Nazi Pelosi passes flatus about companies receiving Obumacare waivers:
“They’re all small companies.”
Right, dumbass. Like McDonalds and Walmart.
What a tool. What a dull, dull tool.
"In a democracy (‘rule by mob’), those who refuse to learn from history will be the majority and will dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance."
Nazi Pelosi passes flatus about companies receiving Obumacare waivers:
“They’re all small companies.”
Right, dumbass. Like McDonalds and Walmart.
What a tool. What a dull, dull tool.
We stopped giving candy to kids who came by several years ago when the normative behavior seemed to have become, “Gimme!” instead of a more polite and appreciative behavior. I’d consider dispensing candy again if I had a couple of these filled with “penny candy” and set to dispense a couple of lil pieces of candy for a quarter.
“Gimme,” indeed. Little monsters. (And I include the parents of those little monsters who went around demanding their candy when I say “little monsters”. At the very least, they have tiny, withered ethics and little positive influence on their children, the front line monsters.)
As the comment went at The Coalition of the Swilling, where I saw this,
I’m sure whoever’s idea it was has been sacked. Along with all the llama trainers.
Watch Does U.S. Economic Inequality Have a Good Side? on PBS. See more from PBS NewsHour.
1. DO watch the whole thing and
2. DO share this with everyone you know!
Since the Feds were directly responsible for more than 2/3 of the risky sub-prime mortgages that led to the crash, why, oh why, aren’t the Republican candidates making that argument? From IBD:
Oh, BTW, the other less than a third of risky mortgages? Oh, they were mandated by the Feds, anyway…
Shooting fish in a barrel, tasking candy from babies: both several orders of magnitude harder than ridiculing OWS, since the OWS crowd does that to itself without even being aware of it. Exhibit #3,476:
She (that is female, isn’t it?) can’t figure this one out on her own? Of course not. Such self-made idiots need to go live in an assisted thinking facility. “Here, dearie, don’t bother with trying to think things through. Let me make all your decisions for you.” After all, it’d just be the next reasonable step from letting the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind and Academic Nut Fruitcakes do their all their so-called “thinking” for them.
And, even given the expenses, I think such a move could be a net gain for society as a whole.
The filthy “Occupy Wall Street” dumbasses have gained three new supporters:
Obama extends support for protesters
Nazis and Communists Throw Their Support Behind Occupy Wall Street Movements
Of course.
UPDATE: More commie/socialist/statist-tyrannist birds flock to join the OWS unwashed:
Investors, capitalists, entrepreneurs–you know, actual business people–create jobs.
Politicians destroy them.
See? A it’s just natural division of labor.
…on whom the greedy socialistas prey; They prey on thee.
Elizabeth Warren suggests–nay! blatantly proclaims!–that the greedy capitalists OWE the proceeds of their labor and risk to society (as if, as a “class” [group] they do not already pay a larger share of taxes, both in gross amount and in percentage of income, than other classes).
Readers of Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Manor blog (and Pournelle himself) point out a few obvious flaws in Warren’s pronouncements on so-called “fairness”.
UPDATE: Although many other sites go into great detail demolishing the sugar-coated toxic proclamations Elizabeth Warren
is making, Roxeanne, over at Datechguy’s Blog has a very readable version of the major arguments. Good reading. A sample? Sure:
According to Elizabeth Warren, the moment you first flip a switch in that factory and start producing a good, you are an evil rich person who needs to “give back”, because building that factory just sort of happened, without effort, intellect, financial risk, or the employment of others. Had this chickie even run a lemonade stand, she would understand the fallacy in her thinking.
Glenn Reynolds suggests Elizabeth Warren do some remedial reading (below the fold)
I would suggest we start by confiscating all of Warren’s assets to go toward achieving the social ends she seeks. I mean, it’s not as if she’s ever done anything substantive to “give back” to society. Lawyer? Law professor? We have too many of those already.
And another UPDATE, this from Jerry Pournelle on 09/28/11:
As to Ms. Warren’s viral speech about how others paid for the roads and the schools and the police force, I would have thought those are mostly paid by local property taxes, and if the factory owner has got away with not paying those he’s pretty clever. I would have thought that factory owners paid a lot of property taxes. How much of that is fair is, I would presume, a matter for local communities. Raise them too much and the factory moves elsewhere, as Massachusetts has long ago discovered. Of course the remedy for that, according to liberals, is to eliminate competition – make the taxes national so they can’t be escaped. Oddly enough that was all debated as part of the Convention of 1787, but you’d never guess that from listening to this Harvard Professor, who doesn’t seem to have read The Federalist Papers or Tocqueville. But then that’s not too surprising.
Indeed. (BTW, you’re up pretty late, Jerry, “Get some rest. If you haven’t got your health, then you haven’t got anything.” ;-))
And do not neglect Ms. Warren’s remedial reading, below.
Continue reading “Ask Not…”
Amazing. Most politicians will score at least 3 out of 9, but our current p-resident of the White Café Au Lait House scores a perfect 9 of 9, as far as I can tell from what is on the record of his past and present behaviors.
1) has a grandiose sense of self- importance ( exaggerates achievements, and talents, expects to be recognized as superior )
2) is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love)
3) believes he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions
4) requires excessive admiration
5) has a sense of entitlement, i.e, unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his/her expectations
6) is interpersonally exploitive, ie, takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
7) lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings of others
8 ) is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
9) shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.
5 of 9 comprise a definitive diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (DSM-IV, 301.81). Treatment, while primarily via hospitalization with medical personnel who essentially humor the grandiose delusions of these people is essentially just long term “talk therapy” in one-on-one and group babble as the only real treatment options offered.
Personally, I think these sorts of people should just be drugged and warehoused for the protection of society.