Just Stop It!

Conversation with Son&Heir. I mentioned the “symbolic links” to Lincoln Obama is attempting to insert into his innauguration (Yeh, yeh, so he traveled a part of the same rail route Lincoln traveled to his innauguration and… and… BSD–big stinking deal), and he injected what more than a few have suggested in the last few weeks that they fear: the fear that Obama may emulate Lincoln in more ways than just the symbolic, throwing the country into a chaotic race riot…

Just stop it folks! Giving voice to those kinds of thoughts gives them more life than they deserve. Concentrate instead on doing whatever you can to preven The Obamassiah emulating and epanding on Mr. Lincoln’s very successful attack on the Constitution. We do NOT need more and more and more of Mr. Lincoln’s preferred (All-)Powerful Central Government!

The “Hissy Fit, Toddler Tantrum” Vote

The analysis of this year’s election will continue for some time to come, but last night on FoxNews channel (Yeh, I tuned in for election coverage sporadically), Juan Williams (Juan Williams!?! Yeh, I know. I was shocked. *heh* ) commented on something from the exit polls that caught my ear. He noted that among those who voted for Obama, when issues were examined granularly (my short hand for his long-winded explanation) there was a strong evidence that the vast majority of folks who voted for Obama didn’t actually agree with him on the issues.

Williams attributed this to an anti-Bush, anti-Republican protest vote, and I agree that it looks that way. There is probably also an element of flat-out ignorance of the candidates’ stands, their histories and records involved as well. Put together, these elements spell voters voting against McCain for irrational reasons: ignorant mental/emotional toddlers having a hissy fit with the power of the vote in their hands. Dumbasses.

THIS is why democratic governance is so dangerous, as yesterday demonstrated so graphically. Putting the power of governance in the hands of the ignorant, immature, venal, self-lobotomized masses is no improvement over rule by an aristocracy. Let me remind you once again of the central danger of democracy (and one of the reasons the Founders eschewed such a thing in favor of a representative republic):

“In a democracy (”rule by mob”), those who refuse to learn from history are in the majority and dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance.”-third world county’s corollary to Santayana’s Axiom

If it’d help you remember, have it tattooed backwards on your forehead. *heh* I may have to have T-Shirts made of it subtitled, “Welcome to The Obamanation.”

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Democrat=Socialist, and The World According to Carl, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

What Today May Bring

When we went to vote at 6:00 this a.m., our polling place was more crowded than at any other time I’ve voted here in America’s Third World County. I could hope other polling places around the country were as crowded… and crowded with about the same pecentage voting against Marxism. Here in twc-land, I doubt The Obamassiah will get even a tithe of the votes.

I have come to doubt that Americans as a whole are as good or smart or honorable as the folks who inhabit America’s Third World County, where honor, duty and hard work seem to be held in higher esteem than elsewhere. Oh, you may think your community is a model of American goodness, but I’ve likely seen more of America than most of the readers of this blog (OK, I’ve not spent time in Hawaii or Alaska), and after having lived and worked in nearly every kind of community in America–from major urban areas to places so far back in the piney woods you just can’t get there from here–I can confidently say that if America as a whole were as good or smart or honorable as America’s Third World County, Barack Hussein Obama wouldn’t even be on the ballot today. Heck, Juan Mexicain wouldn’t be either, but that’s another story. *sigh*

But since the vast lot of folks going to the polls today are exceedingly stupid, lazy and greedy sheeple who have cheerfully given their minds over to Academia Nut Fruitcakes to be lobotomized and souls over to the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind to be posessed, we may well see a super majority of socialist tyrants in Congress and a flat-out corrupt Chicago machine Marxist in the Oval office.

Could be. We’ll see. There are some intriguing possibilities, IF the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind doesn’t manage to suppress opposition votes by proclaiming an early victory for The Obamassiah.

Some threads pulled from a lot of different analyses:

1. It’s been blantantly obvious that most pollsters (I say “most” only because there is ONE I know of that hasn’t done so… very much) have greatly weighted polling in favor of a Dhimmicrappic vote. Up by an average of over 10 points (some figures show 13) more than previous years. The “big lead” for The One going in could be a myth… one the Hivemind wants to be a self-fullfilling myth.
2. There’s some small evidence that non-responders in political polls (as opposed to so-called undecideds–more on them later) are high this year. Non-responders typically vote more heavily Repugnican’t than Dhimmicrap. When they vote at all (another reason for the Hivemind attempts–even this early in the day–to suppress the Repugnican’t vote).
3. So-called “undecideds” have remained high up to the last minute. These so-called “undecideds” who do end up voting usually break conservative.

