Travel Through Time in the Middle East

For a cool, not entirely inaccurate OK, OK, moderately accurate, within the constraints of the medium (just quibbles for the most part) 90-second overview of the past few thousand years’ history of the Middle East, check this flash animated map out.

CLICK HERE for the animation

While it won’t illuminate much for folks who don’t already have some grounding in the area’s history, it’s a pretty cool review for folks who do.


Or perhaps, “Eighteen tons and what do you get… ”

Well, at least I have refuge from the word (and activity) that gave Maynard G Krebs heart palpitations every time it was uttered…

Yeh, that’s the ticket: home sweet home, refuge from a world gone mad. But then…

Lovely Daughter has planned on moving back into the twc central catacombs (finished basement), which means… the room that we’ve used for storage for the past five or six years must be cleaned out. Unfortunately, that happens to be the single largest room in the house, about 10 SF larger than the living room, in fact. And it is (was) packed to the gills.


Sooo, in the past week, as time and energy has permitted, Son&Heir and I have been sorting and re-packing and throwing stuff out, no matter how appealing the junk may be. Including, but certainly not limited to, a storehouse of “ancient” computers and computer parts, 8088/8086/286/386/486 and old Pentiums/586/686 computers, stripped of usable (or even potentially usable) parts (which are now packed away and stored much, much more compactly) and hauled out for disposal. Eleven of ’em so far.

Oh, I’m keeping 6 of the older, rarely-booted 486 and Pentium boxes, primarily just for fun, although I do have some old files archived on a 486 I really ought to transfer elsewhere. Heck, it’s an old Win 3.11 for Workgroups comp I no longer even have a network card in… getting that thing on the network ought to be a buncha fun all by its lonesome. *heh*

And then there are all the peripherals. Most of them are sorted pretty well, but many of them just need to be tossed. Who needs a bunch of perfectly usable, but slow, CD read-only drives, anyway? (OK, I’ll hang on to the NEC CD changer drive, cos it’s cool, and I can use it building a media center. A six CD shuffler would be OK in a multi-drive system. Besides, the faceplate’s already painted black, which should match up well with the rest of my components.)

And, of course, the computer related junk is just the tip of the iceberg, as it were. Boxes of books that we want to hang onto are going in pastic tubs and then into the newly-emptied storage shed outside (and yes, that was a fun chore, too :-)).

More fun ‘n’ games? Yeh, what I want to do in that room, after a thorough cleaning, is reseal and “plaster” the walls, add a ceiling fan (have one) and ethernet cabling (2 of 4 of the other rooms downstairs already have ethernet, and I think the bathroom doesn’t really need it, do you? :-)). Oh, and a little work on the closet in that room might be in order. Already have a “new” door set aside for the place and Lovely Daughter will need to pick out her own paint color(s). Yep. Another two weeks from today should be about right.

So, who needs [that word that drove Maynard G Krebs around the bend] to stay busy?


Paris Hilton for President?

For a bobbleheaded bimbo who thinks she’s lampooning Juan Mexicain’s energy policy, Paris Hilton actually makes sense in her “campaign ad” (linked above–h.t. to my Wonder Woman :-)).

Of course, “thinks she’s lampooning” is the operative phrase. While she simplifies Barack Hussein Obamassiah’s energy policy fairly well enough (“de-negativeizing” it by omitting, of course, the punitive energy taxes he wants to impose on John and Jane Doe), she oversimplifies Juan Mexicain’s policy suggestions the other direction, mentioning only the offshore drilling position he’s recently taken and omitting his seriously sensible suggestion of prize money for the development of new energy storage technologies.

Hmmm, “the old guy’s” energy policy sounds remarkably like Paris Hilton’s. I don’t know whether that’s an encouraging sign or not.

At least Juan Mexicain’s people jumped right on it and noted how much more sensible a blonde bobbleheaded bimbo’s energy policy is than a brunette bobbleheaded bimbo’s energy policy.

Come to think of it, maybe Paris Hilton as president might not be so bad considering the alternatives. What’s her position with urm, on *dang!* about illegal immigrants? If she’d come out for strict enforcement of laws already on the books on that issue, I might not even mind it when she painted the White House pink.

