We Win, They Lose

That’s the premise of a poll I saw posted at Cathouse Chat.

While I’m sure you’re aware of the reservations I held when the Iraq adventure began, and of the views I hold of the disasterous Bremmer and all that followed his misadministration, BUT I am foursquare in agreement that having begun the task, leaving the fledgling Iraqi government with “20 bullets and two hand grenades” (the very model of CREATING failure, as we ought to well know by now since it’s exactly what the defeatocrats did to intentionally deliver Sounth Vietnam to a defeated North Vietnam *sigh*) is not only dishonorable but stupid. It would confirm in the eyes of America’s enemies AND in the eyes of past and potential allies that we HAVE NO RESOLVE, NO HONOR; that we very simply CANNOT BE TRUSTED a an ally, though as an enemy we would certainly then be counted on to cave under pressure….

Within no longer than a few short years, it would result in SERIOUS and potentially devastating WMD attacks upon U.S. soil that would make 9/11 pale in comparison.

It would convince, with rock solid conviction, our allies that allying with the U.S. is a prescription for betrayal.

And it could concievably spell the end of not just the Republic but the U.S. in any form.

It really is that serious.

And yes, I know some very smart people think that view is crazy. I happen to believe such people, while very smart–even smarter than I in many ways–are simply smart people being stupid because of tunnel vision, but that’s something I would be willing to argue with them.

I also seriously disagree with the administration’s prescription for victory in the region called Iraq (Iraq is a geopolitical fiction: there is no national identity; there are only tribal and religious/cultic/ethinic identities in the region and, IMO, none of the tribal/religious/ethinic identities in the region are worth shedding one drop of American blood, in and of themselves, save for the Kurds–but that’s my opinion); but while I disagree with the administration’s strategy and even tactics, the opposition’s strategy (and by that I mean the unholy alliance of Islam and Demoncrats) is disaster for the U.S and for Western Civilization as a whole.

“Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for Western civilization as it commits suicide.” – James Burnham

(By “Liberalism” Burnham of course meant that which has gone by the name for the past 40-50 years or so, not classical liberalism which simply is willing to stand for freedom and liberty for all in the marketplace of ideas and for personal rights–including personal property rights–as well.)

[For some snippets of what I believe would bring victory, see here and here. Of course, since politicians *spit* are making the decisions, nothing sesible will be done at all, at all… ]

BTW, Iraq as a “nation” of waring factions is simply the multi-culti/”victim culture” of the left as it desires the U.S. to be writ large.

One Reply to “We Win, They Lose”

  1. G’mornin David..hows the coffee?..:) ..ah this says it all!
    It would confirm in the eyes of America’s enemies AND in the eyes of past and potential allies that we HAVE NO RESOLVE, NO HONOR; tht we very simpl CANNOT BE TRUSTED a an ally!!

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