Quick Comment on Argument

Just saw it again in a forum where I have come to expect such things (which is why I don’t frequent the place but just drop by maybe once a month or so): some idiot making a false accusation of “ad hominem attack”. *sigh* I commented there and am cutting/pasting here, with redactions to obscure the original comments.

Saying, “You are a monster, therefore you believe such and so” is an ad hominem attack, because it falsely argues that the cause of a line of argument lies in the character of the arguer. While that may be the case, argument must be made against what a person asserts and not who the person is.

OTOH, saying, “You have done monstrous things, therefore you are a monster” is an arguable assertion and not an ad hominem attack.

And again, simply stating an opinion, based on observation of what someone has said and done that someone–based on the evidence in hand–is a dumbass, idiot, cretin, politician *spit* or some other derogatory appellation, is name-calling that does not fall under the rubric of “ad hominem fallacy” UNLESS it is presented as an argument attempting to refute another’s assertion. Such name-calling may be simply accurate labeling.

Since Mohamed, for example, did monstrous things and commanded that his followers do likewise, we can accurately label him as a monster, but any argument against his teachings must be based on what he said. Now, it may be possible to make the “monster Mohamed” argument against Islam, because Muslims are enjoined to look to Mohamed as the perfect man and to emulate his life. That being the case, we could, I suppose, legitimately argue that Islam is a monstrous hate cult based simply on the life of its founder, since ALL Muslim are to emulate him (Muslim females are to simply be the properly submissive property of some man, as taught and demonstrated by Mohamed), and his life and teachings are examples of monstrous, evil behavior.

Accuracy in labeling doesn’t have to equal ad hominem attacks.

“Burning a Koran is a waste of toilet paper”

But not to fear, as it’s not good toilet paper.

But do notice something (even those doctrinally illiterate Muslims who may stumble across this):

What’s shown in the picture is NOT a Koran. It’s a translation, which, according to the word of the founder of the hate cult, means IT IS NOT A KORAN. One could wipe with or burn or flush (or, somehow, all three :-)) such translations all day long, 365 days of the year and never once wipe with or burn or flush a Koran.

So, the next time you hear an al taqiyya -practicing Muslim or some Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind frothing at the mouth about some infidel “desecrating” Mohamed’s Textbook for Terrorists, ask yourself (or them, if they’re within shoutin’ distance) if it’s a real Koran or just a translation they’re frothing at the mouth about.

Whatever you do, I highly recommend reading a translation of the Koran. The old adage about knowing one’s enemy applies. Here’s an online version to read. You may feel a need to scrub your brain after doing so, perhaps an almost irresistible urge to poke your eyes out… but it’s still useful to discover just what an evil piece of work Mohamed was and the powerful, powerful influence he still exerts today, since Islam teaches that Mohamed’s words are ultimate truth and to be followed, his life emulated in all areas of Muslim life.

Compare and Contrast

A thought experiment: Based on past behavior, compare and contrast the likely chattering class response to the following hypothetical put forth by Jerry Pournelle:

Query: if I put in an application to the National Endowment for the Arts for $#!& Mohammed in which I will lower an Arabic Koran into a plastic ice chest of camel excrement, will that be counted as creative art and displayed in the National Art Museum?

Now, compare and contrast the chattering class’ likely response to what?

To anything–ANYTHING–an American, no the “chattering class” isn’t American; it’s anti-American–might respond with.

Any responses, class?


Is Too

I saw a post recently on FB where the author was a tad exercised by arguments by Islamic liars that Islam is a “race”. The post’s author was arguing, essentially, “Not!” I trumped his argument with,

“Islam is TOO a race… to hell.”

Never Forget

I’d like to see an electronic billboard playing this 24x7x365(.25) on a jumbo screen across the street from the site of the proposed Jihadist’s Cordoba House Victory Mosque in NYC:

Heck, I’d like to see it playing, along with an appropriate semi-permanent text message*, beside it on all sides of the proposed Jihadist’s Cordoba House Victory Mosque.

