Passing Shots

Saw this some time ago. Can’t remember who to credit with a hat tip:


On the road the other night. Saw a semi with a company logo with a motto that read, “Employee owned; customer driven.” Huh! They send the customers out driving those big rigs? That explains some things…

And while I’m on the road, did you ever notice that the idiots are really thick at night? Don’t believe me? Next time you’re out at night, just count how many folks can’t find their dimmer switch.

Anyone ever tell you, “Practice makes perfect”? If that were so, politicians would get it right at least once in a while.

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America’s NEW Drug Problem

Gee, I wonder why the statists who are all over The Soccer Mom’s Prohibition (AKA, “The ‘War’ on Drugs”) have let this one slide… *heh*

(Yeh, yeh, I know it’s fake and I know it’s been around since May of 2007, but when Faithful Reader Hugh sent it to me, how could I not post it? Especially given the Hildebeast’s recent slide in polls. *heh*)

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Adam’s Blog, Right Truth, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Shadowscope, Pirate’s Cove, Blue Star Chronicles, Celebrity Smack, The Pink Flamingo, The Amboy Times, Big Dog’s Weblog, Wake Up America, Conservative Cat, Adeline and Hazel, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Dream Fred08 Ad

THIS is not an official, approved Fred08 ad… but it darned well oughta be. *heh*

What’s not to like?

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Space travel, “atomic style”

You have to check this out!


The concept’s been around for a while: throw a buncha atomic bombs out the back end and let ’em push… This puppy’s “do-able” in a much nearer time frame than a test bed for a “warp drive” that’s in research now. (Only real barrier? Whiny crybabies scared of the boogyman “A-Bomb”.)

Mars, anyone?

The cat’s outa the cradle over at Adam’s Blog and bombshells are dropping (what a waste of thrust!) at TMH’s Bacon Bits.

“Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet.”

curmudgeonly rant/ON

In 1209, Arnaud-Amaury, the Abbot of Citeaux, won his place in history with a memorable quote. Referring to the people of Beziers in Southern France, he issued the edict, “Kill them all; God will know his own.”

Barbarous, eh? Unconscionable, right? But still historically atypical of Christianity, even of a Roman Catholicism once drunk on the Inquisition.

But the strange thing is that this philosophy has always been (recall Mohamed’s slaughter and enslavement of the Jews of Medina after he accepted their surrender with promises of fair treatment?) and still is a central theological tenet of Islam: submit or die.

I propose we begin considering applying moral equivalency to Islam. Say, not in effect but in fact, to Muslims, “You believe you have the right to kill people who refuse to believe as you do? Fine. Submit or die. Renounce Islam or die.”

Start with Saudi Arabia (and all the other little kleptocratic regimes in the penninsula). Send a company of marines in to kick over the “royal” House of Saud (made so by the Brits after WWI, ya know, when they kicked the Hashemites out of their control of Mecca and handed them Jordan as a sop). Make radioactive glass parking lots out of Mecca and Medina. Then build a monument to the celebrants of 9/11 in the so-called “Palestinian authority”—another radioactive glass parking lot.

Then, making sure the demoncraps keep their stinking hands off our borders, GUARD OUR BORDERS well, catch and hang illegals attempting to enter from THE FENCE for carrion birdfeed and repeat: Submit or die.

Give ’em a little of their own.

Say to CAIR: renounce Islam or die.

Lock all mosques (wait until they are full, please) and deliver the ultimatum: submit or die. (Then, of course, raze the things to the ground, sow the earth with salt, pig manue and the rotting corpses of those who refused such a generous offer.


I think that’s simply just and fair. Offer them a taste (cram it down their throat, rub their noses in it, no matter how anatomically difficult that sequence of events may seem) of their own philosophical stance: submit or die.

curmudgeonly rant/OFF

[The opinions expressed above do not necessarily reflect my own. I’m in a temporary state of near apoplexy from the suit the ACLU et al are attempting to bring in order to make America even more defenseless against Islamic savage butchery than the Keystone Kops of Homeland Security, the goons of the “Thousands Standing Around” and the *sigh* “Border patrol” have done. Invoking the war cry of the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade (fair’s fair), my feelings and thoughts are all someone else’s fault. Blame “them”—whoever “they” are. The voices in my head, my depraved deprived upbringing, too much sugar, too little sugar, caffeine, no caffeine, violent TV/movies/games red dye number X—whatever boogyman du jour, flavor of the day excuse… Free will? Tell that to the Cat in my lap as I attempt to type this thing… Free will? There Is No Free Will. heh It is to laugh. I am her slave, her slave, I tell you!]

Ranting from a soapbox at Basil’s Picnic (at least ther ants are paying attention).

