Defund NPR!

No Shiite! (Seriously: the Muslim Brotherhood which is the pretext for this investigative report, is Sunni, so “No Shiite!” is correct… in more senses than one*… )

*Recently, in “polite” conversation, I have taken to substituting “”Shiite!” for a word that means much the same thing but which has only one “i” and no “e”.

It’s No Longer Simply Ironic

With the open display of antipathy toward democracy in recent days–so-called “Democrats” using various tactics to avoid the outcomes of democratically-decided elections, beginning with the “Democratic” State senators of Wisconsin fleeing the state to avoid providing a quorum–isn’t it time the party was formally renamed the Anti-Democratic Party?

Is It My Fault?

Well, partly, I guess. After all, with the weather dominating my thoughts recently, I’ve actually been watching TV weather ‘casts. But really… Sticking a sharp stick in my ear with abortions of the English language like “tempature” and “FebYOUary”? Over and over and over again!


And it’s not just some regional crapspeak limited to local yokels, no!

Why are these people allowed to poke me in the ear with a sharp stick? Why is there no capital punishment for these crimes?

But no! It’s my fault for watching these idiots. But they accept pay to butcher the English language! It’s criminal, I tell you, criminal. They should all be hung by dangling participles…

I’m going to pledge to myself to stick with, (although the weather station at the local high school is giving some weird, anomalous readings recently) and At least I don’t have to listen to “dumbassspeak” when I read a web page (just poke a fork in my brain and twirl when reading some web pages *arrrggghhh!*).

What’s the Matter With Kids Today?


Okay, so my topic’s not the same as the Bye Bye Birdie tune’s. Here’s a switcheroo. A recent (well, 2007) book on school reform and what can go dreadfully wrong with reform efforts had one comment that made me hoot til I almost cried. “Oh, what was it?” you ask. Praising the intent of the “New Math” era and how it breathed life into Math curriculum.

Yeh, right. If anything were deliberately designed to wreck budding students’ interest in or understanding of math, it was New Math. Either it was a conspiracy of evil persons to completely screw kids up or it was a conspiracy of dunces who were too stupid for words… completely screwing kids up. That is, if their “intent” was good, the people who designed and implemented “new math” were monumentally stupid people.

4th Grade: “new math” screwed me up so badly, it wasn’t until I had a high school geometry teacher who was teaching just for the joy of it (her family was in Big Bucks City) that my head started to come unscrewed from “new math” so the threads could be reworked and I could have the thing screwed on right (as to math). From there, calculus, stat, whatever, was fun.

What’s the matter with kids today? A lot of it is remote educrats having screwed up public education for decades (with the complicity of lazy, dumbed down by their own school years, parents and stupid, compliant pubschool administrators).

[great story excised to protect the innocent]



And people get paid to write mind-numbing crap like this!

“A large and potential [sic] historic winter storm is bringing blizzard conditions to the central Plains as it spreads north and east into Midwest and Great Lakes.”

The guy who wrote the sentence above ought to have “Butt Stupid” tattooed on his forehead in red lettering. Just how freakin’ hard would it be to add two letters to make that sentence’s grammar correct?

“A large and potentially historic winter storm is bringing blizzard conditions to the central Plains as it spreads north and east into Midwest and Great Lakes.”

See? Not hard at all, but some dumbass actually got paid to encourage subliterate morons to stick a (metaphorical, folks) fork behind their eyeballs and stir vigorously. *feh* At least the offenses against English I commit here aren’t paid, so I’m not a thief as well as being occasionally grammar-challenged.

Politics vs. Science

Nope. Not what you think. In fact, in order to remove current political “science” from consideration this time, I’ll simply ask:

Tomato: fruit or vegetable?

True fruits are developed from the ovary at the base of the plant’s flower and contain the seeds of the plant. Botanically a tomato is a fruit.

However, in 1893, in what I view as a purely political decision contrary to fact, simply decreed the tomato to be a vegetable in order to satisfy the bureaucrappic “needs” (read that as “desires”) of tariff collectors, since fruits were exempt from a tariff on imported foods and vegetables were not.

