From Hugh, a frequent commenter, a lil thang he found via Neal Boortz:
I dunno, bub. Isn’t that a tad insulting… to Wallace?
"In a democracy (‘rule by mob’), those who refuse to learn from history will be the majority and will dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance."
(Yeh, this is Friday’s Open Trackback Alliance post, slapped up Thursday night.)
Is interstellar travel on the horizon?
Maybe. And if so, it may be at “warp speed”.
The Department of Energy and the Air Force are funding research into a magnetic bottle/gravitational field drive that would in effect be the “hyperspace drive” of science fiction. But unlike most of the science fiction “hyperspace” drives, this one’s envisioned as being usable within the solar system, as well.
Man. Wouldn’t it be cool to be able to vacation on Mars?
Yeh, yeh: I know they’re still working on building the tools to make the test beds to test the theory. But at least it’s a Step Farther Out.
h.t. Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Manor
Oh, also: Open Post. If you don’t know how to link to this post and trackback, drop me a note in comments.
Dilithium crystals excited at Bloggin’ Outloud (where PUNishment is meted out unmercifully) and Stuck on Stupid (dig the new, uh… digs).
“Wikipedia founder admits to serious quality problems”
You may have noticed that I sometimes link to Wikipedia articles. What you will not have noticed is that I only link to those Wikis that I have first read and verified to contain at least some accurate and useful material, and always the material that’s germane to the reason I link them. I’ve felt that in context, that usually works.
But along the way, I have read a LOT of Wikipedia articles that are pure balderdash.
Click the link above to read a very brief article on the weaknesses of Wikipedia, and an admission of one of its founding lights.
Be careful out there. While a Wikipedia article may have useful information, there is usually more reliable information to be found elsewhere. And there is always more complete info to be found outside either a Wikipedia article or the more traditional dead tree encyclopedia. More information is a Very Good Thing when attempting to resolve conflicting views on any topic. Dig in. letting yourself be spoonfed info is a poor way to develop a world view.
Stopping by to check my mail, I found this, and try as I might to NOT comment, well, if you know me by now, you know I had to at least touch on it anyway…
ACLU’s Full Page Propaganda In NY Times Part II
My take? Investigate away!
By carefully and wittingly conflating classes of behaviors in some cases and making false distinctions in others, the ACLU and its ilk seek to tar this president with the “spying on Americans” brush.
it won’t fly with most Americans. While many American’s brushed away the Clintoon perjury with “It’s just about sex,” it’s more difficult to brush this issue away with “It’s just about life and death–maybe mine!”
While the Clintoonistas get a bye for more serious and flagrant beavior spying DIRECTLY on Americans for economic and political reasons, quite outside the parameters of any legal authority, Bush is excoriated for exercising his Constitutional responsibilities by intercepting and surveilling communications with foreign agents KNOWN to be enemies of the U.S.
That’s not “spying on Americans”. It’s spying on terrorists’ communications, whomever they may be.
And that legitimately scares the bejazus outa the ACLU, especially since it has regularly engaged in active support of terrorists and may well be in a few terrorists’ rollodexes…
Note: what follows is a WAG (Wild-Assed Guess), pure speculation.
Frankly, I wonder (note again: COMPLETE SPECULATION in absence of any facts to date) if the ACLU’s lawyers aren’t worried that some of THEIR treasonous contacts (again, speculation) with terrorists may not have been monitored.
As I plainly said, I have NO WAY of knowing if this speculation has ANY basis in fact, but you know what they say about a stuck pig…
Now, a reasonable person might reasonably infer that the ACLU has lost its collective mind and has entered totally into the reality-based fantasyland inhabited by the denizens of Demoncrappic Underpants and the like And that such behavior will not endear it to millions of Americans who want the Islamofascist S.O.B.s who are intent on killing Americans dead, dead, dead.