*For example, something like this:

Text could be varied by season. For example, during the Islamic new year, which celebrates Mohamed’s hijra (establishment of his warlord power in Medina), it could read,

“Happy Butcher of Medina Celebration, Pigdog Jihadists” or other epigram appropriate to the season that celebrates Mohamed’s massacre of 900 Banu Qurayzah Jewish men, the plundering of their goods, and the rape and enslavement of their women and children.


“A cult is any group uses psychological coercion to recruit, indoctrinate and retain its members. The group forms an elitist totalitarian society. The group founder leader is self-appointed, dogmatic, messianic, not accountable, has charismatic and narcissistic behavior issues. The group believes ‘the end justifies the means’ in order to solicit funds and recruit people. The group wealth does not benefit its members or society. Islam and their Allah is not a religion but no more than a cult political organization used to control their members to achieve worldwide conquest.”–John Tydlaska Jr. via Facebook.

Just An Honest Question

First, a little background of a personal nature. Long time readers of this lil space in the interwebs know that we lost two family members last year, Son&Heir’s “Boys”–his two dogs–went to their heavenly reward. We’ve not gotten another dog since, though I was sorely tempted earlier this week when some clients offered me a sweet American Pit Bull pup (almost a year old, but still very much a puppy). Nice dog, just didn’t know how I’d get him past my Wonder Woman. *heh*

Were I to have accepted their offer, I think I would have named the dog “Mohamed” (and called him simply “Mo” or “Ham”–maybe even “MoHam” or… “Ed” *heh*) and published pictures of him here with his pedigree… direct descent from the prophet of that hate cult, Islam, though the breed has obviously been much, MUCH improved since the generation of that pig-dog, The Butcher of Medina.

So, the question: since I have no dog to publish pictures of under the name “Mohamed” are there any readers of this space willing to take up the torch for me?


Cognitive Dissonance

I’m baffled by self-described libertarians who defend the idea of a “culture center” celebrating jihad’s most visible victory being installed a few hundred feet from round Zero in NYC. The “Cordoba House” (and doesn’t the very name say it all?) would be a celebration of everything libertarian thought supposedly despises: a hate cult that has for a millennium and a half expanded by means of violent imposition of its philosophy, offering only death, slavery, rape and pillage to those who refuse to submit to its hate cult.

But then, in my experience of the breed, most self-described libertarians are just wimpy crybabies anyway, concerned only when they see such tyranny attempt to impose itself on them. Watching a hate cult begin its campaign to impose itself on others is just fine and dandy by them. Every tyrannical cult in history has depended on people who say, “I am not my brother’s keeper.”

Muslim Man, Obama Donor, Arrested for Death Threat on Eric Cantor

Those peaceful Muslims again. Combine “peaceful Muslim” with “Obama donor” and you have the perfect Leftard:

Man arrested for threatening Cantor is an Obama donor, also threatened Holder and family

More typical as a Muslim than a Leftard, though, as he threatened not only a Repugnican’t congresscritter but an Attorney General *spit* who has done everything within his power to advance the cause of jihadis.

On second thought, Leftards aren’t well-known for avoiding such stupidities as threatening those with their aims at heart…

Now, although the guy was an Obama donor and is a Muslim, he’ll undoubtedly be characterized by the few Mass MEdia Podpeople who give the story more than two sentences as a “rigfht-wing extremist tea bagger”–anyone want to lay odds?

Janet Napolitano Rides the Short Bus to Reality…

…taking the slow route. The REALLY slow route.

Fox News: Janet Napolitano admits Fort Hood massacre was “Violent Islamic Terrorism”

Well, duh, dumbass. What was your first clue, Sherlock? It’s closing in on four months since Nidal Malik Hasan killed 13 and wounded 30 at Ft. Hood while shouting Islamic B.S., and Janet Napolitano is just now figuring out it was an act of Islamic terrorism.


With people like this in charge of national security issues, the Islamic savages only need to be smarter than the average first first grader. Heck, illiterate morons outclass our Homeland Security chief.

I repeat:
