Blood for Oil


Kinda sorry I only had a cheapo low-rez camera with me this a.m. What you cannot easily discern is that the lower price is for the premium blend of gas… Just one more data point putting the lie to the “blood for oil” Iraq adventure meme. If the goal were to pump oil and bring down prices, then oil would be at an all-time low, because if the American forces were to simply and solely concentrate on securing the Iraqi oil fields and delivery system and leave the tribal and religious squabbles to those who have practiced them so well for millennia, we’d be drowning in excess oil at low prices.

But even that would do little to correct the problem the disparity between lower-priced premium gas and higher-priced “regular” gas pictured above. THAT disparity (as well as the supply problem driving much of the recent gar price increases) is pretty much solely the responsibility of enviroweenies, politicians who listen to enviroweenies (and their Mass Media Podpeople flacks) and all their ilk who have been primarily instrumental in preventing the construction of new refinery facilities for the past 30+ years…

Blame it on the greens (who, if cosmic justice were as swift as it is sure, wouldn’t be green but red and black and blue all over… I can wait. The universe’s Creator will teach them a few lessons, eventually, as He lets them inhabit a hell of their own making.)

Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, The Random Yak, Stuck On Stupid, The Amboy Times, Leaning Straight Up, Cao’s Blog, The Bullwinkle Blog, The Florida Masochist, Jo’s Cafe, Conservative Cat, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Rightlinx, Woman Honor Thyself, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, High Desert Wanderer, Gone Hollywood, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Triple Threat Weekend Linkfest

So, this weekend features, Mothers Day, my son’s college graduation and BLOGmothers Day (and you thought I’d forgotten!). While I’m busy with the graduation shindig, Mothers Day (and because of bubba’s graduation, my own mother will be here this weekend–and since she’s a tad on the frail side and in her eighties, now, this is a rare treat) AND honoring at least one blogmother (*s*), feel free to populate my weekend reading list (for when I can steal time away from the festivities) with your posts tracked back to this one all weekend long.

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Truly “eaten by locusts” OTA Wednesday

The day’s not here, yet, and it’s already “gone”… *sigh* Please create my reading list for Wednesday and Thursday evenings by populating this linkfest, OK? 🙂

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Goin Jeeeeeeeeeeehad

By: Angel

FORT DIX, N.J. – Six Is-lamic militants from Yugoslavia and the Middle East were arrested on charges of plotting to attack the Fort Dix Army post and “kill as many soldiers as possible,”

6 charged with plot on Army post in N.J.
In conversations secretly recorded by an FBI informant over the past year, the men talked about killing in the name of All-ah and attacking U.S. warships that might dock in Philadelphia, according an FBI criminal complaint.

“It doesn’t matter to me whether I get locked up, arrested or get taken away,” a suspect identified ..said in another recorded conversation. “Or I die, it doesn’t matter. I’m doing it in the name of A-llah.”

Another suspect,… was recorded saying: “In the end, when it comes to defending your religion, when someone is trying attacks your religion, your way of life, then you go jih-ad.”

The FBI was tipped off in January 2006 when a shopkeeper alerted agents about a “disturbing” video he had been asked to copy onto a DVD, according to court documents. The video showed 10 men in their early 20s “shooting assault weapons at a firing range … while calling for jihad and shouting in Ar-abic ‘All–ah Ak–bar’ (God is great),” the complaint said.

The description of the suspects as “Isl–amic militants” renewed fears in New Jersey’s Mus–lim community…

“.. a lawyer who represented many of the detainees. “But when the government says ‘Isl–amic militants,’ it sends a message to the public that Is–lam and militancy are synonymous.”

“Don’t equate actions with religion,” he said.

Don’t equate actions with religion?…LOL

Howza bout you stop shrieking Alla-hu Ak-bar as you fly planes into buildings or saw off heads then huh.

Already worried bout N.J.’s Muzlim community are ya..Ya mean the very same N.J. Muzlims in Patterson, who were dancing in the streets after 9/11?
Thought we forgot all bout that didn’t ya Muzlim lawyer?

