Sure, it’s one of those terrible things the “mass man” avoids like leprosy (a BOOK! EVIL–Requires… THINKING *gag*), but those who don’t read it will be doomed to suffer the consequences of not knowing why they’re being inundated by the evil of avoidable stupidity.

Ortega y Gasset’s “Revolt of the Masses“.

No excuses. If you were completely illiterate, you’d not be reading this exhortation to read the thing. *heh* It won’t even cost you a dime to read, since the whole thing’s posted online in a very accessible translation. (Heck, even though it is Ortega y Gasset, I’m not willing to brush off my now–thankfully!–rusty Spanish skills to read it, since I’m boycotting the language as a result of the massive Spanish-speaking, Mexican government sponsored, alien invasion of this country.)

All it will cost you is time and effort. Amittedly, Ortega y Gasset can be a dense read at times. Dense in terms of concepts that must be actually thought about to be understood and/or argued with.

And if you do read the book, you will argue with Ortega y Gasset at times. If you are careful in your argument, you will usually only lose gracefully. *heh*

Just read Revolt of the Masses“. Do it for your grandchildren.

Ortega y Gasset’s thoughts may be disturbing to the faux hyper-egalitarian (really illegitimate manipulative elitist dishonestly masquerading as egalitarian), leftist mentality that now permeates our society, but only–really–because it reveals its vacuity:

“…the man we are now analysing accustoms himself not to appeal from his own to any authority outside him. He is satisfied with himself exactly as he is. Ingenuously, without any need of being vain, as the most natural thing in the world, he will tend to consider and affirm as good everything he finds within himself: opinions, appetites, preferences, tastes. Why not, if, as we have seen, nothing and nobody force him to realise that he is a second-class man, subject to many limitations, incapable of creating or conserving that very organisation which gives his life the fullness and contentedness on which he bases this assertion of his personality? “

Reading Ortega y Gasset again reminds me of James Burnham’s view of modern faux liberalism (as opposed to truly liberal precepts)

“Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for Western Civilization as it commits suicide.”

The two are not in ful agreement, but each sees and describes significant aspects of our sick, sick society.

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Banning Books

[A tip o’ the tam to “Right_of_Attila” commenting at Hot Air]

No, not the Palin Banned Books List Hoax; the PC Banned Books List scandal-that-never-was-but-ought-to-be.

Oh, there are numerous books “banned” (not purchased, widely eschewed) by public libraries throughout the land, but these books are more often than not “banned” by a PC climate that stifles free enquiry, “burns” with scorn books that are non-PC, and refuses worthwhile reading to the public.

Perhaps one example will suffice to spur some reader to personal investigation of this silent banning.

The Story of Little Black Sambo. Oh, you may well find a copy of Sam and the tigers : a new telling of Little Black Sambo, a politically correct revoicing of the story.

But the original story is far, far from an offensive racist tale. It is an heroic tale of pluck, determination, wit and a young boy who courageously overcomes great odds while accomplishing something worthwhile.

So why is it really so widely “banned”–excluded from collections, weeded, discarded, gone? Because, I suspect, it portrays a child “of color” with intelligence and determination who courageously overcomes great odds while accomplishing something worthwhile. That alone would be enough to get it on a leftist whitey plantation owner’s hit list. Can’t have lil black boys (or lil black girls, for that matter) exposed to such uppity ideas, now can we?


Check and see if your library has the original story in its collection.. If it doesn’t, (the third world county library doesn’t) burn your library card at the front desk (too late; I destroyed my twc library card long ago… ).