Possibly overbalancing these things are the, by now, traditional Dhimmicappic vote fraud efforts. Who can forget Claire McCaskill’s “win” that resulted from illegally keeping the polls open re-opening the polls in St. Louis so Dhimmicrappic workers could sweep the “hiways and byways” for more votes? Or the outright, in your face fraud in Washington and Ohio and Pennsylvania? And with ACORN and others flooding individual precincts nationwide with obvious voter registration fraud aimed at vote fraud for socialist candidates, legitimate voters can easily find themselves flooded with and washed away by the fraudulent Left. (Yeh, I know all the memes of the left decrying vote fraud by the right. Almost all lies told by people well-practiced in The Big Lie Repeated Often. The actual record is a far different thing. But then, if the leftards had to deal with facts, we’d HAVE no leftards to deal with.)

We’ll see what today b rings in votes. But mark my words: if the vote doesn’t turn out the way the Hivemind and its co-conspirators in the Dhimmicrappic Party want, look to the example Obama’s cousin from Kenya proffers. He lost the vote but won the presidency of Kenya on riots and insurrection by his supporters.

It could happen here, too. If it does, look for “sugar won’t melt in his mouth” plausible deniability from Obama. It’ll be another lie, of course, but he’ll have some sort of cover, and the Hivemind will lap it up and vomit it right back into the mouths of receptive sheeple.

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Big Dog’s Weblog, Democrat=Socialist, A Newt One, nn&v, and Stageleft, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Barack Hussein Obama: the Affirmative Action Presidential Candidate

Affirmative action is that process of conferring racial preference for a job candidate without regard to their ability to actually perform the job well. It’s a fundamentally condescending, paternalistic, racist assuaging of false white guilt as normally applied in giving preference to unqualified job candidates who are “people of color” or members of otherwise officially-designated so-called “minority” groups.

And that pretty well describes The Obamassiah’s candidacy. By any measure, he’s the least-qualified person in the race, based on experience and accomplishment alone. His record of past behavior and alliances (NOT “associations” but full-fledged, intimately working together alliances) with open racists, communists and felons would be automatic disqualifiers in any other candidate, while his lack of accomplishment in any field other than running for office (counting his first couple of races where his most notable accomplishments were getting other candidates thrown off the ballot) are nil.

Heck, in the last century, even Dhimmi Kahtah was more qualified to serve as president.

The Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind’s treatment of The Obamassiah’s candidacy reads like a CYA human resources glowing report of an affirmative action job candidate, filled with code words that all say nothing but “HE’S BLACK; WE HAVE TO HIRE HIM!”

Thomas Sowell takes a slighly different tack to my assessment in a recent column, “Believers in Barack,” wherein he focuses on folks who close their eyes to facts, planning instead to vote with blind feeling as their motivation. But either assessment depends upon overlooking his disqualifiers and inflating his accomplishments past any reason.

And then there are those who support him precisely because he is a Marxist and crypto-Islamist “Mansourian Candidate“.

The Obamassiah: the candidate for racists, Holocaust-lovers and unthinking loons.

He’s not the first presidential candidate to be a racist. He’s not the first presidential candidate to be a Jew-hater. He’s not even the first presidential candidate to be a Marxist. But as far as I can tell, he’s the first presidential candidate to be all three AND be presented by a major political party.

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“I have a dream… “

No, not that one (although, it would be nice if The Obamassiah shared that dream instead of the racist dreams he apparently has). I have a small dream, and not the one of a restoration of the Founders’ Constitutional Republic, either. But before my small dream (OK, daydream, fantasy, whatever), this, found at Stop the ACLU:

That’s right. Obama was talking openly of taking from white folks to give to black folks as his “wealth redistribution plan” at least as far back as 1995 (while he was serving on the board of the Woods Fund with the openly “proud” communist terrorist, Bill Ayers).

Now, my daydream?

1. Obama goes down hard on November 4. Shows his true colors as a race-baiter and incites and encourages black violence.
2. Tony Rezko, singing like a canary, implicates The One in his crimes and an indictment is lodged.
3. The FEC finally gets off its hinky fundament and performs its due dilligence, discovers over half of The One’s fundraising was from illegal sources, in illegal aggregate amounts, etc. Indictments follow.
4. Philip Berg’s fraud case against The One finally gains traction and facts show Obama has not been an American citizen at any time in his life. He’s arrested as an illegal alien, his wealth is tied up in the fraud case and
5. All these charges are upheld, convictions won, case for fraud won by Berg (wiping out Obama’s millions in restitution to defrauded legal contributors).
6. A penniless, disgraced Obama, headed for the federal lockup and then deportation after serving his sentences is offered mercy by a benevolent McCain: commutation of his sentences in return for service to the country he has defrauded and attempted to destroy. All sentences held in abeyance as long as Obama never sets foot in the US again, never interferes in US politics or foreign policy or in any other way, shape, fashion or form performs acts which have an impact on the welfare of the US.

