What Do Barack Obama and Anders Breivik Have in Common?

It seems the P-resident of the (dys)United States and the Norwegian shooter have some substantial things in common:

  • They both apparently claim to be “Christian” (at least for values of “Christian” that the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind recognizes as valid) and
  • They both espouse the values of the Loony Left; The Zero those of the leftist bomb team of Ayers and Dorhn, Breivik those of the equally leftist Unabomber.

Of course, The Zero and Breivik apparently have another thing in common. Since they both reportedly claim to be “Christians” but have behaved in ways that openly, blatantly, flamboyantly contradict the teachings of Christ, then they are both also liars.

Yeh, yeh, I know the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind insists on calling Breivik a “right-winger” but anyone who has one of the Hivemind’s favorite left wingnuts as the PRIMARY source for his own “manifesto” is no right-wing anything, and the fact that that Hivemind insists on the lie says more about the Hivemind than about Breivik.

A Simple Equation

The Reality-Based Fantasies of the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, Academia Nut Fruitcakes, Hollyweird and all the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade of leftard fellow travelers and useful idiots is to reality what “Reality TV” is to, well, reality. That is, both classes, the Reality-Based Fantasies of the left and “Reality TV” are simply lies. That “Reality TV” shows are putatively innocuous lies, supposedly entertaining (though I have never found them so, even though I’ve given each one at least one shot to garner my attention, just to be fair) and highly-manipulated fictions set in extremely unreal circumstances designed to primarily just waste brain-dead viewers’ time (and kill a few more brain cells), the lies of the left are designed for more nefarious purposes.

But both are, in essence, simply lies.

So, [the left’s Reality-Based Fantasies~”Reality TV”]=Lies.

If You Prefer Your Coffee With Cream…

…you must be a racist, if one were to judge by the standards of The Zero’s allies and other assorted leftards. Why, oh why, can you not appreciate BLACK coffee?

[This micro-mini-rant brought about by a dumbass commenter in another forum who accused me of being racist–and of being excessively “white” and a “hater” whatever that means–for my lack of appreciation for the finer points of The Zero’s policies. I predicted this sort of thing when The Zero first announced his presidential candidacy, but that doesn’t mean I enjoy having been prophetic.]

Defund NPR!

No Shiite! (Seriously: the Muslim Brotherhood which is the pretext for this investigative report, is Sunni, so “No Shiite!” is correct… in more senses than one*… )

*Recently, in “polite” conversation, I have taken to substituting “”Shiite!” for a word that means much the same thing but which has only one “i” and no “e”.

Ensuring Government Jobs

Just another part of The 0’s “jobs strategy”–plenty of trash to ensure adequate “work” for government workers. The more messes leftards can create, the more “workers” they need to clean the messes up (and I don’t just mean messes like that featured in the video)… and make more messes for more “workers” to clean up (while making more messes… )

The Decline

Obama and his co-conspirators have one story, but the facts on the ground call them liars:

Libtards Will Say Anything

Really. Here’s James Taranto at the Wall Street Journal hoisting Paul Krugman (New York Slimes) with his own petard*. It seems John Kyl asserted that overly-generous unemployment benefits result in disincentives to seek work, an assertion Paul Krugman countered with,

“To me, that’s a bizarre point of view–but then, I don’t live in Mr. Kyl’s universe.”

And, that the Democrats’ view–that generous unemployment benefits are NOT disincentives to seeking further employment–are, “what textbook economics says.”

Taranto then quotes from an economic textbook, “Macroeconomics,” authored by Krugman,

Public policy designed to help workers who lose their jobs can lead to structural unemployment as an unintended side effect. . . . In other countries, particularly in Europe, benefits are more generous and last longer. The drawback to this generosity is that it reduces a worker’s incentive to quickly find a new job. Generous unemployment benefits in some European countries are widely believed to be one of the main causes of “Eurosclerosis,” the persistent high unemployment that affects a number of European countries.

That’s right. Libtards think

  1. No one will check to see whether they’re liars or not and
  2. No one cares whether they’re liars or not, anyway.

They might be almost right about the second. We’ll see come November.

Janet Napolitano Rides the Short Bus to Reality…

…taking the slow route. The REALLY slow route.

Fox News: Janet Napolitano admits Fort Hood massacre was “Violent Islamic Terrorism”

Well, duh, dumbass. What was your first clue, Sherlock? It’s closing in on four months since Nidal Malik Hasan killed 13 and wounded 30 at Ft. Hood while shouting Islamic B.S., and Janet Napolitano is just now figuring out it was an act of Islamic terrorism.


With people like this in charge of national security issues, the Islamic savages only need to be smarter than the average first first grader. Heck, illiterate morons outclass our Homeland Security chief.

I repeat:
