Blegging Once Again… /OTA Wednesday

Yeh, Yeh. Blatant begging combined with an open trackbacks post for The Open Trackback Alliance (check the blogroll in my left sidebar).

Here’s the OTA and other Open Trackback stuff, but do stick around for my bleg, wouldja?

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at

Linkfest Haven.Linkfest Haven

OK, here’s the bleg: I am less than 200 unique visitors from my goal of reaching 50K unique visitors by the time my first year with Statcounter rolls around. That’s adding the stats from the Blogger TWC to the stats for this TWC. Now, I know lotsa folks like to count page loads and others like to count hits, but I’ve had well over 30,000 hits just here in the last three weeks, and so counting hits would be less cool, as I look at it. Your mileage may vary–different strokes and all that.

What I’m primarily interested in is unique eyeballs, as best as Statcounter can determine it, excluding my visits and search engines crawling, etc. 50K is still on the low end of unique visitors for a year with blogs that have the high quality links in I have been strangely blessed with, but at least it means those unique eyeballs are also of a higher quality than some really active blogs get.

(Rabbit trail: I am fequently both amazed and humbled by the fact that, although my comments sections aren’t full to overflowing like some blogs, the quality of the people posting is always a notch or two above my own posting. I like that.)

So, here’s the bleg: wouldya ask your readers to push me over the edge top in my search for 50K unique eyeball pairs by the end of this week? That’d nring me in at my lil goal about a half a month ahead of target.

It’s no biggie, cos stats are only a very minor indicator of, well, anything to me. My main goals remain: silence the voices in my head and (something that’s grown on me) appreciate the readers that come back for some reason. 🙂

Blegging at Basil’s, as soon as he gets the picnic basket ready for Wednesday where the ants are already on the march at the picnic, and at Diane’s Stuff as soon as she gets her OTA post up where Lady Diane “splains” an important feature of Windows… (SOOOOO glad you’ve got your blog back and running, Lady Diane!)

*shaking head in disbelief*

Seems this is my day for rants…

America’s Third World Countyâ„¢. Gotta love it.

Example: the local mom n pop “baling wire and chewing gum” telco that serves 2.5 communities with 2 exchanges (yeh, it’s long distance to call between the two exchanges, and “.5” cos one of the communities is so small it doesn’t even have a post office), has offered “DSL” service for a coupla years now. Really, it only offers ADSL, but who’s quibbling?

But catch this: the cable tv company I have basic tv service through (I qualify by about 150′–that much further west and I’d be “outside the service area”) offers broadband access as well. Here’s a brief rundown:

Continue reading “*shaking head in disbelief*”

“Ranting and raving and throwing of food…”

“Thou shalt not suffer a fool gladly, for anst thou dost, he shall surely breed, and thou shalt find thyself up to thine *** in fools.”

Some of y’all read and responded to my post about a dipwad who was too lazy, stupid or just plain inconsiderate in his approach to leaving an email list he’d subscribed to.

That’s all over, now. But it did prick me to look at something I’ve not checked into for some time: Email etiquette “rules”.

As to what I refer to as “tough love–or maybe not so loving” emails, this lil excerpt from an article on the subject caught my eye:

Continue reading ““Ranting and raving and throwing of food…””

Short Roundup/Tuesday Open Post

Link to this post and track back.

Here’s a short roundup of a few posts that are in the “must read” category:

Woody (Woody’s News and Views) pointed out Emperor Misha’s “We Need to Stop Playing at War“. Well, we do, and his post points out salient reasons why. Read it.

Wittingshire has Boys and Bikinis, of which Lovely Daughter said, “That post is beyond adorable! I agree with the boy.” I dunno about the “adorable” part. The boy referred to might not appreciate that, but she’s on target about the rest… 🙂


I’m very glad I don’t need The Evangelical Outpost’s advice on “How to Get Rid of a Stoner Son“… but if you do, I think It Could Work!

On a serious note, Blonde Sagacityâ„¢ writes about a major humanitarian problem directly related to illegal aliens in “A Rape Tree Grows Out West“. Read it, and let yourself experience some righteous anger.