Note: I know a responsible librarian personally, very well, and there are cases where patron concerns must be addressed. This usually can be accomplished by recataloging items that may be unsuitable for certain ages, simple discussion of concerns by patrons, etc., but there may well be legitimate instances where books may be removed from collections for cause. I wouldn’t, for example, advocate removal of a book by Dan Blather, simply because he was the author, but I would demand a close investigation of any book by him concerning Rathergate, and if it were simply another weasel-worded excuse for his lies, damned lies and “fake but accurate” non-journalism, I’d militate mightily to be allowed to be the one to burn the damned thing, along with Dan Blather in effigy… while no doubt whooping “Courage Courage!” at the top of my lungs. *heh*

Trackposted to Rosemary’s Thoughts, Democrat=Socialist, and Dumb Ox Daily News, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

How Do You Spell “Relief”? P-a-l-i-n

I took a break from “the world” yesterday. Things to do, sleep to glom onto, etc. *heh* Back in the world again today and…

I discover the 24X7 Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind attack on Sarah Palin continues apace. *yawn* Not news. The Obamassiah (or The Dali ‘Bama, as some have dubbed him) selects the lame old hack Biden, and the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind fakes an orgasm. Juan Mexicain selects middle America hockey mom, card carrying NRA member, dynamic first term reform governor of the state that provides up to 20% of the nation’s petro-energy needs and the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind emerges from a stunned epileptic fit to initiate attack mode.

No bias there, eh?

But, as Thomas Lifson notes, while

The announcement of Palin’s selection by Senator McCain last Saturday reportedly triggered outright laughter in newsrooms across the land, a nearly unanimous opinion that she would be a disaster for McCain. To the sort of people who believe themselves sophisticated citizens of the world and feel a sense of pride at saving the planet by purchasing carbon offsets, a woman who has borne five children is incomprehensible. Add in moose-hunting, a champion snowmobiler husband and a pregnant 17 year old daughter, and the phrases “white trash” and “trailer trash” are deployed…

The cheese-eating surrender monkeys of the Left just don’t get it:

She has the rarest of qualities: authenticity. Media and Beltway types can’t fathom what that is. It goes right over their heads. Not even on the radar screen. Her multiple facets — beauty queen, moose hunter, mother, member of an Assembly of God Church, and ferocious reformer of corrupt politics may baffle sophisticates, but ordinary Americans see all the pieces fitting together, and they recognize a type of person they know and love.

Heck, Palin may be one of the very few authentic Americans in politics, nowadays, at least beyond the local school board or city councilman level in small town America.

And she still has more executive experience than The Obamassiah, Joe Plagiarism, Juan Mexicain or that Abraham Lincoln, for that matter, had before his presidency. (Oops. Maybe I ought not mention the latter, given the mess he made of his administration.)

While I regularly eschew watching politicians *spit* speak, preferring to read the content of their (usually) blather to, urm, see if it has any content apart from polished vowels and consonants, I do plan on listening (carefully, for real content) to Gov. Palin’s upcoming convention speech. I’ve seen the one interview I referred to a couple of days ago, and I’ve read other speeches, “debates” (as much–or as little–as a media run “debate” for a political office like governor is a debate) and comments made by Palin, and so far, she’s the only one worth listening to in the presidential field. If her speech and behavior continues to match up with her record so far, it looks like I can cast a relieved vote for Palin in November.

Oh, yeh, and whatsisname too, I suppose.

*heh* Update II:

Oh, and, from the official campaign website, an excerpt from an article in the St Petersburg Times,

…Palin’s years of elected executive experience beat out the rest of both tickets, even her own running mate.

Seems I’m not the only one who thinks that. πŸ˜‰

Annnd… from a lifelong “progressive cos it’s cool” commenter (“Fallon”) at PajamasMedia,

…I have been struggling with this decision, too, but I will be voting for Governor Sarah Palin via Senator McCain because I feel she is a strong and accomplished leader who I respect. I cherish the thought that she will be a mere heatbeat away from the presidency. I will never agree with any candidate 100%, never have, but I now believe that character and personal integrity trumps image, and security trumps domestic issues.

Now that I have made my decision, I feel at peace for the first time since the campaigns began.

Amen, sister. πŸ™‚

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Facts vs Feelings

[SEE UPDATE at foot]

I recently had a long email exchange (can’t call it a discussion: all the words that made any sense were all sent; none received. *sigh*) with someone who has sold their soul to the idea of feelings trumping facts.