Rad. Izlam= Hate and Death.

Well at least according to your very own Mu-llahs and the assorted jih-adis who seem to be doing just fine on getting that particular message out.

Geez. The Poconos used to be a honeymoon paradise. Now it’s a terrorist training center. Nice.

Three of the Muzlim poster children who were arrested were here illegally, by the way.
But don’t sweat it y’all. You know, they’re just here to mow lawns, pick lettuce, I mean, err… to commit random acts of terrorism that Americans won’t do.

oh yay. Another terrorist training camp broke ground t’ Cherry Hill.
Wouldya lookie here!

Construction of the $1.5 million mos-que will begin………Calling Cherry Hill a “town of faith and tolerance,.. said “what all people want is peace. We’re in a place of peace right now.”
Group breaks ground for Cherry Hill mos-que

‘Course we must thank Clinton who sent the U.S. military into former Yugoslavia to help the good ole Muzlims. They sure have a funny way of expressing gratitude don’t they.

Clinton also paved the way for massive immigration to this country from Bosnia.

In case you were unaware of his “benevolence”..during the 1990s, 40,000 Bosnian Muzlims moved to St. Louis.

Geez. I wonder what percentage are radicalized. Anyone care to do the Math?

So follow the bouncing ball friends.

Milosovic was shooting masses of Muzlims in the head and tossing them in large graves.

America, (the Evil Imperialist Empire) intervenes to stops the ethnic cleansing.

Next thing ya know Yugo-jih-adis come to America and start mass murdering.
I must be worse in math that I thought…cuz that doesn’t add up either.

Well, all I can say is Bravo to the person who tipped the FBI and law enforcement off to the terrorists.
Copying a DVD?..ha.
Like I said before, too bad stupidity isn’t painful.

Then again, wait….the video store owner surely violated the civil rights of these illegal Muzlim immigrant jeehadis by profiling them and then turning them in to the FBI.

Hopefully the CA-IR Bears and their comrade in arms the ACLU will be working on the lawsuit pronto.

See no evil, Hear no evil , Speak no EviL.

6 flying im-ams , 6 Fort Dix terrorist plotters……..
What’s with the Muzlim enamorment of the number 6?

Right. Got it.
Did the math on that one.

As one of the terrorists said:
“when someone is trying attacks your religion, your way of life, then you go jih-ad.”

Join me sweet friends:
Sing it out loud!

Let’s go Jeehadi now.
Everybody’s learnin how.
C’mon an jeehadi with me.
Come on an jeehadi with meeeeeeeeeee!

Crossposted at Woman Honor Thyself

On a Wonderful Day Like Today…

(Today, I feel like I’m NOT on the set of “The Roar Of The Greasepaint – The Smell Of The Crowd” singing “On a Wonderful Day Like Today”–instead, it’s one of those days when I need to drink a coupla cupsa coffee just to be able to remember where I put my first two cupsa coffee… *heh* Does the news of the weird–AKA the typical antics of politicians *spit*, Mass Media Podpeople, celebtiries *gag*, Islamic savages, enviroweenies and so on help? Surely you jest. Soooo, instead a repost of something that has a page of its own here at twc)

O Blessed, Holy Caffeine Tree!

Midi File:

Mp3 File (Courtesy of the Morning Coffee and Afternoon Tea Singers):

Go ahead; sing along. 🙂

(This mp3 is a lower-sampling-rate version of trhe one at the Morning Coffee and Afternoon Tea link above.)

Oh, and here’s another verse, not included in the verses above:

O Blessed Holy Caffeine Tree,
In gratitude I sing of thee,
For all the ways you give life zest,
O Caffeine Tree, you are the best!

N.B.–The graphic above has a word-switch in the second verse that I need to get around to editing. First one to spot it gets two brownie points, redeemable for absolutely nothing but a pat on the back and a hearty “Attaboy/girl!”


