Well, Puppy Linux 2.12 was a blast for a couple of days. Then, I woke this morning to a blank screen on the Puppy box. Hmmm… Xorg died on me. Would NOT reboot to the GUI, even with repairs and tweaks. OK, XVESA. Nope. Not that either.
Burned another XUbuntu 6.1o CD and attempted a boot. Nope. Xorg died there, too.
Just for fun, popped in a Windows CD and booted, had the basic files installed and then killed it on the reboot.
Popped in the XUbuntu 6.10 CD again and… booted like a champ.
Oh, well. Writing this post from within a XUbuntu session running an Enlightenment windowing desktop. Not all that sure I’m tickled pink with the Enlightenment environment, though. Slick, lotsa features, but things are hidden in the weirdest places (“weird” seems to be the word of the day). If I wanted another coupla steep faces added to my learning curve, I’d’ve asked for ’em. Oops. I did when I specified the Enlightenment desktop/windowing session.
Oh, well. It’s got enough eye candy and gee whiz junk to please a Mac user. Hmmm… maybe that’s the problem I have with it.
Opera still functions as if it were made exclusively with Linux in mind. Fast, faster, fastest. The differences between it and Firefox (which was built into the install of XUbuntu 6.10) are even more readily apparent in Linux than in Windows. Slick and wonderfully responsive.
I dunno. Maybe now that XUbuntu is running on this comp, I’ll pop the Puppy CD in later for another look-see. I sure wish I had the time (and inclination–*heh*) to dig into combining some of the really cool features of Puppy Linux with Xubuntu. between them, I think I’d be pretty happy with a machine or three running them as Internet cruisers.