It might also be reasonable to think that the ACLU may well fall prey to the Law of Unintended Consequences in ways it least expects…
I’m just waiting for the ACLU to shoot itself in the foot often enough that institutional gangrene sets in. Let’s see, by its actions, the ACLU has already said, “We want pedophiles free to promote having sex with your sons,” “We want you religious people to STFU!” and now, “We want to use the legal system to assure that terrorists bastards are free to make their plans to kill you.”
Expanded from a comment at STACLU.
[Edited a couple of the typos. Not going to look for the rest, though I’m sure they’re there.]
For the next few weeks, I am surrendering the space normally devoted to Thursday Stop the ACLU posts to crossposts from the Stop the ACLU site. This is from Gribbit:
We have been focused on the two prominent co-founders Roger Baldwin and Crystal Eastman; but the truth is that there were 7 others. People like Upton Sinclair and Clarence Darrow just to name a couple. But the most notorious of the founding “fathers” of the American Civil Liberals Union (no I didn’t spell that wrong) was Elizabeth “Gurley” Flynn.
Ms. Flynn was the co-founder who ended up being the National Chairman of the Communist Party in the US. A devout Communist who made several trips to the Soviet Union after the denunciation of Communism by Roger Baldwin in 1940. A move which had motives other than those publicized.
The public appearance of the denunciation was to give the illusion of distancing active members of the Communist party from the ACLU. When in fact it was a statement meant to be felt by Josef Stalin. Stalin enjoyed the support of people like Baldwin in the United States before the outbreak of war in Europe. Baldwin and Eastman being the strict pacifists that they were, had a total opposition to the Soviet Union entering the war. But they also saw the Soviet-German non-aggression treaty as a crime against the good Soviet people. So Flynn expulsion from the Executive Committee was a farce.
Flynn was indoctrinated into the Socialist mindset by her parents. At the age of 16 she gave her first speech on socialism entitled “What Socialism Will Do For Women.” A speech which subsequently got her expelled from high school.
At the age of 17 Flynn became an organizer for the International Workers of the World (IWW) and her career as a full time Socialist began. In 1920 she joined forces with Roger Baldwin, Crystal Eastman, Upton Sinclair, Clarence Darrow, Norman Thomas, Jane Addams, and John Dewey to form what we now know as the American Civil Liberties Union.
In 1936, Flynn joined the Communist Party in the United States. She wrote a feminist column for the Communist propaganda sheet the Daily Worker. Two years later, she was elected to the National Committee.
During World War II, Flynn worked tirelessly to get equal pay for women and establish day care centers for working mothers. Efforts which we here at Stop The ACLU applaud. Because contrary to the popular leftist belief, we here have strong feelings about the true equality of men and women of all races, creeds, and religions.
In 1942, she ran for Congress At-Large in New York and received only 50,000 votes.
After the war in 1948, 12 members of the Communist Party were arrested for plotting to overthrow the government by use of violence. Flynn attempted to gain their release but in 1951 she was arrested in a “second wave” of arrests and charged with violation of the Alien Registration Act and sentenced to 5 years at Alderson Women’s Penitentiary.
During her sentence she wrote a book entitled The Alderson Story: My Life as a Political Prisoner (1955).
Soon after her release from prison in 1961, Flynn was elected National Chairman of the Communist Party in the USA. She made several trips to the Soviet Union where in 1964 during a visit she died. She was given a State Funeral in Red Square then returned to be buried with her subversive friends Eugene Dennis, Bill Haywood and the Haymarket Martyrs.
These are they types of people that we are dealing with. This is the type of beginning that the ACLU was given. This is why they have been focused on ending American traditions and changing the structure of our government as founded in 1789.
This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at or Gribbit at You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 115 blogs already on-board.