If you wish to use this song for your personal amusement, just print it out and/or download or record the MIDI file. Do NOT remove the copyright information and do NOT reproduce multiple copies for use by a group unless

1.) You credit me and
2.) Notify me of its use in a group/choral setting and
3.) Provide me with a recording of any performance

Do NOT download or otherwise reproduce the mp3 recording Christine of Morning Coffee and Afternoon Tea made without contacting HER and asking HER permission to do so.

Do not use this material in any way to produce income or for sale or distribution without my permission. Period. Ever. Clear?

If you have any questions just email me at

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Blog @, Perri Nelson’s Website, DragonLady’s World, The Bullwinkle Blog, Leaning Straight Up, The Amboy Times, Conservative Cat, Pursuing Holiness, stikNstein… has no mercy, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, The Right Nation, Wake Up America, High Desert Wanderer, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Listing to Starboard


Losers in France don’t understand the democratic process… or more likely do understand and just don’t care for it when a soi disant “conservative” wins an election… (BTW, women voters strongly rejected a woman candidate for president there. So much for so-called “gender politics”.)

BTW, what do ya wanna bet that “youths from the projects” mentioned in the story inked above is a euphemism for Islamic savages?

Thanks to enviro weenies stonewalling all new refinery builds for the last 40 years or so–and other enviro weenie crapola–“Gas Prices Surge to Record U.S. Average of $3.07 Per Gallon”. In a world where even a soupçon of rational behavior were a part of public policy, we’d be awash in plentiful, relatively inexpensive oil and refined oil products, our electricity would be largely–if not almost entirely–produced by safe, clean nuclear energy and the Middle Eastern oil producing states would be satrapies of civilized Western countries. Islamic terrorism funded by oil money? Wouldn’t exist. Oh, well. As James Burnham so famously said,

“Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for Western civilization as it commits suicide.”

Fred puts his thumb squarely in the eye of a GAO report that says America’s decline in students studying the sciences (no, no poly-sci, p-sych or sosh–the real sciences) can be remedied by outreach to “minorities”–

In gummint talk, “minorities” doesn’t mean minorities, like Anglo-Saxons, Greeks, Jews, men, or Chinese. No. These latter cannot be minorities because they do not have a solidly established record of incapacity. They haven’t made their bones by nonfeasance. (Since they aren’t minorities, logically they must all be majorities, or at least half the population each, which must play hell with population figures.)…

…Actually, I kind of like this outreach stuff. I propose that the NBA improve its talent pool by reaching out to one-legged dwarves with a weight problem. I’m serious. These constitute an untapped repository of athleticism. Clearly untapped, since there is not one overweight dwarf in the entire league…

*heh* Sic ’em, Fred.

“Free Trade’s Great, but Offshoring Rattles Me”. No, really? Whyever for? TANSTAAFL, dude, TANSTAAFL.

On to the wisdom of Islam, this time from that font of Islamic religious jurisprudence, the Ayatollah Khomeini (remember him?) on the *cough* proper way for a man to have sex with an animal…

“A man can have sex with sheep, cows and camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however, selling the meat to the next door village should be fine.”

There ya go, folks! Maybe that lil passage can be included in sex education in the proposed combo public school/madrassa in Brooklyn, if only the “good intentioned” (yeh, scare quotes, folks) leftists can get that worthy project back on track… (h.t. Angel of Woman Honor Thyself). After all, it’d be the multi-culti thing to do, wouldn’t it?


More Republican’t “me-too-ism”–Trent Lott sets his own deadline.

THIS is an open trackbacks post, open Friday, Saturday and Sunday, so make the best of it. Link to THIS post and track back. 🙂

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Death and Taxes

(Just a quick lunch hit.)

Used to be one said the only sure things in life are death and taxes, but methinks adding “SPAM sucks” and “polliticians *spit* lie” and “The Mass Media Podpeople’s Hivemind is an Omnipresent Evil” would make sense, too, because I dare say none of us will get out of life without experiencing those truths firsthand, either…

Just a lil Monday cheer.

