Help out… and pass it on.

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SGT Rickey Jones

Forwarded to me by LindaSog, this link to A Soldier’s Perspective’s campaign to support the family of SGT Rickey Jones, killed Feb. 22 when an improvised explosive device detonated near his Humvee during patrol operations in Hawijah, Iraq:

I am trying to help organize a letter writing campaign to the family of SGT Rickey Jones. As you may have read earlier, their home was vandalized by idiots who wouldn’t understand patriotism if it flew a plane through their bedroom window.

If you own a blog, please post this effort on your respective blogs and ask your readers to post it on their blogs. If you are as disgusted as I am and would like to write a letter to have delivered to this family, please email Lauren ( for more information. The good people over at Operation Military Pride are helping facilitate the delivery of these letters.

Folks, let’s not let the cretinous pieces of filth who have vandalized the family’s home and called with hateful messages of “Your son deserved to die” color this family’s memory of their son. Look into this for yourself. And if you are as (rightfully) angered by these actions and by the announced plans of Fred Phelps and his cult of hate (gee, you’d think they were Muslims or something) to “protest” this soldier’s funeral as am I, please write the family with your support and encourage others to do so as well.

Euphoric Reality also has an address to send cards. Funeral services are set for this coming Monday.

PSA’d at Basil’s Blog.

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