And this person calls themselves a “conservative”. Seriously.

Here’s the rub:

I received–yet again!–a rehashed and reworded email calling forth the thirty-year-old, tired old hoax about “FCC Petition Number 2493” from someone all riled up about First Amendment rights in danger of being lost to this thirty-year-old hoax.

I returned an email letting them know it was a hoax and added a gratuitous, “I might be tempted to sign such a petition if it existed to keep the charlatans you fear might be taken off the air off the air”.

And there went the baby with the bath water. Now, of course, since the sender of the hoax FELT some favorite religious charlatans were threatened, not only by the evil FCC but by me of all people, I was in for a slew of spittle and froth, “signifying nothing” save the writer’s total committment to feeling over fact.

Oh, funny aside: one of the religious charlatans I mentioned himself admitted some of the charges I laid at his door on national television, but that fact made no difference, either (nor did the fact that I sent a link to an article discussing the admissions. Of course.)

More germane: multiple citations of articles clearly and concisely and definitively debunking the Petition 2493 hoax weren’t enough to make an argument to someone completely sold out to arguing according to feelings, not facts:

“I did read it and I know you said it is a HOAX, but I DO NOT BELIEVE IT IS A HOAX.”

People who argue with their eyes closed, their fingers in their ears and their mouth motoring away at “la-la-la-la-la-… ” are impervious to reason and facts.

And these people can vote.

I used to call these people reality-based fantasists and faux liberals, but now, self-styled “conservatives” are as likely to be included in this class of idiots as not.

This is what “democracy” gets us. Weep for the republic that once was.

[Addendum: Out and about this a.m., I met an old guy who runs a junk store who’s a good example of “feelings over facts”. He had on his shelf a bottle of clear amber fluid labeled “Pepper Beer–not for drinking”. Naturally that led this unmoderated tongue to comment, “What a shame. Beer is for drinking” which led to…

“Beer destroyed my family,” and a tale of growing up in a family where his father got drunk on beer and was abusive. No amount of pointing out the fact that the beer didn’t force excessive amounts of itself down his father’s throat making him into an abusive drunk was going to convince him of his father’s responsibility for his own drunkeness. No, it was the beer that did it.

*feh* Such people are idiots. Inanimate objects, chemical substances and the like do not make people harm others. People mmake themselves do harmful things, including making the CHOICE to abuse mind-altering chemical substances of all kinds.

The bushwah about people, including addicts, not being responsible for their actions is the perhaps single most harmful meme in our society today.]

UPDATE: Hilarious stupidity. The person who prompted this post has “retaliated” for my having pointed out that their spread of a hoax–especially now that they have adequate evidence that what they are spreading is a hoax–is “bearing false witness,” which is a strange thing for someone claiming to be a Christian to do, well, this same person has apparently “felt” like CLICKing on a link or attachment in an email without checking it out, and had their email addressbook harvested by some malware. (No, I do not think they are directly spamming me, although I could certainly make some trouble for them with their ISP were I to report the spam apparently coming from their address.)

Of course, I could be giving this “feeling” person more credit than they are due. Fortunately, I’d never have even noticed the spam emails except this is my day of the week to weed through my email spam queue for false positive (there were none, as usual).

Aside: I’ve almost grown to like email spam now that I filter everything through my hosting service’s spam filters. πŸ™‚ I love for unethical people to waste their resources trying to hook me. Were it not for the fact that they are also wasting bandwidth, I’d no longer mind spammers at all.

Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Woman Honor Thyself, McCain Blogs, Right Truth, The World According to Carl, Shadowscope, Pirate’s Cove, , The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, The Amboy Times, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, CORSARI D’ITALIA, and Democrat=Socialist, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

What to do about the “War on drugs”?

