Condemn Racism: Vote McCain/Palin


I’m growing weary of (read, “getting royally pissed off by”) Mass Media Podpeople, Academia Nut Fruitcakes, leftard politicians *spit* and others of their ilk telling me that because I strongly disagree with The Obamassiah’s policy statements, even more strongly dislike his lies and deliberate, slanderous distortions, false accusations of lying against people who simply reveal his record, lack of basic historical-political (apparently no idea of Russia’s role in the Security Council), geographical (“been to 57 states” [with one more in the Continental states to get to] but not “allowed” to go to Alaska or Hawaii–at that time–IOW, thought the U.S. to be comprised of 60 states!) and cultural (“clinging to guns and religion”) knowledge, and contempt for middle America, and more–because of all that, I am a racist.

*throws the bullshit flag*

The Loony Left Moonbat Brigade (weak swisher-sister inheritors of the Red Brigade) wants an unqualified liar, slanderer, communist and apparent racist to be elected on the Affirmative Action/Racial Quota ticket. Now, if that’s not blatant racism, what is? As Paul Jacob said in a recent Common Sense episode (no, I didn’t listen, but I read the transcript*):

…would it not be racist, condescending, unjust, and downright stupid for us voters to treat a black man’s qualifications for the job of president as irrelevant, just to prove we’re not racist?

Indeed it would be racist to do so, and so it is the leftards who accuse non-racist folk like me of being what they themselves are: racists.

Ahhh, play on false guilt to enable expansion of the “feddle gummint’s” plantation. Sneaky, dishonest and sure to play well with the sheeple.


So here’s the only response people who despise racism can make to this sort of racist Affirmative Action/Racial Quota campaign: Vote McCain/Palin.

UPDATE: Another example of racism, bias and The Hivemind in the tank? See Michelle Malkin (h.t. The World According to Carl) for the story. Malkin suggests calling the organizers of the debate (202-872-1020) or emailing Janet H. Brown ( to express your views. Here’s what I emailed:

Dear Ms. Janet H. Brown:

Are you aware of the strong conflict of interest Gwen Ifill has that seriously impairs her appearance of impartiality in tonight’s scheduled Biden-Palin Vice Presidential debate? You are aware, are you not, that she has an hagiographic book about Barack Obama (“The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama”) scheduled for release on January 20, 2009? The publisher’s blurb, including such comments as, “THE BREAKTHROUGH is a remarkable look at contemporary politics and an essential foundation for understanding the future of American democracy,” alone should be enough to cast serious doubt on Ifill’s capacity to be an impartial moderator.

May I respectfully suggest replacing Ifill before the reputation of your organization suffers irreparable harm, and that, in the future, a better job of vetting moderators be done?

(Alternatively, I do like the suggestion of some that Governor Palin open her remarks by congratulating Ms. Ifill on the upcoming release of her book and ask her to tell everyone the full title… Oopsie. :-))

*re: NOT listening to radio talk, etc. Try it. Stop only listening to so-called “news” and commentary on radio and TV. Find the transcripts and read what was said. It’ll be an eye-opener. Absent vocal (and with TV, visual) distractions, content becomes king, and often better understanding of what was said ensues. Heck, when something reads a bit hinky, diagram the sentence(s) out and note the actual relationships of words. Yes, sometimes listening can reveal more, but at the very least read what was said as well. (*heh* Anyone who didn’t twig to Clinton’s manipulation of the truth when he said, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman. *pause* Miss [yes, that is what he said, and not one single feminista objected to that any more than they did to his sexual predation] Lewinsky,” just wasn’t paying attention. Indeed, every. single. time. he uttered that lie, he placed that very significant pause in exactly the same place. Think about it. So yes, sometimes listening can be helpful. See here, the last 35 or so seconds.)

Trackposted to Blog @, The Pink Flamingo, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Wolf Pangloss, Democrat=Socialist, The World According to Carl, and Shadowscope, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Racist Lefties

The decades-long cynical use of the racism stick by lefties to both promote racial divide and keep blacks on the welfare plantation, strictly for the political gain of the Left, has become more openly strident and destructive as the presidential race has progressed. As more and more lefty politicians *spit* like Kansas’s Gov. Kathleen Sebelius and more and more lefty political cheerleaders in publications like Time (the weekly fiction magazine) and outlets like CNN (and, well, the rest of the Hivemind aparatus) spout the “Only racism can explain an Obama defeat” meme, the blatant racism of the left becomes more and more apparent.

