Guy Fawkes Night

Think about it. While I don’t advocate violent overthrow of government, the Gunpowder Plot is exactly what happens when unjust government pushes people too far. (It’s not advocacy of violence to simply note history and the fact that those who do not learn from history… etc.)

Question for the Weak

Joe Sobran:

I’ve never understood… why Darwinians are so militant about spreading their faith — wanting it taught to children in public schools, for example, with competing theories banned. Isn’t this the one idea, of all ideas, that ought to be able to take care of itself, without official support and coercion?

Hmmm, Darwinianism is anti-darwinian: can’t survive competition? Apparently that’s what contemporary Darwinians believe. Strange, that.

“Let [Truth] and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse, in a free and open encounter.” –Milton, “Areopagitica,” 1644

Or, as that 19th century proponent of Classical Liberalism, John Stuart Mill put it in his famous essay, On Liberty,

“[T]he peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error.”

So, why then do Darwinians get their panties in a twist about Intelligent Design (not to be confused or conflated with so-called “Creation Science”–as both disingenuous Darwinians and disingenuous Fundamnmentalists are wont to do–and no, I did not misspell “Fun-damn-mentalists”)? If it’s the bunkum Darwinians say it is, then a lively debate on the merits of both Darwinianism and Intelligent Design would be good for classrooms, since, IF the arguments of Darwinianism hold water, then ID shouldn’t have a chance in a fair fight.

But, as the Sobran quote illustrates, apparently Darwinians’ faith in their theory is not really all that strong…

Just an obseervation: much more often than not, when one voice in an argument seeks to exclude another voice from arguing at all, the one seeking to censor speech often has a weak argument. See: The Church of Anthropogenic Global Warming or the Obama White Cafe-au-lait (Grande, with a twist!) House.

As for me, I’ve always found such hand-waving and shouting down of opponents to be an incentive to dig into their opponents’ arguments to learn WHY such unfair or disingenuous actions are being taken against them.

And as form Darwinianism, that chief exponent of survival of the fittest, “Isn’t this the one idea, of all ideas, that ought to be able to take care of itself, without official support and coercion?”

Hmm, must have a weak argument.

BTW, for some of the “weak links” in Darwinian arguments, see chapter three in “Kicking the Sacred Cow” by James Hogan.


O Death, Where Is Thy Sting?

I began my life reading and enjoying poetry with Rudyard Kipling. I’d already heard plenty from my paternal grandfather quoting at length from Tennyson, Kipling, Stevenson and even Service, among others, but my first poetry reads were Kipling. Soon after, Robert Louis Stevenson and others followed. Here’s an old, old favorite of mine from Stevenson,


THE embers of the day are red
Beyond the murky hill.
The kitchen smokes: the bed
In the darkling house is spread:
The great sky darkens overhead,
And the great woods are shrill.
So far have I been led,
Lord, by Thy will:
So far I have followed, Lord, and wondered still.

The breeze from the enbalmed land
Blows sudden toward the shore,
And claps my cottage door.
I hear the signal, Lord – I understand.
The night at Thy command
Comes. I will eat and sleep and will not question more.

While I don’t understand a couple of the word choices (to my mind’s ear, “darkling” doesn’t add much either to the rhythm, or the meaning or visuals for that matter), and when I recite this from memory, I find I often edit those out *heh*, but the images, sounds and feelings of this piece speak to me more and more as the years pass.

I hear the signal, Lord – I understand.
The night at Thy command
Comes. I will eat and sleep and will not question more.

Of course, this was written during Stevenson’s long slide to death as a result of tuberculosis, as was “Requiem,” and they both reflect a growing comfort with approaching death.

Under the wide and starry sky,
Dig the grave and let me lie.
Glad did I live and gladly die,
And I laid me down with a will.

This be the verse you grave for me:
Here he lies where he longed to be;
Home is the sailor, home from the sea,
And the hunter home from the hill.

Quite different to Dylan Thomas’ view (Do Not Go Gentle Into that Good Night), eh?

Just stuff floating around in my head. Memories. When I was in college, I had a procession of minimum wage jobs to pay my way. One was in a nursing center, as an orderly dealing with “extended care” patients, many of whom nowadays would be in hospice care of some sort, almost all just on a short waiting list for the undertaker’s services. Some would “rage against the dying of the light” while others would reflect the attitudes Stevenson portrayed in these short, powerful pieces.

One dear old soul–in her late 90s with only rare visits from family (she didn’t have many left, it seemed, for some reason, although that seems backward)–was one who vacillated quite a bit between acceptance and rejection of her Final Destination. Nearly every night I worked there, she asked me to recite Tennyson’s Crossing the Bar for her. I ended up writing a tune (and piano accompaniment, although there was no piano available on the floor *heh*) for it, but that’s another story.

Crossing the Bar

Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar,
When I put out to sea.

But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
Too full for sound and foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless deep
Turns again home!

Twilight and evening bell,
And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
When I embark;

For though from out our bourn of Time and Place
The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
When I have crost the bar.

And what were these poets so confidently “singing” about?