Or, “If I Were Emperor” *heh*

“From the US we can see that strict laws on personal possession don’t work… “

Were I Emperor for a Week, among the silly (stupid and downright evil–in effect if not intent) things I’d repeal would be ALL laws regulating what adults could put into their bodies… along with implementing stringent punishments for harm done to others because stupid, irresponsible adults put things they ought not into their bodies and ended up doing harmful things as a result. Drunk drivers cause a wreck? Lose all their worldly goods–no dunning the insurance past a minimal amount–become the slaves of those they harmed until their monetary assessment’s paid off, then set free or executed–those who killed someone because of their drunkeness–by dropping their own wrecked car on them… until dead. (NOT “cruel and unusual”–see the numbers of people killed by drunk drivers per year by essentially “dropping” a car on ’em. Definitely “usual” and certainly not particularly “cruel” otherwise, why would so many drunks feel it’s perfectly fine to drive a couple of tons of metal into another human at 65mph?) In public. With pre-emptive natiowide broadcasts of the executions on all available channels, including The Cartoon Network. (Never too young to learn that being drunk is stupid.)

No prison for possession or use of any drug. Only for doing things that harm others directly.

Oh, and what to do with all that $$ saved by ending the “War on drugs”? Provide all the lotus eaters all the drugs they want for free in hopes that Darwin will cleanse the gene pool. No other benefits (no food stamps, unemployment, health care), just all the drugs that druggies want, free. After all, the only cure for stupidity is reality.

Gee, as long as I were Emperor for a Week,

–chain gangs for career politicians, educrats, Mass Media Podpeople, Hollyweirdites, Academia Nut Fruitcakes and Prisons for Kids (AKA, “public schools”) administrators.

–abolish the IRS (and add its minions to the aforesaid chain gangs)

–set up a “Greenie Preserve” where Algore and his idiot followers can be one with nature. No electricity, no modern drugs or preserved foods, no modern sanitation, just greenies, nature and… all the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth they want

Well, a guy can dream, can’t he?

Next? Well, with the stupid “War on drugs” out of the way, maybe the DEA can focus on something else, like, I dunno, persecuting, urm, prosecuting a “War on feddle gummint anarcho-tyranny” starting with the TSA, BATF and… Congress?


Trackposted to Faultline USA, The World According to Carl, Shadowscope, The Pink Flamingo, , Leaning Straight Up, Dumb Ox Daily News, Democrat=Socialist, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Issues and Answers 2.3: The Enstupiation of America

This issue is far, far too big to do more in a blog post than simply point in a couple of directions for answers. But one thing is absolutely rock solid certain: Americans are becoming stupider by the minute.

(Doubt the “absolutely rock solid certain” nature of increasing estupiation? I’ve blogged before on genuine illiteracy, innumeracy and other aspects of increasing enstupiation of the American populace before. Search my site (or just google around for yourself) for previous posts linking such things before arguing with me about enstupiated Americans. Heck, in all the posts I’ve done in the past on the topic, I’ve no more than scratched the surface.)

“If a foreign nation had imposed this system of education on the United States we would rightly consider it an act of war.”–the 1983 National Commission on Education, Glenn T. Seaborg, Chairman

Hmmm, not much has changed for mthe better in the last 25 years…

Let’s first simply take as demonstrable fact that “public education” (more properly called “prisons for kids” nowadays) in America is broken beyond repair and ought to be scrapped and rebuilt from the bottom up. Sure, there are a few sterling examples of public education working well, but

a. the instances are too few and far between to offer any redemption of public education in general and

b. the methods of successful schools–schools that have as their product productive citizens from ALL educable or trainable portions of the bell curve –WILL NOT BE ALLOWED in schools controlled by remote educrats/politicians.

So, to turn the tide of enstupiation, we must first radically change public education. The first step? Take a page from those who mis-quote Falstaff and “kill all the pubschool administrators.” OK, not actually, but at least metaphorically. Remove those who are arguably the stupidest class of people in public education from any position of inluence (administrators” and give them something useful to do in stead, say, making little rocks out of big ones.