Appendix: Note, if you will, that although the genesis of an organization does not always idicate contemporary views and behaviors (witness the Democratic Party which no longer has any ties to the classic liberal values of free speech, equality under the law and “one man, one vote” typical of the founding principles of American liberalism), in the case of the ACLU, the only evolution of its views away from its founders’ has been to “go underground” and deny the rationale behind its actions. But holding a smoking gun while proclaiming, “I did not take another potshot at the Constitution” belies its disingenuity…
(Ewww… now that’s an unpleasant picture… )
So Abramoff pled guilty to fraud. And Harry Reid has been linked to Abramoff(by AP stories and Fox, according to the Right Wing “NYT”, Newsmax).
Isn’t Harry Reid associated with Abramoff kind of like putting a chicken in a foxhouse?
Well, time may well tell just how deep the ties are, if any. Let’s reserve judgement though, shall we? Otherwise, the Loony Left will have won another convert to “Shoot now; indict and convict later… maybe. If convenient.”
What do you say when someone’s obviously not playing with a full deck, a few bricks shy of a load, a beer or two short of a six pack, one member less than a quorum? Let me get the ball rolling, and maybe a few (or both 🙂 of my regular readers can add a couple. Or more.
He’s playing poker with monopoly money…
…rolling dice with marbles…
Come on. Y’all can do better than those. Easily. Without resorting to Google.
Here it is: the post you’ve all been waiting for. Right.
A few third world county posts from 2005. Not necessarily “The best of TWC” but certainly representative of the “most unrecognized posts of TWC 2005” :-). Warts and all: typos, tortured syntax, whatever.
January 2005: The LLMB and MMPA’s psychotic break with reality
Witness this fair paraphrase of the progression of positions taken by the LLMB and MMPA leading up to and continuing through and beyond the [Iraq] election:
1.) The U.S. is embarking on empire and will not allow self-government by the Iraqis.
(Demonstrably false)
2.) The promised elections are not/will not be possible. (Demonstrably false)
3.) The promised election will not take place on time.(Demonstrably false)
4.) The elections will be a failure, a bloodbath. (Demonstrably false)
5.) The election will be illegitimate (because of non-participation). (Demonstrably false)
February 2005: ::YAWN:: More dog bites man non-news
Belaboring the obvious: Bob Dylan flogs a dead horse…
(Wherein your humble-ha!-author emulates J.E.P. “It’s a daybook.” It’s not well organized or well-edited. It’s just stuff that occurs to me to jot down. Notes, to myself as much as anything else.)
Curmudgeon Mode: Tried to take an online musical survey-discovered I’m an antediluvian…
Yeh. Noah still owes me two sheep and a dove…
Recommended Reading between now and the 2006 elections
OK, I can’t resist two from March: Men Without Chests
And: St David’s Day 😉
April 2005: Musical Teleology and Musical Survey–not so very. The first offers a perspective on a couple of recent songs and the second…
May 2005: A Conspiracy of Dunces.
A (short) litany of woes
Here’s a very short list of things that seem to be aimed at destroying the American experiment in liberty.
And Javascript Cookiesâ„¢! and Unconscious Parenthood (my bid for a “Blogmothers Day” observance).
June 2005: News from the Islamic jihad and Preparing for ’06
(Not that I hold out much hope for the denizens of Demoncrappic Underpants, Moooove-on.orgy, the Mass Media Podpeople'[s Army, the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade, Republican’t Congresscritters and their ilk, etc.)
And In your dreams: Headlines from 2006
July 2005: Dysfunctional America
I let my mixmaster loose on the current scene and here’s what resulted…
Yes, there is a culltural divide in these United States. And here are a few of the dividing points…
August 2005: Open Borders Kill
“Open Borders”-the words have a ring of liberty, equality, fraternity… but please remember where the last great movement with that catchphrase ended up…
[Throw some sand in various moonbat gears, eh?]
So, Alito’s next. The big question: will Republican’t Senators do a pants check and find-to everyone’s amazement-the stones to carry the nomination through?
Follow the Rabbit Trail (in which my rambling rant becomes more than just rthe usual self-referential metacommentary-see the punchline in comments to that post: there are none :-).
