Tilting At Windmills?

At Ponder the Maunder (about 3% of folks will pause to go “Huh?” at the title while 0.005% of folks will “get it” immediately; 99% of AGW folks will start foaming at the mouth), a high school student from Portland, Maine, takes on the Anthropogenic Global Warming folks, gives Algore a much-deserved spanking and holds NASA’s James Hanson’s feet to the fire.

A Very Good Read. Highly Recommended.

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“9/11 Questions”?

Over at Stageleft–yeh, a “leftist” blog–the pseudonemous author of that blog is promoting a “9/11 Questions” day. He quotes another (leftist?) writer saying,

Why September 11th?

Because it is a powerful and symbolic day to take a step back and look what has happened to our country in the last six years. Is it “inappropriate” or “disrespecful” to take the day off, reflect, and express your dissent (quietly and personally or loudly and publicly) or rather to go about your business as if this was just another a normal day?

Stealth terrorist sympathy. A commenter there raises the issue,

I’m a little hesitant about participating in anything that says “9/11 questions” since that has become a bit of a code phrase for kooks who think the buildings had bombs in them, or didn’t fall because freakin’ jets flew into them.

Exactamundo. The blog’s author tellingly (and disingenuously, IMO) responds,

Everybody I know has at least one question about September 11, 2001

Everybody he knows. Questions. Unspecified questions, naturally, so as to make the weirdest and most insane acceptable?

I dunno, folks. The code phrase, said in a breathless whine, of terrorist apologists everywhere, “what has happened to our country in the last six years…” is also a bit revealing. Stageleft cites the Maher Arar case as an example of “9/11 Questions” that he’ll be asking. Go ahead. Read the linked Wiki article (it’s no better or worse than most presentations of the case). I’ll wait.

Back, now?

So the Maher Arar case is apparently another case of official anarcho-tyrannyt in action. So? Anarcho-tyranny is a result of 9/11? I don’ty think so. What about before then? What about Ruby Ridge and Waco? Folks there weren’t just sent on a “vacation” to Syria. Vicky Weaver was killed for “threatening” Lon Horiuchi with her baby daughter (yeh, that baby’s a terrible weapon, Mr. Lon-I-shot-the-mother-and-got-away-with-it). 83, correction, 82 people at Waco (mostly women, children and the elderly) were murdered by “feddle gummint” agents (despite what John Danforth’s whitewash says: they’re still dead, John and ALL of them killed by “feddle gummint” agents).

Why no questions from leftists like Stageleft about these murders by the “feddle gummint”?

Oh, perhaps because the coverup of Ruby Rudge and the massacre at Waco were done at the behest of a “Democrappic” administration.

Sure, there are things to hold this administration’s feet to the fire for, but few of them are 9/11 related (and cases like Arar’s should be left to his own–Canadian–government to seek redress). Certainly one cannot easily draw a line between 9/11 and the persecution of Martha Stewart or that of Ramos and Compean, as but two examples of “feddle gummint” persecutors and in(ve)stigators abusing American citizens since 9/11, though unrelated to that day’s events.

Nah, “9/11 Questions” is just a cover for more of the same from the anti-civilization, anti-American bushwah from that menagerie of socialists, communists, surrenderists that comprises the self-lobotomized, mindwashed left.

(Soon, I need to turn my attention to the self-lobotomized, mindwashed right as well, I suppose, but the Leftists are so much more disnigenuously annoying.)

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Science Heresy

It took me a long time to get through James Hogan’s “Kicking the Sacred Cow” (also available here in eBook format)–not because the subject matter was all that complicated (Hogan know how to write about “hard science” for the literate non-scientist) but because the citations of one example after another after another of the priests of science dogma crucifying honest inquiry with lies, damned lies and peer reviewed lies. All part of the religion of Recieved “Science”.

Made my head nearly explode from the rise in my blood pressure…

And so it goes with Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW). Let me suggest a moderately long article by Freeman Dyson as an intro to the kind of thinking that I once thought of as typical of the scientific mind engaging in speculation but which–alas!–is little seen in such areas as a discussion of AGW.

My first heresy says that all the fuss about global warming is grossly exaggerated. Here I am opposing the holy brotherhood of climate model experts and the crowd of deluded citizens who believe the numbers predicted by the computer models. Of course, they say, I have no degree in meteorology and I am therefore not qualified to speak. But I have studied the climate models and I know what they can do. The models solve the equations of fluid dynamics, and they do a very good job of describing the fluid motions of the atmosphere and the oceans. They do a very poor job of describing the clouds, the dust, the chemistry and the biology of fields and farms and forests. They do not begin to describe the real world that we live in. The real world is muddy and messy and full of things that we do not yet understand. It is much easier for a scientist to sit in an air-conditioned building and run computer models, than to put on winter clothes and measure what is really happening outside in the swamps and the clouds. That is why the climate model experts end up believing their own models.

Do read, HERETICAL THOUGHTS ABOUT SCIENCE AND SOCIETY. And point the next AGW pinhead you meet to it, too.

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Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Big Dog’s Weblog, The World According to Carl, The Pet Haven Blog, The Amboy Times, Dumb Ox Daily News, Pursuing Holiness, Right Voices, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Rainy days and Mondays…

I am not here;
THis is not me
No matter what you think you see.
I am not here; this is not me.