(Yes, here are those rare pubschool administrators who are both competent and focused on truly serving as an aid to the teaching/learning process. But they are so few as to be dismissed as nonexistant for the purposes of cleaning houses. *heh*)

Then do the same thing for professors of education–you know, the wackos who come up with another theory to use in experimenting on your kids every year, theories that always seem to make kids dumber, not smarter. Heck, from the consistency of educational theories coming out of schools of edcucation over the past 40-50 years, one might almost think that there were a vast conspiracy aimed at making the American citizen into Amercan sheeple. But, as has been attributed to Napoleon, “Never ascribe to malice what can adequately be explained by stupidity”–and the twc corrollary: “Never underestimate the stupidity quotient of really smart people.”

(But then, schools of education aren’t even populated by very bright people to begin with. Heck, most of the social “sciences” are populated by people too dumb or too lazy to do anything creative. Double that for English and graphic arts departments on most college and university campuses, which goes a long way toward explaining the works considered “great art” in the 20th Century… )

Next: get the feds OUT of education. Period. Check your copy of the Constitution. There is NO (zip, zero, zilch) Constitutional justification whatsoever for a federal Department of Education. If you find one, go tar and feather the person(s) who “taught” you to “read” and misunderstand the English language.

And then slap yourself upside the head for being so stupid as to not learn on your own.

Then: place the responsibility for children’s education firmly where it belongs. If Johnnie or Janie can’t read, write and do arithmetic, then blame the parents. Oh, you think we ought to blame the teachers? Sure, go ahead. Who ought to make sure the teachers are teaching their children properly? The question answers itself. And if Johnnie and Janie can’t read, write and do arithmetic and end up being unenployable, then let their parents be responsible for their support. Why should you and I have to take up the slack because lazy, stupid parents refused top BE parents and make sure their children learn what they need to learn to be productive citizens?

But parents’ respnsibilities do not begin and end with formal schooling. Actually, the most destructive lessons are taught by the time kids enter kindergarten (an horrific intellectual/social charnal house I and most of my generation was spared). While there are many destructive lessons “GRUP” parents* are teaching their children nowadays, the most destructive is the idolization of the child.

Parents who are their children’s buddies or servants or “facilitators” (*yech!*) are NOT offering their children the single most valuable lesson of all: a model of adulthood that celebrates maturity. In fact, it’s difficult to think of any place most children might look to find a real adult to model themselves after.

Thus we have “parents” who go ballistic (complete with explosions, firey immolations and childish temper tantrums) if funding for school sports is reduced in favor of *shudder* academics; “parents” who would rather see an academically demanding teacher fired than have little Johnnir or Janie actually, well, learn anything. (Yes, you do too know such parents.); “parents” who will excuse any of their own child’s misbehavior and fight tooth and nail to avert any actual consequences coming to bear on the child.

“Parents” who refuse their own responsibility for raising their children and shelter their children from the consequences of the chldren’s behavior: growing stupid, irresponsible citizens who will stupidly and irresponsibly

spend themselves into debt slavery for things they’ll just throw out tomorrow

elect politicians who will contin ue to sell our progeny down the river for a few more votes from enstupiated, greedy sheeple today

never see the hammer fall when it all comes to its inevitable end

Oh, gee. And I haven’t even touched on that other Great Enstupiator: The Mass Media Podpeople’s Hivemind…

*GRUPs are childish people who are chronologically adult but emotionally immature, clinging to youth, worshipping, adoring, seeking to emulate the immature behaviors of young people. The antithesis of maturity and wisdom, they seek to deny their advancing years. Dumbasses, one and all.

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Post title cryptic enough for ya? πŸ˜‰ I’ll be out of town, out of state and mostly out of pocket for the next few days, so play nicely while I’m gone. (Yeh, I’ll have some sort of internet connection, but likely not the time to blog.)