“Enstupiated” Americans

h.t. to Hugh, again (Man! Get yourself a blog! Tho, admittedly, I appreciate your tips, especially recently wile I’ve been a bit swamped 🙂

Fred Reed again, this time in almost perfect complement to John Stossel’s “Stupid” schools program on 20/20 last Friday:

“I’m going to start a rickshaw factory. It’s so our kids will have a way to make a living, now that America is pulling out of the First World. Maybe I’ll put an iPod socket on the poles or a little tiny television, made in Japan. That way our puzzled offspring won’t inadvertently start thinking. Tradition provides an anchor in the circumambient chaos.

See, what’s going to happen is, all the design work and programming are going to Mumbai, except the part that already has. Manufacturing is pretty much in China already, Mexicans do all the scutwork, and blacks work for the government or not at all, or both at once. That leaves whites as midlevel bureaucrats supervising each other. Thing is, whites are getting so they can’t read either, so they’ll need rickshaws to pull, in case the Chinese engineers want to go somewhere.

It’s over, I tell you. The United Steak has turned into a mess of pale-faced bushmen mumbling in pidgin English, the young anyway, with Orientals as missionaries trying to civilize us. Yes, friends and neighbors! Ain’t it exciting? All the professors in America of anything practical are already Chinese or Indian. Or getting that way fast.”

Read the rest. (Surely no regular reader of this blog is a part of the nearly 40% 60% of adult Americans who are subliterate… )

Reading America the riot act at Conservative Cat (get that sheepskin, Ferdy! 🙂 and TMH’s Bacon Bits.

On Being Grateful for Teddy Kennedy

I am sooooo thankful for Ted Kennedy. Were it not for his assinine bloviations at the Alito sessions, this is the stupidest thing I would have seen all week…

(WARNING: I am NOT responsible for any gagging, retching, seizures or any other negative consequences of you viewing the stupidest audiovisual to be released this week. Or if you click the link and see the next-most stupid thing I’ve seen/heard this week, either.)

Assaulting the masses at Basil’s Blog.

What’s for lunch?

Serving up…


Symantec Corp. has fessed up to using a rootkit-type feature in Norton SystemWorks that could provide the perfect hiding place for attackers to place malicious files on computers.

The anti-virus vendor acknowledged that it was deliberately hiding a directory from Windows APIs as a feature to stop customers from accidentally deleting files but, prompted by warnings from security experts, the company shipped a SystemWorks update to eliminate the risk.

Although I used to use Symantec security software quite extensively, I’ve disliked Symantec security programs for several years now. Part of that is due to the fact that almost ALL of the systems I get calls on to resurrect from malware attacks are “protected” by Norton/Symantec security products. YMMV.

Update your AV products. Oh, and if you use the Microsoft Anti-spyware “beta” do note that you need to jump through the validation hoops again for another six months’ license.

Not a petty annoyance

Powered by Castpost

Found via The English Guy,

“Create an e-annoyance, go to jail”

Yep. Anonymous, otherwise unaccountable trolls may face federal jail time and fines. But, really, who needs the feds in the middle of this? After all, kicking trolls can be fun (if sometimes boring). And cyberstalking–which the law referenced is aimed at–is more than just being annoying… but the law singles out “annoying” behavior as a federal crime, now, punushable by fines and jail time. To be sure, it also strengthens actual anti-stalking provisions, but even there, is that really a federal issue?

Oh, well. It’s law now. *sigh* Might as well start using it as a club for playing Troll Golf.


Semi-anonymously graffiti-sprayed at Basil’s and The Conservative Cat.

Off-the-wall/0PEN P0ST

Every now and then, offbeat questions come to my mind (I know, I know–some of y’all already think that’s the only kind I ever entertain). Like, how many people can recognize their own neighborhood in aerial photos? I’d suspect a few more than can read a map accurately, but absent some academia nut somewhere weaseling some of YOUR money (and mine) from a spendthrift government, I don’t imagine we’ll have a fair ballpark guess on that any time soon.


0PEN P0ST for Monday—a few hours early. Link here and trackback. If you don’t know what to do, drop me a line or a comment and I’ll try to help you out. Note: for those of y’all still stuck on using the antiquated Internet Exploder, The World’s Crappiest Browser (hey, I understand: some folks are so conservative as to be positively reactionary in some areas. I have some of those areas, myself. :-), I understand scolling down to where IE has chopped up posts cos it can’t read the CSS specifying the cneter column size can be a pain. So, here’s the Trackback URI (right-click and copy, unless you have one of those even quainter one-button Mac mice, then it’s “Splat/options key+Click”–maybe, depending on your browser and how you hold your mout—heh). Or just copy and paste this: . The URL for the post itself is:

Can’t find the blogosphere with Mapquest, but Conservative Cat (who also has a—serious—DIRE WARNING from Ferdy about an email virus) can probably give you directions to current hotspots.