Behold, I tell you a mystery;
we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,
at the last trumpet; for the trumpet shall sound,
and the dead will be raised imperishable,
and we shall be changed.
Then will come about the saying that is written,
“O Death, where is your victory?
O Death, where is your sting?” 1 Corinthians 15:51-52

So, where have my meanderings led me today? To 1 Corinthians 15:58

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

(And yeh, I set that to music at one point, too.)

Continuing the Saga of ISP Woes

You can tell by the title whether you want to read on or not.

Another hour on the phone (most just to get to a level 2 tech), because *drum roll with brass flourish*–Ta-Da! Cable ISP is acting flaky again. When it’s good? Well, when it’s good, it’s very, very good, but sporadically, pfzzt! it’s gone. Middle of a page load (or beginning or end), middle (or beginning or end): connection dies.

Two-and-a-half months of this kinda crap. Now, I didn’t complain when there was an 8.75 hour outage because some doofus cut soem fiber by digging where he shouldn’t have. Idiots just do things like that, and since it wasn’t an ISP idiot (as I verified) and I know how hard it can be to locate such improper digs and repair fiber while it’s coming down gully-washers (as it was yesterday), I had no complaint.

But thius intermittent service issue has been ongoing for 2.5 months now, and every service tech who’s come out has verified that the problem’s on the ISP end, not my end.

But. When it works, an 8+mbs download speed with a 700kbs upload speed beats my other “high speed” option, DSL.

Monthly charges for the ONLY DSL available from my location (from a lil mom n pop, 2-exchange POTS “service”):

DSL (128 kbps) w/o [Third World County] Long Distance* $ 55.00 per month with no contract
DSL (256 kbps) w/o [Third World County] Long Distance* $ 60.00 per month with no contract
DSL (512 kbps) w/o [Third World County] Long Distance* $ 67.50 per month with no contract
DSL (1 Meg) w/o [Third World County] Long Distance* $130.00 per month with no contract
DSL (1.5 Meg) w/o [Third World County] Long Distance* $180.00 per month with no contract
Static IP address $ 10.00 per month

*Installation Fee of $50.00 applies

With a one-year contract, those prices drop all the way down to $37.50, $43, $50, $80, & $130.

Notice that the fastest potential download “speed” is only about 18% of my usual (when actually connected) download “speed” and the maximum upload “speed” (not listed here) is about 10% of my normal (when actually connected) upload speed. The kicker? When I used to have dialup with the POTS service (again, the only place to get it w/o long distance charges at the time), I had frequent disconnects caused by the POTS lines/telco ISP, and folks I know locally who use ’em for DSL have similar experiences with the (almost non-existant) “technical” expertise exhibited by those implementing the telco’s DSL servicve, so the connection woes I’m experiencing with my curent ISP and what I can in that regard expect were I to get DSL are pretty much a wash.

Oh, my costs with cable internet plus TV service? About what the 1mbs DSL service is alone, in fact, less.

Still, my tightwad’s heart says I’m not getting such a great deal unless I actually get what I pay for. Several days (or maybe just two) in a row of decent service, followed by a week of cutting in and out? Not what I pay for.


Oh. Well. Have to reorder my day AGAIN to be here “between 8:00 and Noon” tomorrow so the tech can come and tell me what they’ve told me over and over and over again… and someday, when I’m old and gray(er) and my beard’s reached my knees, someone will drop by to holler in my then-deaf ears, “It’s all fixed now.”

I hope.

Service? What Service?

Yeh, I’m back griping about my ISP again. *sigh*

So, service had been “fair to partly cloudy” since about late Sunday evening/early Monday AM. Not stellar, but mostly up and mostly adequate. Then I got this in my email:

We appreciate that you have chosen Xxxxxxxxx Online High-Speed Internet service, and we constantly look to bring you a better service
with new improvements.

We have just increased your download speed from 8 Mbps to 12 Mbps, and your upload speed from 52 Kbps to 1 Mbps.

All you need to do to get the faster speed is unplug the power cord from your cable modem, and then plug it back in to the outlet. That’s it!

“Really?” methought. “OK, I’ll just do that lil thing, since service seems slow today.”

Cycled my “modem” (it’s NOT a modem–“MOdulator/DEModulator”; it’s a specialized router, but who’s keeping score? Oh, I am, that’s who). Checked my connection. Yep. Still slow. In fact, checking with SpeedTest, the latency test timed out three times with three different servers before I could get a SpeedTest started. Then, when the download “speed” refused to go above 190kbps (WHAT?!?!), I canceled the thing and tried again. Yep. No matter what server I chose to test my connection with, the touted “12mbs” download “speed” was nowhere, mon frere.

So I called. Eight times. Seriously. And that doesn’t count the times the correctly dialed phone number refused to connect–either one of them. Why eight times? Disconnected when put on hold twice. Got a rude $%^&* named “Champale” (sp? What mother would name a child that?) once and hung up myself. The other five were cycling through attempting to find someone who would escalate the call to someone who knew something beyond just the first level diag chart, cos I’d covered all those bases in spades more times than the doofuses on the other end of the line have (and actually know what those things are meant to accomplish).

