Buh-Bye, Bygones!

Looking back. . . all the falls, run-ins with cars (several rear-and-even side-enders while biking, for example on top of my own teenage driving experience—don’t ask *heh*) and. . . other things, I have outlived my own projected life expectancy by around 35 years. *heh* I attribute those decades mostly to my Wonder Woman (MINE!) and just God saying to Himself, “Nope. he’s only maybe half-baked.”

Of course. *rips rear view mirror off the windshield* Enough. I’ve got decent enough vision for my age (and a fairly recent pair of glasses to go with it). Keeping my head on a swivel, I think I’ll just direct most of my attention ahead, for now. Buh-bye, bygones. 🙂


[Virtual] Paperwork Reduction Act [Personal]: Eliminate ALL technical/instructional material in any language I am not/am no longer fluent in (decades of little use can do that, ya know. Sometimes the rust is just too extensive *heh*). Oh, heck, at this point, unless it’s unavailable in English, eliminate all instructional material that’s not in English. Life’s too short and storage space too limited to include technical instructions I do not need to have.

Besides, my command of French, German, Spanish, and Italian is more and more sketchy as time goes on and I have less and less use for them.

Freedom! (?)

You do realize the two greatest benefits that would accrue from going back to a federal government that actually operated within the confines of its delegated powers, right?

    1. Elimination of at least 80% of the government workforce (since at least that much of the “feddle gummint” is outside constitutional legitimacy). It’d be MUCH less expensive to put all those bureaucraps on welfare than to continue to pay them and have them waste even more money on illegitimate crap.
  1.  Get the “feddle (rhymes with ‘meddle’) gummint” out of your life, as long as you do not violate the ACTUAL inherent rights of others.

Add in the FairTax and the federal government could become what it was intended to be: a defender of inerent rights whose significance is only brought to mind when it stomps on thugs violating (GENUINE, INHERENT) individual rights and on patriotic holidays.

It’d be a start. . .

Quick Mini-Tip

Lil mini-tip: So, ya reached for a pencil to mark your cut and. . . where’d the dang thing go?!? Oh, well, either waste time looking for it, or pull a round from one of your speedloaders or mags and mark that board. Simple, right? A nice lil time-saver.

Passing Shot. . . and a Hit?

You know that phrase in The Ultimate Flame, “I would rather bathe with Hitler than be seen with you*”? Yeh, that’s how the current crop of Dhimmicraps make me feel.

*Cut from recent iterations of the late 1980s version.

ISO. . .

Hmmm. . . ISO 1950s vintage IH pickup with Ford F-Series W6695 paint job to re-badge as a Tonka Truck. . . *heh* ??

Ooooo! Wait! Maybe Line-X has a Tonka Yellow-compatible color!

So, I Saw a T-Shirt. . .

. . .that I can’t quite get behind, IYKWIMAITTYD.

Nah. That’s WAY too friendly, and besides, feds aren’t my type. You know, human. I’m not into bestiality, ya know. (Ya can’t blame me for dehumanizing the feds, because they have done it to themselves.)

Experimental Petting?

I’ve used “inside the ear pets” with dogs and horses (yeh, depends on the animal to an extent) to great effect—appreciation and calming—but I’ve not had good results with cats. . . *heh*

N.B. It’s more of a massage than petting, and part of a deeper, more massage-like petting/grooming of the critter than just simple stokes like most petting action, so it does take some practice.

“Tales of When Amazon Goes Wrong. . . and Almost Makes It Right”

Soooo. . . Tales of when Amazon goes wrong. . . and almost makes it right: Product ordered. Delivery date comes. . . and goes. More than a week past initially noted delivery date, product comes. Order says battery and charger included. Nope. After some. . . time and firmly expressed displeasure, refund made. Oh, wait! Amazon doesn’t want the product back? Yeh, shipping & handling, etc., eat up too much? Maybe want to assuage dissatisfaction? Maybe, but it’s Amazon, so who knows? If that’s the goal, it doesn’t work, though, because the “refund” is just about right to just buy battery and charger from manufacturer. Meanwhile, search out order for battery (make that “batteries”) and charger, place order, wait. Wait some more. FINALLY, maybe a month after initial order, can use the product. Probably. Did refunding the purchase price (w/o the tax, BTW) actually make me whole? Not when counting my time wasted, which is never a consideration for people who just DGARA about their customers.
