I Have No Problem With Snake Oil

…as long as it’s packaged, promoted and sold as snake oil and is actually oil squeezed from real snakes. But the idea that “stimulus” money taken FROM the economy and then passed through the “feddle gummint” money laundering system and passed out to *wink-win-nudge-nudge* “create new jobs” would in any way, shape fashion or form actually BE a stimulus to the economy is a lie that has been openly displayed as such time and time and time again.

For that, those who spout this shit (yes, I mean that what is coming out of their mouths is verbal fecal matter–toxic verbal fecal matter at that) would, in a sane society, be tarred, feathered and set afire to light the way to a brighter tomorrow.

Sadly, the Eighth Amendment outlaws “cruel and unusual punishments” even for the political filth that spread such toxic sewage on the public.


Couldn’t we have another amendment carving out an exception for this filth?

Jimmy Hoffa & Obama Declare War on… America

That’s what it sounds like to me.

Gallup: TEA Party demographics represent mainstream America

Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. (with The Zero egging him on):

“We got to keep an eye on the battle that we face: The war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. And you know, there is only one way to beat and win that war. The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what? They’ve got a war, they got a war with us and there’s only going to be one winner. It’s going to be the workers of Michigan, and America. We’re going to win that war.”

Yep. Declaring war on mainstream Americans sounds pretty much like declaring war on America to me. Not that it makes much difference, as The Zero and his partners in crime have been at war with America from the inception of this administration. After all, he has admitted–though he’d lie about having done so–that his own policies are against the interests of the American people, destructive of our economy and detrimental to the republic. Don’t believe me? Remember the number $4Trillion (and change) and think… eight years vs 2.5 years. Hmmm, what is he telling us?

Now, Here’s a People With the Right Idea

Iceland’s On-going Revolution

(Go ahead and read. I’ll still be here when you get back… )

Of course, participatory government depends upon a literate and well-informed populace, something Iceland has and the U.S. no longer does.

But were such a thing to take place here–a literate and well-informed electorate to effect a peaceful, constitutional revolution, I’d like to see one thing especially come from it.
I’d like to see a change to the eighth amendment excluding both elected federal officials and “feddle gummint bureaucraps” from protections against “cruel and unusual punishment” so those convicted of abusing their offices/positions could be tarred, feathered and used as “parade torches” on July 4th every year.

Of course, it would take following the amendment process fully, so that such proper and due punishments could be effected legally… 🙂

The Zero Ardently Seeking One Term

Here, he defines “patriotism” and “irresponsibility” and unwittingly provides testimony to citizens who would prefer a responsible patriot, at the very least, in the office of the Presidency:

If there is any justice, any balance in the universe, this clip–the central “witness” by The Zero to his own definitions of “irresponsible” and “unpatriotic”–will haunt him for the rest of his natural days and, at the very least, will serve to hoist him by his own petard in 2012. If not, then there will be a whole lotta folks echoing Marvin:

Silly Seasoning

I get email offers from Mother Earth News all the time. It’s all because I purchased a set of 40 years of MEN on CDs some time ago (now, that was a good buy: buried in those CDs, along with all the hyperventilating about Evul Capitalizm Destroying the Wurld is also a wealth of very useful how-to stuff… and the hyperventilating is amusing) Yeh, yeh, I know I can unsubscribe, but I find the blatant commercializing of greenie values funny.

Case in point: the most recent mailout featuring–I kid you not–

Exclusive Offer: Eco-Friendly Products for Your Natural Kitchen

So much to mock, so little desire to spend the effort…

Linked in the email is a buncha overpriced crap you can get better versions of at Walmart, “Tarjhay” or Amazon.com, if you really wanted to. But I mean, who really wants reusable grocery bags? Just another thing to throw in the wash all the time. Plastic’s great. Plenty of uses 1 2 3, and anyone who really wants to pour money down a rat hole (instead of pounding sand in it like any sensible person) in today’s economy rather than have a useful resource they’re already paying for is, IMO, an idiot.

Oh, and there’s plenty of oil and more than enough inexpensive energy available with current known reserves and technologies to last mankind into as rich a future as we might want. All that’s required to make use of these things is to stop listening to the greenies, cut them OUT of the political system, let them rot on the vine. Real conservationists (what people who care about clean water, clean air, “clean” soil, renewable resources, and the like were called before the advent of the ‘environmental” religion) USE what is available as widely as they can, not simply crush anyone who wants to use it at all or play the “I’m morally superior because I wear sandals made out of roots and bark by third world slaves,” game.

The First Refuge of Scoundrels…

…is outright, blatant, baldfaced lies.

Rep. Frederica Wilson and her co-conspirators in the Black Caucus hector the TEA Party movement for wanting to reinstitute slavery, making clear that to her, ” …the real enemy is the [sic] Tea Party.”*

And you know, in part she is right. HER real enemies ARE those who desire justice, fiscal responsibility and a respect for the rule of law, in other words, TEA Party folks. Lying about what TEA Party principles are is simply standard operating procedure for this class of scum.

At that same meeting, for example, one of Wilson’s co-conspirators, Jesse Jackson (non “reverend” he), claimed that TEA Party folks are members of the same class of people that once, in his words, comprised a “Fort Sumter Tea Party that sought to maintain states’ rights and slavery.”

That’s right folks. This class of slanderers claims that people whose entire stated aims (and behaviors) have been focused on calling the “feddle gummint” to account for fiscal irresponsibility, a disrespect for the rule of law and for institutionalized injustices just want to return black folk to the plantation as slaves.

And, for some of them in their deluded fantasies, this may be an honest–though psychotic–view. Others, like Wilson, Jackson and Waters, simply and correctly see justice, the rule of law and fiscal responsibility as serious threats to their exercise of power and influence, and so any calls for real justice, genuine fiscal responsibility and serious adherence to the rule of law are enemy action. Continue reading “The First Refuge of Scoundrels…”