Christmas Alliance 1.3, A different solution to worldly woes

As an antidote to my previous post, here’s a better answer to the planet’s woes, here is the first of this season’s music presentations. Note: this is an excerpt. Buy the CD for the whole thing.

Here are a couple of verses of Charles Wesley’s text usually set to the tune, HYFERDOL by Rowland Prichard (played above):

Come, Thou long-expected Jesus,
Born to set Thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us;
Let us find our rest in Thee.
Israel’s strength and consolation,
Hope of all the earth Thou art;
Dear desire of every nation,
Joy of every longing heart.

Born Thy people to deliver,
Born a Child, and yet a King,
Born to reign in us forever,
Now Thy gracious kingdom bring.
By Thine own eternal Spirit,
Rule in all our hearts alone;
By Thine all-sufficient merit,
Raise us to Thy glorious throne.

Unfortunately, the CD that this is excerpted from, Winterlude — Instrumentals for a Contemplative Christmas ~ John Darnall (Artist), et al, is OOP, but the link does lead to some copies still available through

TB-ed to a recent Random Yak Christmas Alliance post, cos I don’t know where else to tb Xmas Alliance posts. *heh*

Read some boring music talk below the fold

Continue reading “Christmas Alliance 1.3, A different solution to worldly woes”

Finally! THE solution to the planet’s woes!

A post by Angel, of Woman Honor Thyself, tangentially reminded me of a video I caught on YouTube recently. Below is a shorter version of the YouTube video, a long rambling conspiracy theory rant by someone who is either a genius beyond my mental capabilities to comprehend or who seriously needs his meds moderated…

The original long form rant is here, in case you wonder if the above was taken out of context in order to make the speaker seem crazier than he is (it wasn’t and he really is that crazy).

The sad thing is that, while I ran into quite a few who believed as this guy now does when I lived in “the good part of the ghetto” back twenty-five years ago, they were many fewer in number then than now, if I can trust my memory at all.

Blame it all on whitey (or whoever/whatever group the punching bag du jour is). The cry of folks who refuse to take responsibility for their own failures.

I wonder what Basil thinks of this…

The Ratchet and the Governor – Tools for Today – Part I

Black September Gang Member 1970

(disclaimer: may not be in the exact chronological order, and will not list each and every act of terror, but a good list is linked here)

The Olympics in the 70s.
The US Embassy in Iran.
Marine Barracks, Beruit
Leo Klingenhoffer on the Achilles Lauro
Lockerbee, Scotland.
Discos in Germany where US Service members congregate
Bombing of embassies in Africa,
Swarming over the “Mog”
Continue reading “The Ratchet and the Governor – Tools for Today – Part I”

Puppy/Ubuntu update

Well, Puppy Linux 2.12 was a blast for a couple of days. Then, I woke this morning to a blank screen on the Puppy box. Hmmm… Xorg died on me. Would NOT reboot to the GUI, even with repairs and tweaks. OK, XVESA. Nope. Not that either.


Burned another XUbuntu 6.1o CD and attempted a boot. Nope. Xorg died there, too.


Just for fun, popped in a Windows CD and booted, had the basic files installed and then killed it on the reboot.

Popped in the XUbuntu 6.10 CD again and… booted like a champ.


Oh, well. Writing this post from within a XUbuntu session running an Enlightenment windowing desktop. Not all that sure I’m tickled pink with the Enlightenment environment, though. Slick, lotsa features, but things are hidden in the weirdest places (“weird” seems to be the word of the day). If I wanted another coupla steep faces added to my learning curve, I’d’ve asked for ’em. Oops. I did when I specified the Enlightenment desktop/windowing session.

Oh, well. It’s got enough eye candy and gee whiz junk to please a Mac user. Hmmm… maybe that’s the problem I have with it.


Opera still functions as if it were made exclusively with Linux in mind. Fast, faster, fastest. The differences between it and Firefox (which was built into the install of XUbuntu 6.10) are even more readily apparent in Linux than in Windows. Slick and wonderfully responsive.

I dunno. Maybe now that XUbuntu is running on this comp, I’ll pop the Puppy CD in later for another look-see. I sure wish I had the time (and inclination–*heh*) to dig into combining some of the really cool features of Puppy Linux with Xubuntu. between them, I think I’d be pretty happy with a machine or three running them as Internet cruisers.

Please pass this warning on..

A lil warning to computer users that I’d suggest readers of this blog pass on to their naive computer user friends and aquaintances. Here’s an example of an email that’s making the rounds (I’ve actually recieved copies of it):

Mail server report.

Our firewall determined the e-mails containing worm copies are being sent from your computer.

Nowadays it happens from many computers, because this is a new virus type (Network Worms).

Using the new bug in the Windows, these viruses infect the computer unnoticeably.
After the penetrating into the computer the virus harvests all the e-mail addresses and sends the copies of itself to these e-mail

Please install updates for worm elimination and your computer restoring.