Look, as Dennis Prager points out, the poll that has brought about the recent epidemic of vapors among Hivemind commenters and lefty pols indicates that “a fairly significant percentage of Democrats and independents may not vote for Sen. Barack Obama because of his race.” (Prager also points out that the poll doesn’t actually indicate that, but that, of course, makes no difference to reality-based fantsists any more than the poor design of the poll does).

Hello, dumbasses! IF the poll indicates racism as a factor against The One, then it indicates racism in your own camp! And, of course, the weeping (crocodile tears, no doubt) and wailing and gnashing of teeth over the supposition that only racism can defeat The One is simply an attempt to play the race card to attempt guilting the gullible into voting for The Obamassiah.

Disgusting. Especially since The One is really no more “black” than 80% or more of the rest of America. At most, he’s just another Oreo Marxist playing at racial and social divide to gain personal power.

If all the lefty prepping of the plantation inhabitants for rioting at an Obamassiah loss pays off for them, maybe “white” America should all start prepping for CCW licenses. *sigh* Can anyone say, “Inciting race wars”?

This is definitely uncool, folks.

Add to this the “anything goes” disregard for anything approaching truth at every level–from “astroturfing” amid the Dhimmicrappic Underpants left wingnuts/Daily KOSsacks (remember” “righty-tighty/lefty-loosey”?–left wingnuts are all loosed from reality) all the way to the Obamassiah’s own pronouncements (one among many that include his lying accusations that McCain lies about The One’s record *sigh*), and the political landscape in these DYSunited States is looking a bit grim.

(Oh, there’s much, much more. I have a pretty strong stomach, but every single one of the Obama ads I have seen has shaded from lies that are subtle distortions of the truth to outright, blatant libel. Every. Single. One. Makes even my stomach roil in protest. There is a place in hell–Dante’s eighth circle or ninth? Or dual residency?–for such as this.)

No, dumbass, racist lefties, if Obama goes down in the election, it’ll be because–mirabile dictu!–the electorate turns out to be not quite as stupid and venal as I sincerely believe it to be. I hope I’m wrong, for a change, about the level of stupidity of the American voter. (Now, that’s hope and change for the better!)

UPDATE: Even Cal Thomas is not immune to the racist brainwashing bushwah from the left,

America very much likes the idea of a person of color becoming president, if for no other reason than to serve as partial propitiation for our individual and collective sins against blacks.

If it is true that “America” seeks propitiation for “partial propitiation for our individual and collective sins against blacks” then I am not a part of that America. Period. I have never been a part individually OR collectively of any “sins against blacks” and I repudiate in the strongest erms possible ANY imputation of such wrongdoing against me. Such stupidity is not something I have ever or will ever countenance. Skin color makes no difference to me in my treatment of others, nor has it ever. Yes, I do recognize some very real and specific cultural problems blacks inflict upon themselves, as well as some past wrongs by society in which I did not participate in any way, shape, fashion or form. Neither are my fault or responsibility, and imuting some sense of guilt to me for wrongs perpetrated upon blacks by themselves and others is shameful, wrong and utterly without basis.

And I suspect a lot of other people like me, who have never wron ged a black person because of the color of their skin feel exactly the same way. Stop blaming US for the problems of an entire sector of society.

(BTW, yes, I did have some ancestors who fought for their Constitutional rights. I also had some ancestors who fou ght for the North, as well. Neither were truly fighting to end slavery, and in fact those who fought for the North were simply fighting for a slavery with more “plausible deniability”–and so neither get much credit for the eventual extension of full civil rights to all citizens.)

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Is That a Fine/Imprisonment Per Flag?

I wonder, who should pay the fines/serve the time? The DNC Convention organizers, the candidate? Who? (I’m for the candidate paying the fines, serving the time. *heh* Hey! It was his party!)

THIS TITLE WAS ENACTED BY ACT JUNE 25, 1948, CH. 645, SEC. 1, 62 STAT. 683

§ 700. Desecration of the flag of the United States; penalties
(a)(1) Whoever knowingly mutilates, defaces, physically defiles, burns, maintains on the floor or ground, or tramples upon any flag of the United States shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.

Perspiring minds just wanna know…

Update: Someone asked me (not in comments) how I could lay the responsibility for this behavior at The Obamassiah’s feet. Let me allow Thomas Lifson to respond:

One thing to be alert for here is how Barack Obama will respond to this colossal blunder. If history is any guide, Obama will try to divert responsibility to his staff, but then wasn’t it Barry who just this week has been reminding the world that he is the executive responsible for running his giant campaign organization?

“Unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.”–Jesus (But, of course, given The Obamassiah’s religious experiences, one could not justifiably expect him to relate to that… so how about something more on his level… )

“With great power comes great responsibility.”–Spiderman

“Who? Me?”–The Obamassiah