Meanwhile, from Issue 1 of an abortive start at issues facing the U.S. (the series will continue–later), a tip from The Beagle Scout to add to Newt Gingrich’s Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less campaign at

Those who haven’t yet done it and who care at all about US gas and energy prices may want to sign an electronic petition urging the US House of Representatives to pass H.R. 3089, the No More Excuses Energy Act of 2007. Here is the petition.

Read The Beagle Scout’s post and consider clicking on through the links he provides.

The unborn will bless you. And you might just help yourself out a bunch, too.

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“DWUC”–Driving While Under-Caffeinated

Wandering through a disjointed, rambling discussion with the voices in my head this A.M….

It’s a good thing I was under-caffeinated this morning. Too many “driving while brain dead” people on the road. Had I been properly caffeinated (thus, awake), I’d probably have stroked out at the number of folks who let a little dampness (after a night full of heavy rain) turn them into Aunt Tillies on the road… But enough of that.

Ever think about the differences between stereotypes and archetypes? They have common roots in real world relationships and usefulness. Archetypes as theoretical models actually have less usefulness in our quotidian experiences, IMO. Stereotypes though…

Ever notice that stereotypes get a bum rap in the talk of Academia Nut Fruitcakes, Mass Media Podpeople, et al, and yet Academia Nut Fruitcakes almost universally stereotype stereotypes as “bad” and Mass Media Podpeople cannot utter two sentences in a row without using stereotypes.

Why is that?

Well, on the one hand, Academia Nut Fruitcakes despise anything that simplifies models to the point of actual usefulness, while at the same time unconsiously making sweeping generalizations (oversimplified assumptions) about the unusefulness of simple models, AKA, stereotypes, which they have come to characterize as oversimplifications of some observed or imagined trait of behaviour or appearance.

(Mass Media Podpeople, OTOH, are unable to think in complex terms at all, and so have nothing BUT genuine oversimplifications to offer. In their case, stereotypes really are a bad, bad thing.)

Why do stereotypes exist to begin with? Because humans are generalization machines and Occam’s Razor is one of the most powerful tools (I almost typed “forces”) of reason. Face it: most “jocks” are intellectually stunted boors. Yes, it’s true. Nerds are, by definition, socially inept. Latino men are almost universally dominated by machismo (natural public reaction to their basically matriarchal home life–*heh*), and American society is becoming ever more feminized day by day.

Sidebar: I don’t have to defend any of the statements above, because to any person who has more functioning brain cells than a head of cabbage they are self-evident. Stereotype-driven, because they are generalizations from the real world that are testable hypotheses that can stand against exceptional tests: they work.

Example: the feminization of America. 99%+ of America’s future is brainwashed in our society’s prisons for kids (disingenuously referred to by Academia Nut Fruitcakes, Mass media Podpeople and politicians *spit* as “public schools”). More and more kids are being drugged out of their minds because, being boys, they act like boys, and our prisons for kids are dominated by female teachers for whom boyish behavior is anathema. Take a typical playground event: bully picks on victim. If the victim does the female teacher-acceptable thing and “goes crying to surrogate mommy” all is well in the eye of the prison for kids. If the victim does the right thing and plasters the bully, he gets in trouble. OK, maybe both get in trouble, but the point is that to satisfy a feminine culture, a forceful personal response results in injustice: punishment for self-defense.

And this trait is, of course, permeating our society. Self-defense is equated with aggression at an increasing rate. By all meeans, lets talk with the crazy guy with the atom bomb…

And that is but one of many examples of the feminization of America.

And so it goes with many things slurred as stereotypes: they are reflections of a reality the politically correct simply want to deny, as they embrace instead their reality-based fantasies and tyrannical utopian/dystopian views.

As someone once said (something like :-)), “In much of [their] talk, thinking is half-murdered.”

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Not Exactly Reindeer Games…

Warming up just a tad, but in the low 80s (as in 81 degrees fahrenheit in my no A/C, just windows open office) for the latter part of June? Not too shabby. Heck, the humidity is even in the low 1,000s% range *heh* (Yeh, it is humid enough to drown fish.)