Best regards,
Customers support service

Attached to the email will be a zip file with various names. One I’ve seen most frequently has been “”. My anti-virus detected the latest attachment as “I-Worm/Stration”. Semi-humorous: the attached worm does just about what’s described in the subliterate, English-as-a-second-language email text. *heh*

I’m sure that’d be a consolation to folks who infected themselves.

Still, notice the name of the attached file. Naive users might think that a file with a name like that’s a Microsoft update, though, a patch they need to apply, and their anti-virus software may or may not be up to date, and so they’d infect themselves with the worm du jour.

NEVER open unscanned, unknown attachments from an unsolicited source!

NEVER open unscanned, unknown attachments from an unsolicited source!

NEVER open unscanned, unknown attachments from an unsolicited source!

What I tell you three times…

Please understand, while I KNOW most of the readers of this blog (with the vanishingly small percentage of dumbasses filtered out) would NEVER open unscanned, unknown attachments from an unsolicited source, I’m sure we all have friends or aquaintances who’d just not stop to think before CLICKing and infecting themselves.

So, just pass it on, would you?

Passing it on as a PSA at Conservative Cat, where Bruce is caught in a display of love and courage!

Kerry is not an anomaly

Confirmation: Jean Fraud Kerry’s view that a military career is for dummies, failures, the left end of the bell curve is not his alone, that other prominent leaders among the Democrats share his view is found in Charles “military careers are for losers” Rangel’s pitch for the draft.

No young, bright individual wants to fight just because of a bonus and just because of educational benefits. And most all of them come from communities of very, very high unemployment. If a young fella has an option of having a decent career or joining the army to fight in Iraq, you can bet your life that he would not be in Iraq.

A couple of questions, Charlie:

Where do you find “young fellas” in this country trapped in isolated pockets of “very, very high unemployment” and unable to escape to the rest of the country which is suffering so very terribly from a a five-year low unemployment rate hovering around 4%? Are these “young fellas” you claim unable to leave these anomalous pockets of “very, very high unemployment”? (Gee. If that’s so, we need to enact the measures taken there to protect our borders from illegal aliens… )

Next, Charlie, figures show that blacks are not disproportionately represented, that poorer communities are under represented and that high school grads are over-represented (as against the general population) in the all-volunteer military. This directly contradicts your other statements made recently, and you refused to address these contradictions when you were asked to.

Yeh, watch the video at Hot Air. Catch the roundup of views at Stop the ACLU. Oh, and for the clincher, read “Who Bears the Burden” from the Heritage Foundation, a detailed study on just who is serving in our all-volunteer military. That study alone demonstrates that Charlie Rangel is a liar, a fool and a poltroon of the first order.

There’s really not much choice in blogging about this: either a long screed excoriating Rangel in detail or a short “Y’all head on over and see for yourself what this bag of pus has to say.” I’m too coffee-deprived this morning to give Rangel the dope slap he deserves, so I’ll leave that in your hands, gentle readers.


[UPDATE] OK, let’s see if, after a few cupsa coffee, I can whet your appetite for some fairly dense reading. The “social justice” argument that Charles Rangel and others have advanced for the draft rests primarily on this thesis:

“A disproportionate number of the poor and members of minority groups make up the enlisted ranks of the military, while most privileged Americans are underrepresented or absent.”—Charles B. Rangel, op-ed, “Bring Back the Draft,” The New York Times, December 31, 2002, p. A19.

IOW, the argument is pretty fairly summed up as, “The poor and the stupid are trapped into ‘volunteering’ for military service, since that’s their only legitimate option” or something like that. This argument assumes that, as its proponents frequently claim, the military is made up primarily of people who are unable to find decent work because they lack the educational or economic prospects of more privileged Americans.

“Representative Rangel’s theory is that if all citizens faced equal prospects of dying in a conflict, support for that conflict would have to pass a higher standard. This theory assumes that the privileged classes would be less willing to commit the nation to war if that conflict involved personal, familial, or class bloodshed. It also assumes that the existing volunteers are either ignorant or lack other options—that is, they are involuntary participants. One way to test this thesis is to explore the demographic patterns of enlisted recruits before and after the initiation of the global war on terrorism on September 11, 2001.”—Who Bears the Burden? Demographic Characteristics of U.S. Military Recruits Before and After 9/11

Who Bears the Burden? Demographic Characteristics of U.S. Military Recruits Before and After 9/11, examining whether the theory of oppression of the poor and minorities via military service, looked at the following areas:

  • Household income,
  • Level of education,
  • Race/ethnicity, and
  • Region/rural origin.

IOW, exactly the criteria Rangel and others have cited as reasons for their “social justice” view concerning the need for a draft.

What did the Heritage Foundation examination of the facts discover?