Polemiken offers “Manifest?” Money quote, from Wafa Sultan:

Only the Muslims defend their beliefs by burning down churches, killing people, and destroying embassies. This path will not yield any results. The Muslims must ask themselves what they can do for humankind, before they demand that humankind respect them.

Romeocat has a powerful post at CatHouse Chat: Oh, Yes! Strong stuff, R’Cat. Strong.

Finally, turning to the absurd, once again I urge you to CLICK and contemplate the horror of Alien Cow Abductions. (No, not the abductions of alien cows, silly.)

Once again, this is an Open Trackbacks Post. Link to this post and track back.

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at

Linkfest Haven.Linkfest Haven


Notice the new animated graphic in my left sidebar? Beth, at Blue Star Chronicles has devised a way for anyone who so wishes to declare their support for the Danes in their quest to assert civilized values in the face of Islamic hissyfits.

Visit Beth’s site and sign up with the Sammenhold Blogroll if you want to show your support.

*Sammenhold is Danish for “solidarity”.

Oh, and Beth is moving Blue Star Chronicles. Please visit both her blogsites during the transition to make sure you catch her very solid blogging. Catch the link to her new site off the Sammenhold graphic or my blogroll. The “old” site is linked in this post, cos that’s where the Sammenhold post is, right now.

Her new site is also noted in last weekend’s Open Post, with a couple of trackbacks.

Guard the Borders/Monday Open Post

Today, it’s back to school on an important, much-neglected problem with our border security. And, of course, it’s Monday Open Trackbacks. So link to this post and trackback.

Now, on to Guard the Borders:

Abolish The EOIR!
By Juan Mann

There is a dangerous misconception lurking in America’s growing public consciousness about immigration law enforcement. From the man on the street to the halls of Congress, the fatal error persists in the belief that if only current immigration laws were just enforced, the illegal alien invasion of these United States would be over for good.

All would be well if we put the legal mechanisms in place into effect . . . right?


Few Americans even recognize that there’s any problem at all with HOW the federal government goes about deporting illegal aliens and criminal alien residents. Securing the Arizona desert was a piece of cake in comparison—remember that the volunteer Minuteman Project showed the world that they could do it in a month!

So what’s the problem?

Continue reading “Guard the Borders/Monday Open Post”

Help out… and pass it on.

Sgt Jones.jpg

SGT Rickey Jones

Forwarded to me by LindaSog, this link to A Soldier’s Perspective’s campaign to support the family of SGT Rickey Jones, killed Feb. 22 when an improvised explosive device detonated near his Humvee during patrol operations in Hawijah, Iraq:

I am trying to help organize a letter writing campaign to the family of SGT Rickey Jones. As you may have read earlier, their home was vandalized by idiots who wouldn’t understand patriotism if it flew a plane through their bedroom window.

If you own a blog, please post this effort on your respective blogs and ask your readers to post it on their blogs. If you are as disgusted as I am and would like to write a letter to have delivered to this family, please email Lauren ( for more information. The good people over at Operation Military Pride are helping facilitate the delivery of these letters.

Folks, let’s not let the cretinous pieces of filth who have vandalized the family’s home and called with hateful messages of “Your son deserved to die” color this family’s memory of their son. Look into this for yourself. And if you are as (rightfully) angered by these actions and by the announced plans of Fred Phelps and his cult of hate (gee, you’d think they were Muslims or something) to “protest” this soldier’s funeral as am I, please write the family with your support and encourage others to do so as well.

Euphoric Reality also has an address to send cards. Funeral services are set for this coming Monday.

PSA’d at Basil’s Blog.

Ya think I should send this email?

I hate it when people impose their stupidity on me. Here’s a dipwad that’s a prime example, and the email I have sitting in my outbox awaiting my CLICK of the “send” button…

[Oh, I’m not the list administrator, so I’ve substituted “XXXX” for the list name below)

From: me
To: (yeh, the idiot’s real email address)

Note: the below is in response to your unconscionably lazy, stupid and inconsiderate behavior:

Ya know, I have developed a distaste, over the past 15 years or so, for people who are too lazy to unsubscribe from lists according to published protocols. I try to be as nice about it as I can be, but cluttering up MY mailbox with your assinine request to be removed when there’s a perfectly good PRESCRIBED METHOD for removing yourself IN THE FOOTER OF EVERY LISTMAIL YOU’VE RECIEVED is simply evidence of your cluelessness, laziness or complete disregard for any kind of polite discourse whatsoever.