September 2005: Listen with your heart, A lil experiment–first Castpoint trial. And, The real threat.
October 2005: Quick! Spread the ‘Karl Rove IS Machiavelli’ meme…
November 2005: Drive-by post
Yeh, walking through when the TV’s babbling one of those touchy-feely “PSAs” that are totally cracked, I hear:
“Friends always make you laugh.”
“Hey, dude, your grandma died? That’s like, so totally hilarious, man!”
If this doesn’t move you… then you need a heart and soul transplant…
December 2005: You’re here, browse on your own. I have a cute lil troll commenting on one post. You might find him amusing. I don’t think he’s trainable, but so far he’s not made any serious potty messes. Look around a bit, if you want. Or not.
Up in lights at Basil’s Blog, Bloggin’ Outloud.
(With apologies to T.S. Eliot)
[These] are the hollow men
[These] are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw.
Alexandra asked for a “10 Worst Americans” list. In her post, she further elaborates using the term “evil” to describe characteristics of “worst” Americans. Most of my “worst Americans” (though not all) fit the mangling of T.S. Eliot’s words above.
With nearly 230 years’ worth of people who have had a negative impact on society in America, I could name ten and not even scratch the surface. But here, mostly in no great order, are ten of the worst. Note: Since there are so many “worst Americans” I’ve included a few classes of “worst Americans” that embrace some who simply cannot be drawn out from the crowd around them. “So great a host… “
An obvious pick would be Jean Fraud sKerry. Along with his more intelligent and able fellow scum, Billary Clinton (yeh, no one could doubt that unholy wedlock has made them one after the way they lied, cheated and slandered their way in and out of office over and over), Jean Fraud has defined filthy, low down dirty lying, cheating. scumbag politics for the late 20th and early 21st Centuries.
There: two in one.
(Still no ranking. One could lump Harry Pelosi Kennedy in the mix with Jean Fraud and Billary and not really notice any personality change.)
Next, who can doubt Dan Blather, his ilk and apologists (Mass Media Podpeople and Loony Left Moonbats one and all) occupy slot number three? I say all these “people” together comprise one of the worst Americans because they “think” with a group mind. Dittoheads are anarchistic individualists next to the “commie fag junkie” (to steal a great meme from George Carlin) hive.
Michael Moore. Planet-sized ego encased in lard. Liar, and proud of it. Embodies all the worst memes of the Loony Left Moonbat brigade and Mass Media Podpeople’s Army in one big fat slob.
Hollyweird. A sub-class of the Mass Media Podpeople/Loony Left Moonbat hive mind, differentiated only by its even greater ego and divorce from reality. Orbiting Pluto, it thinks itself the Center of the Universe. Discrete elements of the Hollyweird Hive Mind are not discernable. It is all one “person”. Any cells that begin to differentiate themselves from the Hollyweird Hive Mind are attacked as a cancer on the Body Beautiful. Those such as Mel Gibson who have enough stength to survive outside the Hollyweird Hive Mind (strength=character+financial resources+an ability to, uhm, think) may find success i n their ostracization.
There, that’s five, all fitting very nicely the definition of “evil” proposed by M. Scott Peck in “People of the Lie”.
Five more? OK, some classes and individuals.
Two classes of “worst Americans”-Public school administrators and educrats. Together, these two classes may be doing more to destroy America all other persons combined. Educrats-those self- and governmentally-appointed arbiters of What Shall Be Taught, and How-rule public education from afar with massive stupidity. While some may be truly evil, most are simply stupidly arrogant and arrogantly stupid. Consider all the dictates issuing from Washington D.C. (influenced by idiots running college “teacher education” programs) that govern what can and cannot be taught (and how) in your local school district. What activities are allowed and what are prohibited. Classroom disclipline, class makeup, curriculum, and more. Coming from a Congress and bureaucratic swamp that’s responsible for supervising the WORST public schools in the nation. That makes sense.