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This weekend…

…is starting early for me. I’m going to be playing with Virtualbox, and I’m putting other things in… another box, for now. (Lovely Daughter’s dropping by Saturday, so that day’s out *heh*)

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OS Play Time

No politics, no rants, no foaming at the mouth with this post. Just a lil fun.

Well, Ubuntu 8.04 LTS “Hardy Heron” has been out for over a week now, and here at twc central, three Windows computers have had it installed… three different ways. The full install (partitioning off a chunck of one hard drive) went slick as goose grease. Nice looks, snappy performance.

Two “Wubi” (Windows-based Ubuntu Installer) installs. One was straight off the CD. (Note: for the one or two readers of twc that don’t know what an iso file is or how to create a CD with one, no sweat. Just visit the Ubuntu home page, download the iso and read up on the well-written tutorial available there.)

A Wubi installation from CD in Windows is just like installing any Windows app you’ve ever installed, only a bit slicker than some. *heh* On a Toshiba Satellite WinXP system, the hard part was putting the CD in the drive. *yawn* Slipped it in during a commercial break (was watching one of my Wonder Woman’s fav shows with her) and autostart brought up the Wubi installer. Told it what user name and password I wanted and let it trundle along. Next commercial break, looked over at the notebook and it was asking for a reboot. Let it. It did its thing and before next commercial break it was rebooting and giving me a choice of booting Windows XP or Ubuntu, using the Windows XP boot manager.


Continue reading “OS Play Time”

“News” from The Onion: Diebold Leak


Diebold Accidentally Leaks Results Of 2008 Election Early

I particularly appreciate the “If you can’t trust your Shadowy Overlords to keep a secret, what is the purpose, really, of voting in a public democracy?” line. Very funny. Sad (because it voices something all too close to a looming reality), but funny.

One of the follow-on ads is ridiculous, though: “…Poverty May Be the Key to Eliminating Polo”? Nah. Once they have the rest of us firmly pidgeonholed as peasants, the ricos will have no problem detailing serfs to pooper-scoop their polo fields…

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Is a Media Center PC in Your Future?

Way, way back in the dim dark past of 2007, Diane bought a Mac and moved her Vaio desktop in with her entertainment center (well, there was that huge flat screen TV to hook it up to, so… :-)) after realizing it was a Media Center-enabled PC. *heh* She’s using it a lot in that way now, but I’ve seen los of folks who’ve had MPCs who never really used the platform’s potential. So, when I began thinking about building an MPC, I began gathering info and making plans for a decent media center I could really use. At the same time, I’ve become ever more comfortable with Linux and BSD ways of doing things so when I ran across LinuxMCE (and here), I kinda hunkered down for a good long read… and then looked about for more information. Here’s a taste of why I became so interested:

LinuxMCE is the only all-in-one solution for your home that seamlessly combines media & entertainment, home automation, security, telecom and computing. You can control your whole house with a mobile phone, a touch-screen tablet or a web-interface. A LinuxMCE system is like an appliance – not a computer. It is self-configuring, maintaining and updating. No technical skills are required to use or install LinuxMCE. LinuxMCE is above all simple. The devices are all plug and play. LinuxMCE is also an open platform, offering unlimited expansion potential, and requiring no special cabling. This is LinuxMCE: a complete, comfortable and secure solution for your home. “

Hmmm, ambitious. And using its full–or even much of its–potential will require some rather extensive hardware/infrastructure upgrades if I decide to go whole hog with it.

Still, it’s intriguing, attractive and designed to be integrated with Kubuntu–one of my two fav distros of Ubuntu (the other’s Xubuntu, a good choice for older computers, IMO).

A quick rundown of installing and using LinuxMCE:

I haven’t built an MPC yet, but the day’s getting closer as I gather more info and explore the benefits and pitfalls of various approaches, but the LinuxMCE approach is looking more and more appealing as I go about this process. If/when I get off the dime and actually build a system/upgrade the twc central infrastructure, I’ll be sure to report back in on how it went.

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Is It Just Me?, The Virtuous Republic, Woman Honor Thyself, Right Truth, The World According to Carl, Oblogatory Anecdotes, Global American Discourse, Leaning Straight Up, InvestorBlogger,, and Dumb Ox Daily News, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Lighthearted Thursday

No, no scatology-repressed comments about prisons for kids, politicians *spit*, the Mass Media Podpeople’s Hivemind, Academia Nut Fruitcakes or other typical targets of curmudgeonry today. Just something that never would have been on the Howdy Doodie shows of my childhood, but would have been welcome in my childhood memories anyway, had it been available.