Well, a guy can (day)dream, can’t he? The fact that the consequences of The Obamassiah’s duplicitous behavior will certainly not all come home to roost is almost sure. But

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” Galatians 6:7

Go God!


Trackposted to Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Cao’s Blog, NN&V, and McCain Blogs, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

People of the Light?

Not talking about Mass Media Podpeople whenever “people of the light” are mentioned.

See Orson Scott Card’s article at The Rhincerous Times of Greennsboro, NC. A taste:

Would the Last Honest Reporter Please Turn On the Lights?

by Orson Scott Card

October 20, 2008
An open letter to the local daily paper — almost every local daily paper in America:

I remember reading All the President’s Men and thinking: That’s journalism. You do what it takes to get the truth and you lay it before the public, because the public has a right to know.

This housing crisis didn’t come out of nowhere. It was not a vague emanation of the evil Bush administration.

It was a direct result of the political decision, back in the late 1990s, to loosen the rules of lending so that home loans would be more accessible to poor people. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were authorized to approve risky loans.

What is a risky loan? It’s a loan that the recipient is likely not to be able to repay.

The goal of this rule change was to help the poor — which especially would help members of minority groups. But how does it help these people to give them a loan that they can’t repay? They get into a house, yes, but when they can’t make the payments, they lose the house — along with their credit rating.

They end up worse off than before.

This was completely foreseeable and in fact many people did foresee it. One political party, in Congress and in the executive branch, tried repeatedly to tighten up the rules. The other party blocked every such attempt and tried to loosen them…

…It’s not too late. You know that if the situation were reversed, and the truth would damage McCain and help Obama, you would be moving heaven and earth to get the true story out there.

If you want to redeem your honor, you will swallow hard and make a list of all the stories you would print if it were McCain who had been getting money from Fannie Mae, McCain whose campaign had consulted with its discredited former CEO, McCain who had voted against tightening its lending practices…

More, much more, at the LINK.

Interesting that it would take a lifelong Democrat to upbraid the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind so unequivocally. Maybe, if there remain even a few more–a remnant of honest, decent men and women–such people in the Democratic Party (and hopefully a few in the Replublican Party as well), just maybe there is hope for the republic of the Foun ders that once was.

I’ll not hold my breath, though. Rather, I’ll use it to cheer such folks on. Way to go, Card!

h.t. Jerry Pournelle’s mailbag

Trackposted to Blog @ MoreWhat.com, , Faultline USA, DragonLady’s World, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, Conservative Cat, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

I think that word DOES mean what you think it means…

Isn’t it nice for The Chosen One to take time from his busy schedule to visit my humble blog? *heh*

Barack Obama | info@whiterabbitcult.com | whiterabbitcult.com | IP:

I really like what you had to say here! It\’s about time! Would you mind if I placed a link back from my blog?

Can anyone say,


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Joe the Plumber, Meet Ed the Dairyman


What’s to add to that? (Oh, there are details of the Obama tax proposals that are far, far worse than depicted in this lil clip, but 5th grade–or lower–math is about the level of most college graduate sheeple, so we’ll just let it go at that.)

Trackposted to , Mark My Words, , Right Truth, DragonLady’s World, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Leaning Straight Up, NN&V, Democrat=Socialist, Stageleft, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

I Am Joe

Join in, everyone. Iowahawk shows us how.

I am a Wal Mart schlub in flyover country who changes my own oil and unclogs drains without a license. I.. drink beer and toss the [frisbee*] in the front yard with my kid, and I figure I can fend my way without handouts from some Magic Messiah’s candy bags. Most everyone in my family and most everyone I grew up with is another Joe, and if you screw with them, you screw with me.

What the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind’s Chosen One and his Obamabot minions have chosen to do with their attacks on “Joe the Plumber” for asking the questions that revealed The One as a raging socialist is nothing short of declaring war on free political speech, on the middle class itself, on The American Dream.

It’s time to answer their declaration of war with the “I am Spartacus” of the 21st Century:

I am Joe, and when you screw with Joe, you screw with me.

Whatever you vote for, it is time to vote NObama. NObama is a vote FOR free speech, a vote FOR middle class values and a vote FOR the American dream, not Karl Marx’s (and Obama’s) Americas of class warfare, rampant socialism and the neutering of economic freedom.

BTW, I echo Iowahawk’s injunction:

…If you want to use it [the graqphic] as a bumper sticker, please feel free to download the image and apply with duct tape. If you want, office supply stores sell blank bumper stickers that you can put in your printer. PLEASE do not patronize any merchandise vendors (Cafe Press, etc.) who are trying to make a buck off this, unless EVERY LAST RED CENT of the proceeds go directly to Joe Wurzelbacher.

(*Yes, I changed a word and cut two to make the diatribe fit me more closely.)

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, A Blog For All, NN&V, and Democrat=Socialist, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.