Now, can anyone else name anything in current events that might fall into this unscientific denial of reality that is being pushed as public policy? Hmmm?

Note: I originally, and very uncreatively, typo-ed “1983” for the date of 1893 above. You would have thought I’d at least make some sort of interesting mistake, eh?Oh, well. ๐Ÿ™‚

About That “Literacy” Thing

In our progressively (yes, I meant the pun) dumbed-down society, “literacy” has come to mean simply being able to laboriously puzzle out the written word. That’s sad. For one thing, it means that people who are literate by that commonly-accepted definition can graduate from college without being able to puzzle out the meaning of the directions on a prescription pill bottle, a bus schedule or a dumbed-down (to supposed eighth-grade level) newspaper editorials.

There. Did I make that link hard enough to miss? ๐Ÿ™‚ The data that article draws on is scarier than the article. If you search hard enough, you can find it. *heh* (Yeh, not doing folks’ homework for them on this one. I only want the ones who are… literate enough *heh* to be able to handle the info to get it. Snarky enough? Probably.)

But the problem is really worse than that. Maybe because we’ve become a society defined by the audio-visual media that is TV and radio more than anything else, the proliferation of markers demonstrating that even folks who can read, don’t, or (worse?) that when they do, they read dreck, slop, crap, really, really stupid and uninformed writers.

A very few examples will illustrate my point.

How often have you seen and heard people use “anniversary” to indicate something other than an annual event? “Two month anniversary” is a common example. What part of “anni”–from Latin, “anno” or YEAR–have these subliterate idiots missed?

Or, one I read recently from someone who is ill-read, but who listens to subliterate Hivemind podpeople enough to be dis-educated: “…for the light of me…” when the appropriate phrase was “for the LIFE of me”. Compound that with the multiple occurrences of such phrases as “woks of life,” “chester drawers” “intensive purposes” and a veritable Legion (and yes I meant that2 cultural reference *heh*) of other malaprops, stupidities and downright illiteracies, and we have a society progressing toward genuine illiteracy.

And what, pray, hath brought about this effusion of disgust for a growing illiteracy in our society? Why, the annual profusion of one of its most stupid examples: FEB-YOU-ARY.


It’s FebRUary, dumbasses.

Of course, in the mini-rant above, I did not place enough stress on one of the worst aspects of progressive illiteracy: who the illiterates listen to and “read”. As Mark Twain wisely said,

“The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.”

Note the word, “good”. People who find books written by such as Dan Brown to be readable are people who have denied themselves the advantage of reading books that are well-written and so don’t even know that they are poking a metaphorical screwdriver into their forebrain and stirring. People who watch or read “news” (propaganda) promulgated by an increasingly subliterate Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind rarely twig to the fact that they are being enstupiated by doing so. (And yes, I know that the word “enstupiated” is used more often by me than by any other source known to Google. So? It’s a perfectly good neologism coined by John Stossel, IIRC. :-))

Of course, it’s a thorny problem. So many people have “gradumacated” from American public schools having been told they are”literate” that most do not even know that they are, at best, fumble-headed subliterates. Those few of us who twig to the fact that the “edumacation” system is seriously broken may figure out that we are technically literate subliterates and begin to take steps to correct the problem, but it’s a long, hard row to hoe (and a tip o’ the tam to Davy Crockett for being the first to record that phrase :-)). I’m still working on my literacy (the Lays of Ancient Rome and other works by Macaulay, among many, are still unscaled works, for example), and expect to continue to do so right up until my body’s ready to be cremated.

Most folks, it seems, surrender their literacy to the care (and poisoning) of others more interested in keeping them fat and stupid than anything else.

Freudian Lingerie?

From Language Log:

Rep. Steve King:

“As I deliberate and I listen to the gentleman from Tennessee, I have to make the point that when you challenge the mendacity of the leader or another member, there is an opportunity to rise to a point of order, there is an opportunity to make a motion to take the gentleman’s words down, however many of the members are off on other endeavors and I would make the point that- that the leader and the speaker have established their integrity and their mendacity for years in this Congress and I don’t believe it can be effectively challenged and those who do so actually cast aspersions on themselves for making wild accu- accusations.” [emphasis added]

And if you doubt that the “maroon” quoted above actually asserted–vigorously asserted, I say!–that his colleagues lack integrity, then listen as he speaks:


Of course, this is simply a case of a puffed up politician using words he thinks sound high-falutin’… that he knows not the meaning of.