Or all three.

Please use the proper method to unsubscribe yourself. Read through the mesage below, quoting YOUR OWN EMAIL, sent through the listserver showing you EXACTLY how to unsubscribe.

Sending an email to the entire list is not, repeat NOT the way to do it, as anyone with two active brain cells can easily tell.

Now, you think you can get it right?

(I doubt it.)

Feel bad, puppy? Next time, use some sense. or if you have none, ask someone who has some to do your “thinking” for you.


On Fri, 03 Mar 2006 22:53:46 -0600, Richard Leamer wrote:

> Please remove me from your email list.
> Visit your group “XXXX” on the web.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

So, hit the “send” button or not? What’s your vote?

I should note that gentle pointers to such clueless idiots in the past have usually netted hate mail, anyway, so I thought it’d not get any worse if I simply spoke bluntly. Different strokes: you may disagree.

Polling the public at TMH’s Bacon Bits

Bacon and Onion Muffins

This one is right up my alley: delicious and easy. I found it in a recipe book compiled for the Lutheran church my Wonder Woman’s aunt attends in a little Minnesota hamlet that doesn’t even have its own post office. As is my norm, I’ve modified it slightly to suit my taste.

  • 2 C flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp dry mustard powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt (and as you know, I only use non-iodized Kosher salt for cooking. OK, maybe you didn’t know. You do now.)
  • 3/4 C chopped green onions–just the green (eat the rest, of course)
  • 1/2 C finely chopped Canadian bacon or cooked, trimmed bacon.
  • 1 egg
  • 1 C milk
  • 1/4 C olive oil

Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. “Grease” 12-“cup” muffin pan. Mix dry ingredients and wet ingredients separately (holding green onions and bacon bits in reserve). Pour egg/milk/oil mixture into dry ingredient mixture and stir until they are juuuust combined, then add the bacon/onion. Spoon batter into the muffin pan (you can even it out, but it’ll be avout 1/4 cup per muffin). Bake at 400 for 15-20 minutes. You can test the muffins by inserting a toothpick–if it comes out clean, they’re done.

Serve ’em hot with butter. You can vary this by making a half-and half flour/cornmeal muffin and serving with a good pot of beans, or just eat ’em by themselves or with any meal you feel they’d complement.


What to bring to a counter-protest

[N.B. this is a re-run of a post from September 29, 2005 at the “old” TWC, written for that week’s Precision Gided Humor Assignment.]

The Precision Guided Humor Assignment for this week is, “What should you bring with you to protest an anti-war rally?”

When you think about it for a second or three, that’s really a silly question. Who’s going to see your protest of the “protest”? Self-made idiots of the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade there to celebrate their braindead embrace of anti-war rhetoric, Mass Media Podpeople (also self-made idiots) or people who already agree that the other two classes of creatures that may once have been human are now devolved or replaced by Podpeople from the planet “Reality-Based Fantasia”. The first two classes of beings will not be impacted at all by your protest and the latter class have lives to live, people to feed, bills to pay, etc., and have little time for such foolishness.

If, however, you want to spend some time viewing barking moonbats in their natural habitat for pleasure or education, here are a few of the items you MUST take with you:

A good gas mask.  It’s the stench of unwashed bodies, you know.

MilitarypatchSome heavy-duty insect repellent. Lice, fleas, etc. on unwashed moonbats. (Oh, and the rest of the gear pictured might not be such a bad idea, either. Barking moonbats have been known to throw hissy-fits, and they scratch and bite something fierce.)

You might consider having one of these standing by, as well, a Mobile Topical Applicator and Inhabitant Delouser:
And even with a gas mask, you may well need one of these:barf-bag

Duly noted at The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, TMH’s Bacon Bits, The Liberal Wrong Wing and Stuck on Stupid