Thanks for the Heads Up

Among other mind-boggling abortions of English literacy in a recently-read screed (including apostrophe abuses/neglects, comma splices, inexplicable “grammar” and syntax, & etc.) was this laughable phrase: “vest interest” (instead of “vested interest”) –attached to a comment that also had no basis in fact, of course.

I appreciated the writer going to such great lengths to let me know his opinion was worthless, so that I could forever after avoid his stupidity. Very helpful.

A Lil “Not-an-Experiment” Quasi-Semi-Sorta Experiment

No protocols for measurement of results, just a combination of procedures from different well-designed-and-conducted (IMO) experiments as presented in several papers downloaded from PubMed, as well as info posted directly on CDC site (no link here; anyone who’d “smarter than a third grader” can find the info for themselves with a simple web search. Not gonna hold hands and be “internet crossing guard” for adults):

Took a used disposable N-95 and (per CDC) subjected it to 170°F temps for 20 minutes (CDC says 165 for 15 mins), after having soaked it in a solution comprised of 75% ethanol, 25% concentrate of a medical-grade disinfectant (compatible with ethanol) that remains after ethanol evaporates.

Stored in disinfected (with above ethanol solution) vacuum sealed bag for use as filtration media–in place of HEPA filtration media-as supplementary filtration in a simple two-layer cloth mask that has the exterior treated with a hydrophobic compound to resist moisture (“droplets” anyone?)

This will be a very slight step down from the HEPA filtration media. . . but is plenty for allergy season. 🙂

N.B. Will also be just fine for wearing into those stores that “can’t” stay open w/o “masked bandits” for customers.

Sense Amid All the Nonsense About COVID-19

Just a couple of observations from my own amateur reading of research papers from PubMed, et al. . .

The severity of illness from a virus depends, to a VERY great extent, on how many viral particles one is exposed to at any one time. A large number of viral particles accumulated over a short period of time usually results in a more severe illness, while a small number of viral particles accumulated over a long period of time usually results in a much less severe illness, often with few or no symptoms expressed at all, with an immune system then able to ward off future infections by that virus.

This is why lowering viral load and spreading that lower viral load out over time is a more sensible strategy than foolishly attempting absolute prevention of infection by a virus (which is impossible unless one LIVES in a Level 4 biohazard lab, with absolutely NO infectious agents present–even in yourself).

Ineffable Mysteries

Among life’s ineffable mysteries: The Pet Shop Boys have apparently sold more than 100 million records.  *mind blown* Words fail.

How can anyone want to even live in a world where that is possible?

Ah, but life is a constant struggle against the absurd, isn’t it?

Perhaps this question is one for theology to address. . .

Commercial Nonsense

“I’m Jimmy Dean, and I wish I could tell you how I feel about a mornin’ like this.”

I wish you could, too, Jimmy, BUT YOU ARE DEAD.

Guy’s got Pinoochis*

Overheard recently: “Don’t you hate it when you see an old person, then realize you went to high school with them?” Yeh, well, that only happens to me when I see my sibs. . . and they wonder why they don’t see me often at all, at all. *heh*

*”pinoochis” is a neologism I sometimes use instead of “brains.”

Making Hay While the Sun Shines

Lone star tick, yesterday. I’m eatin’ all the red meat I can while I can. *heh* (Small, small, small chance of developing alpha-gal meat allergy, but I’m gonna test my system to “destruction” just in case. 🙂 ).