Rainy days and Mondays indeed (and yes, on top of SPAM, Mass Media Podpeople lies, damned lies and nearly political lies, politicians *spit*, and a schedule that’s been devoured, devoured, I say, by locusts, it is also raining cats and dogs and lil bottles of tequila (or is that hail?) *sigh*)


Because this is soooooo Important, it’s trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, Blog @, stikNstein… has no mercy, DragonLady’s World, Pirate’s Cove, Blue Star Chronicles, The Right Nation, Leaning Straight Up, The Bullwinkle Blog, Conservative Cat, High Desert Wanderer, Right Voices, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Monday, Monday…

No, no Mammas and Papas for you…

Fair warning: this entire week has already been eaten by locusts. *sigh* I’m even filing this in advance Sunday night. (And *waaa!* my fav keyboard for blogging has developed a serious “deadness” too… Yeh, cry me a river :-)). So, while my personal blogging will take a nose-dive this week do drop by cos I will still probably drop in for soem drive-by posts and to check what y’all have left me for linkfest reads.

THIS is an open trackbacks post, open Friday, Saturday and Sunday, so make the best of it. Link to THIS post and track back. 🙂

If you have a linkfest/open trackback post to promote OR if you simply want to promote a post via the linkfests/open trackback posts others are offering, GO TO LINKFEST HAVEN DELUXE! Just CLICK the link above or the graphic immediately below.

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We Win, They Lose

That’s the premise of a poll I saw posted at Cathouse Chat.

While I’m sure you’re aware of the reservations I held when the Iraq adventure began, and of the views I hold of the disasterous Bremmer and all that followed his misadministration, BUT I am foursquare in agreement that having begun the task, leaving the fledgling Iraqi government with “20 bullets and two hand grenades” (the very model of CREATING failure, as we ought to well know by now since it’s exactly what the defeatocrats did to intentionally deliver Sounth Vietnam to a defeated North Vietnam *sigh*) is not only dishonorable but stupid. It would confirm in the eyes of America’s enemies AND in the eyes of past and potential allies that we HAVE NO RESOLVE, NO HONOR; that we very simply CANNOT BE TRUSTED a an ally, though as an enemy we would certainly then be counted on to cave under pressure….

Within no longer than a few short years, it would result in SERIOUS and potentially devastating WMD attacks upon U.S. soil that would make 9/11 pale in comparison.

It would convince, with rock solid conviction, our allies that allying with the U.S. is a prescription for betrayal.

And it could concievably spell the end of not just the Republic but the U.S. in any form.

It really is that serious.

And yes, I know some very smart people think that view is crazy. I happen to believe such people, while very smart–even smarter than I in many ways–are simply smart people being stupid because of tunnel vision, but that’s something I would be willing to argue with them.

I also seriously disagree with the administration’s prescription for victory in the region called Iraq (Iraq is a geopolitical fiction: there is no national identity; there are only tribal and religious/cultic/ethinic identities in the region and, IMO, none of the tribal/religious/ethinic identities in the region are worth shedding one drop of American blood, in and of themselves, save for the Kurds–but that’s my opinion); but while I disagree with the administration’s strategy and even tactics, the opposition’s strategy (and by that I mean the unholy alliance of Islam and Demoncrats) is disaster for the U.S and for Western Civilization as a whole.

“Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for Western civilization as it commits suicide.” – James Burnham

(By “Liberalism” Burnham of course meant that which has gone by the name for the past 40-50 years or so, not classical liberalism which simply is willing to stand for freedom and liberty for all in the marketplace of ideas and for personal rights–including personal property rights–as well.)

[For some snippets of what I believe would bring victory, see here and here. Of course, since politicians *spit* are making the decisions, nothing sesible will be done at all, at all… ]

BTW, Iraq as a “nation” of waring factions is simply the multi-culti/”victim culture” of the left as it desires the U.S. to be writ large.

Politicians *spit* *gag*

Via email from a reader (thanks, Hugh), this nearly perfect picture of political promises:

What keeps it from being a perfect picture of politicians’ *spit* bloviations? It’s far too well contained…

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Pet’s Garden Blog, The Virtuous Republic, The Magical Rose Garden, A Blog For All, 123beta, stikNstein… has no mercy, The Pink Flamingo,, The Amboy Times, Right Voices, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.