Anywho, after much debate with the voices in my head, I ended up not building a new box from separate components. What I did instead was buy a “debranded” media center comp that I could seriously upgrade. Now, that does mean it came w/o the media center OS it was originally built for, and specific drivers for some of the components are “fun” to track down (drivers for the IR reciever and remote will likely be the most fun to hunt down). It also means I need to buy some more cable to build a new run to the computer (and not incidentally, another–better–splitter; split once into two, then again; one straight to cable “modem” and three runs to other places, for now).

Just more techie fun.

Still, for dirt cheap, an AMD 64X2 5600+ base system with a gig of memory (which I’m going to hand off to someone else–already selected, so don’t put in any requests :-)–and replace with 4GB), a competent sound/vid setup… which I will upgrade, and lotsa nice lil goodies including a nice TV Tuner card, bunches of media connections front and back and enough open PCI slots (one PCIex-1 is taken up already and the PCIex-16 is just waiting on a new vidcard). Oh, the 300W power supply is also scheduled for replacement. I have a nice 450W ps I can use in it until I get the PC Power and Cooling “Rolls Royce” ps I have my eye on, so I’m not screaming bloddy murder about a wimpy ps in my box.

Of course, no OS, media center, all that jazz, means it’s currently running Ubuntu 8.04 with MythTV, but as soon as I plop VirtualBox on, I’ll also install WinXP Pro-64 and hunt around for the usual stuff to use with it. Then, drag out some old software and install Win98 in another VirtualBox, so I can use Encore with it (cos it still doesn’t run under WINE).

UPDATE: *grrr* 64-bit CPU. 64-bit OS. 64-bit version of Virtualbox. Attempt to install 64-bit WinXPP, error: “Attempting to load an x64 operating system, however this CPU is not compatible with x64 mode. Please install a 32-bit X86 operating system.” The only XPP I have available that’s not been installed elsewhere is a 64-bit version. Looks like I’ll have to uninstall VirtualBox and go with VMware, instead. Sad, cos I really like the way VirtualBox sets things up. Oh. Well.

Other fun?my Wonder Woman’s Toshiba is at the “repair depot” for an LCD issue, so… have a desktop compy set up in the living room for her use. Kinda clunky solution, but at least she can chjeck her email and watch Stargate SG-1 reruns simultaneously. *heh*

Still getting above 40mpg in my lil 11-year-old Saturn. Even with “idjits” driving in front of me on two-lane roads that’re largely solid Ozarkian no passing zones.

Example: heading outa town (to another Third World County town about 10 miles away). Traffic stacked up for nearly a mile at nearly 30mph in the 55mph zone. Yep. Some 300 pound idjit on a motor scooter that he could probably push faster than it can carry him.

Now, at 30mph on a level road, I have to keep the lil car in 4th gear. That translates to about 1,500rpm. 45mph, I can use 5th gear… also 1,500rpm. 55mph is not quite 1,800rpm on the same level roadway.

But there I am lugging along at under 30mph, almost 1,500 rpm behind some idjit, wasting fuel.

Oh. Well. Lotsa those folks “driving” around, and I still got 42mpg on my last fill up (about 1mpg more than my porevious fill up–it’ll balance out, perhaps).

Imagine what kind of fuel economy I’d get if even a few of the idjits were to park their cars and attempt to master the intellectual challenge of putting one foot in front of the other…


Issues and Answers 2.01

Energy policy. No matter how much we work to reform tax policy to get the “feddle gummint” out of savings/investment policy and level the international trade playing field a bit, with the energy lashup that passes for “feddle gummint” policy we now have in place, our economy is hamstrung, our billions are being sent OUT of this country, largely to third world thugs, and we face a future of spiraling inflation.

The answer is complex but can start with one simple thing: learn some commonsense steps we can take NOW… and take them.

See American Solutions for more.

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