…There may be legitimate equity concerns that outweigh national security, but they will undoubtedly come at a cost or trade-off in productivity.

However, our research shows that the volunteer force is already equitable. That is, it is highly likely that reinstating the draft would erode military effectiveness, increase American fatalities, destroy personal freedom, and even produce a less socioeconomically “privileged” military in the process.

(Emphasis added above.)


Put simply, the current makeup of the all-voluntary military looks like America. Where they are different, the data show that the average soldier is slightly better educated and comes from a slightly wealthier, more rural area. We found that the military (and Army specifically) included a higher proportion of blacks and lower proportions of other minorities but a proportionate number of whites. More important, we found that recruiting was not drawing disproportionately from racially concentrated areas.

The report includes the data refuting Charles Rangel’s and other “social justice” arguers lies about how the all-volunteer military is social injustice in action.

And no, I’ll not characterize Rangel’s lies as “inaccuracies” or “mistakes” since he’s in a position to KNOW the facts but chooses to lie about them. Even if he is ignorant of the facts, it’s a wilfull ignorance that amounts to the same as lies, especially since he has been informed of the facts and simply, openly, brazenly dismisses them.

Liar. Coward. Afraid to base his argument for a draft upon facts, he has no recourse BUT to lie about what the facts are.

I’m also adding a category to this post I ought to have done before: No More Bullshit!


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Linkfest Haven

Well, it had to happen. Finally, a piece of SPAM not only pierced every anti-spam filter I have in my email client (and the mailservers) but was also… not bad. Interesting, even. Here it is reproduced for your amazement amusement:

We are an Italian Company occupied in production Plants in our Nursery,utilizing modern technological Systems and new ideas to be with the market today. (We need a head [sic], Please see are [sic]web-sit [sic], www.[redacted].com)

OK, the text’s not offensive (save for the minor offenses committed by a non-English-speaking author), but what made this SPAM tolerable follows… some entirely inoffensive graphics, fully “Safe for work”

Lazy Saturday… here’s what’s going on

Lazy day (just heard echoes of Moody Blues in my mind’s ear: “Lazy day, Sunday afternoon/Like to put your feet up, watch TV… “)

Playing around with a new distro of Puppy Linux on a “discard” PC. Fast. Gee whiz! And Opera on this distro? ? Whoa, Nellie, she’s headed for the pumpkin patch! Oh! Just found a newer distro. Gonna d/l that Puppy *heh* and try it out, as well, I guess. Hard choosing a “simple as pie” Linux GUI distro for the proverbial “Aunt Tillie” any more, cos Puppy and Ubuntu—both leading the pack, IMO—are just so very good in different ways.

Why choose? Partition and run both or run one of each on a coupla different computers! That’s the ticket…

Local parade today (two other towns in America’s third World Countyâ„¢ have theirs, today, followed by this one). Skipped a walk downtown, cos hadda get errands done before the whole darned town shut down. Skipping the parade, too. *yawn* BTDT, even hadda band in it. In them. Whatevah. *deep yawn*

Think I’ll cruise around my blogroll for a while, too. Just skimming, cos I’m about three cupsa joe shorta full consciousness, today.

I’m about to make up my shopping list for candidates for ’08. Something along these lines:

1. Fiscal conservative
2. Shut the borders DOWN to illegal immigration and rigidly enforce laws penalizing employers of illegals, shut of the public services tap for illegals, etc.
3. Dump the tax code for something rational that removes as much power to tinker in people’s lives via the tax code from Washington as possible.
4. Kick asses and take names of Islamic terrorists, anywhere they can be found. Send names to survivors, along with the grisly gristle necessary to drive home the point: Don’t Tread on Me.
5. Serious (no, SERIOUS) about TOTAL energy independence for the U.S. Tell the Saudis and others to drink their oil. And mean it.

That’d about do for my dream candidates. Most of the rest of my dream shopping list I can defer until later, but those things will get my close scrutiny during the next coupla years.

Other than lazing around, playing with my Puppy (ver. 2.12 :-)), “missing” a parade (or three), noodling around in my blogroll and daydreaming about political candidates (OK, that’s almost a waking nightmare, right there), not much going on here at twc. How about where you are?

Tacking this one up over at Basil’s.

Where’s the line?

Jay, at Stop the ACLU, asks concerning the NYT publication of classified information aiding our enemies, “Where do we draw the line on freedom of press?”

Urm, Jay, I’d draw that line at open treason, which is, IMO, a fair characterization of the NYT’s behavior…

Let’s get it clear:

1.) The NYT is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the faux liberal left.
2.) The faux liberal left’s philosophy is most charitably characterized by James L. Burnham when he said, “Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for the West as it commits suicide.”

Of course, there are less charitable (and possibly more accurate) portrayals of the faux liberal left…

Read the article at STACLU and see Michelle Malkin’s screed on the issue, as well.