Once again I was told an upper level tech would contact me within 24 hours. Of course, when I’ve been told that before, it’s turned out to be false. In fact, the last person I talked to confessed to me that my record does not indicate an escalation has ever taken place.

Now? I’m back to a nominal download/upload speed–for now!–that is acceptable, but 1/3 less than the lying email I recieved today. And I’ll have an acceptable connection until… I don’t, if the record of the past couple of months is any indication.

Oh. Well.

Well, It’s Not West Virginia

…but invoking the shade of John Denver, it’s “almost heaven”–for now–after a couple of months of poor service from my ISP (which shall go unnamed to protect the guilty *heh*). I had a real difficulty getting up to full curmudgeonly “gripe ’em out” mode, since the last couple of months of on again-off again service from my ISP was the first time in six years with this ISP that I’ve had cause to really gripe. Finally, six business days after my full mode “take no prisoners” assault on my ISP’s support, another tech came out, metered the input on my line and got a definitive number on the poor feed from them–same as ALL THE OTHERS he’d tested in town that day–and someone apparently kicked some a$$ back up the line, cos my numbers for the past couple of days’ service have been consistently better, and service has been–apart from a complete outage early this a.m. around 1:00, when I suppose someone may have scheduled some additional service, and I ought to have been sleeping anyway–better since Saturday.


(Heck, for much of the past couple of months,, when it would load at all, would time out testing my connection. That’s not good. And yes, I redacted the ISP’s name and the location of the test.)

It’s nice to–for now–have service that’s more like what I’ve been paying for. Nice that my repeated, pointed remarks about the ISP not investing enough in service (having too few service techs, as an example) seems to have resulted in TWO techs working the multiple calls in town last week, instead of the usual one, hugely over worked guy (it may have helped that I encouraged others that I know have the same ISP to list that in their gripes as well, ya think? *heh*). Also nice that, my repeated pressing for my ISP to “make me whole” also resulted in a rebate on at least a portion of the past two months’ service charges. Lesson: in today’s economy where companies are cutting back in the wrong places (not laying off or at least re-tasking useless management pukes but laying off, or not hiring, enough “boots on the ground” for example), rattling the cages of increasingly higher layers of support personel is sometimes the only way to get what you pay for.

Update: well after a mini-outage late last night and again this a.m., my current connection speed’s a slight improvement over yesterday… for now.


Memory Lane

I recalled today my first “real” job where I was paid an hourly wage. I’ll not say when it was or what the wage was, but at minimum wage, my part time, after school job brought me enough to buy my first car, a new musical, pretty darned pricey instrument and to save enough to take me all the way through my senior year in high school. In today’s dollar, my hourly wage was over $9.00 and hour, simply because a dollar had that much more purchasing power in that economy.

The car wasn’t much to look at. A used 1953 Chevy 4 door with worn front seat covers, a cloumn three-speed and a six cylinder engine that ate up everything I could throw at it. (It took my brother, several years later when I was on the road touring with a group, to kill that car by simply refusing to ever check the oil. Oh, well. What are brothers for anyway, right? *sigh*) But it was a dependable ride that was mine, bought and paid for with the sweat of my own brow.

The musical instrument, which I still own and still play from time to time when the house is quiet, cost almost twice what the car did, and was worth every dime. It’s not my fav instrument–that I got much later for only $75 in much devalued currency, but that’s another memory–but I still enjoy it.

No computers. Rotary dial phone–by the time I was in high school we had TWO phones in the house! and one of ’em wasn’t a rotary phone!–but no longer on party lines. I knew what a typewriter looked like, but since I didn’t plan on becoming a secretary, I didn’t learn how to type. *heh* My sophomore year in high school, my older sister won a color tv in an essay contest with the subject, “Why I Am Proud to Be an American”. The black and white TV, complete with rabbit ears and tin foil, went to my parents’ bedroom (for my brother to shoot the glass out of with a BB gun later–yeh, that brother–but it was OK, because it was just the flat piece of glass covering the TV tube that he shot out… )

Memories are funny that way. I started off having a memory of my first hourly job–there were more on through college–and that spurred all kindsa anciliary things. Olde Pharte Syndrome, eh?

Well, there ya go. Another trip (and stumble? 🙂 ) down memory lane.

On Music

“I don’t like country music, but I don’t mean to denigrate those who do. And, for the people who like country music, denigrate means ‘put down’.” — Bob Newhart

Well, that’s slightly better than my assessment, which is that “country” music is the best contemporary music played on radio. I know; damning with faint praise, since everything else is “less good” than pig manure.

Just a drive by observation…

Well, THAT’S Certainly a Relief

My Wonder Woman needed another car. Not a new car, because we only buy something that fits our “cash in hand that’s not dedicated to anything else” to purchase a car. Period.

Found a nice used car, paid cash for it, she drove it back home–130 miles from the place of purchase–and we’re pleased. Thankful for and Carfax. LOTS of info there.

So, we made our moderate contribution to stimulating the economy today, I’m relieved I have one summer project off my back (though I still have to sell her old car–I’m thinking to salvage *heh*) and it’s well and truly time to move into a more relaxed pace for summer, now.

How’s your summer going?

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