Common synonyms of “mendacity”: fabrication, falsehood, lie, untruth, whopper.*

But one hears (and sees in print) this sort of thing all the time: people who really are NOT literate–or at least not as literate as they think or want others to think them–speaking “above their own heads” as it were in an attempt to puff up the seeming importance of their utterances.

Just another politician *gag-spit* Nothing new. Move along, now.

Moderate Muslims? Pull the Other One

I was recently taken to task by a disingenuous arguer for stating that there simply are no “moderate Muslims”–that by Islam’s definition of “Muslim” such creatures simply cannot exist.

So, what, to a dim-witted, uninformed, Westerner who’s been lobotomized by years of drinking the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind KoolAid, is a “Moderate Muslim”? Well, the “Muslims Against Sharia” blog pretty much details the features of this mythical creature:

(CLICK to embiggen)

Strange that these folks call themselves “Muslims” since every single one of the characteristics they claim for so-called “Moderate Muslims” would cause their heads to be severed from their bodies were Mohamed to be alive and catch them. “Muslim” means “submitted”. Submitted to what? To the word of Mohamed. NONE of those characteristics cited for “moderate Muslims” are compatible with Islam as “revealed” by Mohamed. Any even semi-literate dumbass from the left side of the bell curve can discern as much from a simple read-through of any translation of the Koran. Sure, there are some “peaceful” verses (basically just plagiarized from Christian and Jewish writings) from Mohamed’s early, “Mecca”, days that soi disant “moderate Muslims” refer to in order to claim their religion is peaceful. But Mohamed is the final arbiter of truth in Islam–it’s black letter law to Islam, essential, fundamental doctrine. And Mohamed himself said, unequivocally, that any time two sayings of his conflicted, the latter saying was–not just preferred!–supersedes, indeed abrogates, the former. Period. And what sayings of Mohamed supersede the “peaceful” Meccan verses? Well, of course it is the violent Medinan verses that require the subjugation, torture and/or death of “unbelievers” at the hands of Muslims whenever and wherever possible. And if it is not possible to subjugate or kill unbelievers, Mohamed provided a special little dispensation for the Muslim: lie to the unbelievers.

So, as far as I can tell, from reading translations of the Koran and more from the Hadith and Sunna, there are no “moderate Muslims”. But there may be one or more classes of people who claim to be “moderate Muslims” and profess to believe the things in the graphic above.

1. Heretics against Islam. There may actually be some of these apostates who nevertheless falsely claim to be Muslims. Could be.
2. Genuine Muslims lying to foolish non-Muslims in order to deceive them and take advantage of foolish non-Muslims’ ignorance and stupidity.
3. Subliterate morons who have no idea what the Koran actually says and claim to be Muslims out of their ignorance.

Those are the ONLY classes of so-called “Moderate Muslims”. Period. Full stop. Placing any credence in the professions of any of these people is beyond foolish. It is foolishly dangerous. More, allowing people who, by the mandates of their own central, essential, fundamental religious doctrine, as clearly and unequivocally stated by their own “perfect” prophet, are required to be our enemies, required to subjugate or kill us, to frame the debate is tantamount to assisting them in our own suicide.

I could only hope for some self-proclaimed “moderate Muslim” to attempt debate on this issue (probably citing some Meccan verses in support of their lies). Only the most idiotic would attempt to do so, though, so tearing them a new one wouldn’t be all that much fun. *sigh*

BTW, before the lil piggie raises its head, the ONLY substantive difference between Sunni and Shia Muslims is the question of who should have inherited Mohamed’s authority. On questions of doctrine, there’s no real differences at all. It’s all political. But they’ll kill each other over the political differences and each claim (legitimate!) justification for doing so directly from Mohamed’s mouth.