And public school administrators? Arguably the stupidest people in education. Seriously. I’d put my GRE scores, for example, up against ANY pubschool principal or superintendant. With extremely rare exceptions, they are all skating on the left end of the bell curve. And it shows in the effect pubschool administrators generally have on classroom teaching. Instead of doing things that enhance teaching and learning, most pubschool administrators-with noted RARE exceptions, as I have said-are massive stumbling blocks to education.
America would be far better off to put all the educrats and pubschool administrators in work camps breaking rocks.
Some more specific Americans to round out my list:
Lyndon Johnson. What a lying snake. A venal poltroon. Lied America into Vietnam, screwed America with “The Great Society”. Skated off the public stage when he should have been run off the planet on a rail.
Jimmie Carter. It is to my eternal shame that I actually voted for this picayune creep. Once. He is a lying, slanderous, traitorous piece of filth. An ego-driven fantasist who apparently believes the world revolves around him. He does charitable works? Yeh. And the reason is obvious in his dung beetle grin*.
Pat Robertson. He simply cannot keep his mouth shut, and what comes out is slander to the God he says he worships. Another ego-driven publicity slut.
And what shall I say of Roger Baldwin, Eugene V. Debs, and John Dewey? All influential in the formation of the American Communist Lawyers Union-and Dewey has to his “worst American” credit the distinction of having been the single greatest destructive force in creating (or perhaps Dewey would prefer “manufacturing”) stupid Americans, compliant sheeple.
Now, let me get historical on this list: Abraham Lincoln. Yeh, yeh: I know the Lincoln hagiography, and what I’m about to say will earn me the disapprobation (to say the very least) of 90% of the folks who read this. One can argue day and night that Lincoln’s so-called “freeing of the slaves” was a great thing and that he “preserved the Union”, but the plain fact of the matter is that for all intents and purposes, the republic handed us by the Framers died at Appomattox, and what we have today in runaway federal anarcho-tyranny is a direct result of Lincoln’s War. Each and every abuse of federal power, each and every twisting and outright violation of the Constitution we now know as just normal federal government behavior was either prefigured or practiced in even more flagrant and brutal fashion by Lincoln. More than 620,000 killed in Lincoln’s War. Not to free slaves, but to increase the power of Northern industrialists, destroy the economic power of the South and, not incidentally, bring about Lincoln’s view of a federal government that not only could but did (and still does) overrule Constitutionally-guaranteed State authority and individual rights.
Whatever good the man did is far, far overshadowed by the legacy of federally-practiced anarcho-tyranny we have from his hand today.
And I close with this:
A General Summary
Rudyard KiplingWe are very slightly changed
From the semi-apes who ranged
India’s prehistoric clay;
He that drew the longest bow
Ran his brother down, you know,
As we run men down to-day.“Dowb,” the first of all his race,
Met the Mammoth face to face
On the lake or in the cave:
Stole the steadiest canoe,
Ate the quarry others slew,
Died-and took the finest grave.When they scratched the reindeer-bone,
Some one made the sketch his own,
Filched it from the artist-then,
Even in those early days,
Won a simple Viceroy’s praise
Through the toil of other men.
Ere they hewed the Sphinx’s visage
Favouritism governed kissage,
Even as it does in this age.Who shall doubt “the secret hid
Under Cheops’ pyramid”
Was that the contractor did
Cheops out of several millions?
Or that Joseph’s sudden rise
To Comptroller of Supplies
Was a fraud of monstrous size
On King Pharaoh’s swart Civilians?Thus, the artless songs I sing
Do not deal with anything
New or never said before.
As it was in the beginning
Is to-day official sinning,
And shall be for evermore!
Shamelessly flogged at TMH’s Bacon Bits (He’s baaaaaack!)
Via Woody’s News and Views this gem from The People’s Cube:
America Takes Off Gloves, Puts on Brass Knuckles
I was ROTFL… until I thought, “Why not?”
This oughta brighten The Mary Hunter’s vacation…