Gee, just seeing Danny Kaye in this lil bit pricked me to recall the song from his 1958 movie, Merry Andrew, “The Sum of the Hypotenuse”.

The square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle
Is equal to the sum of the squares of two adjacent sides.
You’d not tolerate lettin’ your participle dangle,
So please effect the self-same respect for your geometric slides.

Old Einstein said it,
When he was gettin’ nowhere.
Give him credit,
He was heard to declare:

The square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle [etc.]

Sure as shootin’,
When problems get in your hair,
Be like Newton
Who was heard to declare:

The square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle [etc.]

The Wright Brothers,
Before they conquered the air,
Like those others,
Orville hollers: “Lookahair,

The square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle
Is equal to the sum of the squares of two adjacent sides.
You’d not tolerate lettin’ your participle dangle,
So please effect the self-same respect for your geometric slides.

All of which led, inevitably in the age of the web, to this:

“The Pythagorean theorem was an early example of an important fact rediscovered independently and often,” Veljan remarks. Moreover, more than 400 different proofs of the theorem are known today…

The famous Babylonian clay tablet known as Plimpton 322… goes a step further. Dating from the period between 1900 B.C. and 1600 B.C. [perhaps as much as 1,300 years before Pythagoras–ed] , the tablet has columns of numbers that apparently represent what are now called Pythagorean triples.”

(Thank you, Mrs. Heinz–my high school trig/stat teacher–for making these things interesting to me and thanks to Danny Kaye for providing such neat vignettes of playful fun.)

Trackposted to The Virtuous Republic, Nuke Gingrich, Allie is Wired, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Global American Discourse, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, , CORSARI D’ITALIA, Conservative Cat, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Still Avoiding Current Events…


Here’s another diversion.

Unnecessary confession: I use Windoze. Because I have to. (I also use PCBSD and Ubuntu, but that’s for pleasure… and some work/productivity.) So far, I have managed to avoid installing Vista on any twc central computers. *whew!* (Wipes forehead gratefully. *heh*) I have seen enough Vista computers “in the wild” to become convinced that, apart from the eye candy, it’s just not worth the hassle for most folks to switch from XP to Vista, if they must use Windows. And even buying a new computer with Vista installed can be problematic; I’ve already seen enough software incompatibilities in the workplace and problems with drivers for peripherals to know it just is not for most of the folks I know, including me. And this is quite apart from the fact that Vista–even installed new on “Vista-ready” computers is generally–from what I’ve actually seen “in the wild”–*heh*–a resource hog and slower than a properly-configured XP computer.

And, despite the monthly or more bug fixes and patches, Vista’s SP-1 is not really available for general installation–not that it is a definite improvement.

Still, there are a few things about Vista that are nice. The eye candy. πŸ˜‰ But… all I had to do to get the “AeroGlass” look in PCBSD was simply download a skin. And for various versions of Windows, skinning and other Vista-like functionality is available for free via various downloads(free registration required for download), some of which also offer the 3D “flipping” of cascaded apps, etc.

The screencap above is on a Win2K machine with some of the functionality of PCMag’s “VistaMagicPack” (the first link above) enabled. Not half bad, and no discernable performance hit on a middlin’ old 1.3Ghz machine with only 512MB RAM and a tiny lil 16MB vidcard. Try running Vista with all the eye candy on that machine. Not.

Trackposted to Rosemary’s Thoughts, Nuke Gingrich, Faultline USA, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, , The World According to Carl, Shadowscope, Pirate’s Cove, Celebrity Smack, The Pink Flamingo, Big Dog’s Weblog, Dumb Ox Daily News, Adeline and Hazel, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Passing Shots

Saw this some time ago. Can’t remember who to credit with a hat tip:


On the road the other night. Saw a semi with a company logo with a motto that read, “Employee owned; customer driven.” Huh! They send the customers out driving those big rigs? That explains some things…

And while I’m on the road, did you ever notice that the idiots are really thick at night? Don’t believe me? Next time you’re out at night, just count how many folks can’t find their dimmer switch.

Anyone ever tell you, “Practice makes perfect”? If that were so, politicians would get it right at least once in a while.

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