40%? Nada, zilch, zippo”) to pay not only for infrastructure but for “a multitude of New Offices… swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance”?

You do realize that, just in order to make any profit at all in the face of the horrendous expenses imposed by almost endless paperwork and other “compliance” costs businesses are compelled by just the “feddle gummint” alone to incur that businesses must pass on the tax expenses (at the very least) the government imposes, AND that the supply chain hidden taxes are about 22% of every product and service you purchase? What Odumbo is really saying is that because he wants to expand the number of people dependent on government, he wants to TAX YOU MORE.

BTW, as it stands right now, there are only about 1.2 workers for every person either on welfare or in government “employment”. Yes, yes I know some government workers really do exist, workers performing essential tasks. My own back of the envelope guesstimate would place them at about 1/5 of the total of government employees, based on what I’ve observed over the past half century or so. The rest? Just a covert “welfare” program for useless drones or toxic, “Type 2 Bureaucraps”.

As for Odumbo, well, he either knows he’s lying or he’s an idiot. (The two, I realize aren’t really mutually exclusive, and, in fact, in Odumbo’s case, aren’t at all.)

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