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Those Lying Bastards! or What language are they speaking, anyway?

Over the years, I’ve noticed that the “reality-based fantasy” community of the Left has persuaded almost everyone else to play along with their lies, damned lies and leftist fantasies to the degree that not only are commonly used words now unmoored from any sensible meaning, but because of this unmooring–in part–those bastards can utter any damned* lies they want to and… no one can say them nay.

How about a short list of some of the commonly twisted terms?

Democratic–referring to persons of a party that pioneered legislation from the bench, instead of by ELECTED legislators; a party that is THE party of voter fraud (no one and nothing can approach the degree or depth of voter fraud condoned and directly sponsored by Democrats); persons whose elitist attitudes and condescension toward the unwashed, the stupid and those who are simply not of their class is unparallelled… (and the list goes on… )

Gay–what?!? A word meaning “happy, carefree” used to describe the angry, neurotic, spittle-spewing homosexual “activists” we all have known and loved? *heh* Pull the other one. I’m willing to bet there are more truly gay heterosexuals than gay homosexuals.

Welfare–to describe a process of engendering generational dependency upon handouts… of other people’s money (taken from thos e people by force or threat of force). Whose welfare is really being served here?

Compromise–Riiiiight: “Give me everything I want and get nothing but scorn and abuse in return.” That’s what Leftist “compromises” entail.

Liberal–one of the Left’s most-abused words, used to describe people and programs that are the antithesis of liberal: programs that squelch speech that leftists disagree with, deprive people of essential liberties and promote a nanny state mentality that “protects” non-essential, non-existant fake “rights” always at the expense of whomever disagrees with the leftist view. Let the FAKE liberals of today be condemned by the father of modern classical liberalism, John Stuart Mill, who held that lies could never damage society as long as people were free to speak the truth to counter them.

Speaking of quelling dissent,

Pro-choice–except when denying unborn children a choice about whether they want to be aborted or not… Hmmm… seems like in almost all (almost: yes, there are pregnancies that result from rape *sigh*) cases, the woman has a choice about whether to get pregnant. After that, doesn’t it seem fair to give the baby the next choice? Not to leftists for whom…

Fairness–means “completely unjust, unfair, inequitable” whenever the object of regard is an inconvnience, not a leftist or simply one who doesn’t matter… to the leftist.

Progressive–Used to refer to covert (or sometimes even overt!) reactionary communists/socialists. Wobblies in all but name. Progressive? So far behind the times they should be put in a coffin and interred as the dead men’s bones they are. (Even casual readers of the NT will catch the reference. Cultural illiterates will not. *sigh*)

Compassion–any time I hear a leftist start in on “compassion” my first impulse is to throw the bullshit flag. Want to impeach a leftisat’s “compassion” argument? Ask them who will pay for their compassionate program. If it is not themselves, then they’ll have to take the money from someone. Where’s their compassion for the folks they’ll steal from? Nowhere, mon frere. And what other unintended (or perhaps intended!) consequences are they concealing by their emotional pleas? (See “Welfare” above.)

Heck, when we allow leftists to twist any word to mean anything they want, it’s not hard for them to convince us to accept their appeals to emotion as reasonable argument. From there, it’s but a step to them ignoring the argument entirely and putting words in the mouths of their interlocutors–an all too common practice. In fact, almost weekly, in email or in comments–comments that usually do not make it out of moderation, cos then I’d have to respond and simply waste my time–some idiot leftist will

1. Take exception to something I’ve said
2. Proceed to “argue” with me by saying I said something I did not.
3. When responded to (email), IGNORE what was said, again accuse me of saying things I did not and
4. Think that constitutes a valid argument.

It boggles the mind how folks can get to the corner grocery store and back without killing themselves and a score of others when they are so incapable of rational thought.

And these are the intelligent, well-educated, moderately successful leftists. I shudder to think what the rest of that class is like.

The left today seems sadly populated by people who believe (sincerely or not) that lies, screaming and pounding the table, weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth are valid arguments.

But the really sad thing is that those who know better largely let them get away with it day in and day out.

Of course, by now fewer and fewer people are able to discern when undemocratic Democrats, troubled, unhappy and downright angry “gay” people, reactionary “progressives” and tyrannical “liberals” are blowing smoke up their skirts.


Ever wonder why the schools are full of leftists? a. It’s the perfect environment for them and b. it allows them to enstupiate another generation of suckers.

*”damned lies”–no, I’m not using a profanity. I am making a considered theological assessment: those whose behavior proclaims them to be of their father, The Liar, are damning themselves.

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Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, Blog @ MoreWhat.com, Woman Honor Thyself, Adam’s Blog, Shadowscope, Pirate’s Cove, Stuck On Stupid, Webloggin, Cao’s Blog, The Amboy Times, Wake Up America, Gone Hollywood, Church and State, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

T 13; 1.37: A few of my favorite things

“When the dog bites/When the bee stings… ”

1. Rain. No, not particularly fond of close lightning strikes, driving in the rain or the close, humid feeling of a hot day following a rain, but the rain itself… nice.

2. Cloudy days/clear nights. Cloudy days are just easier on the old eyes. Greens seem greener, the light seems to come from everywhere. Clear nights seem to go along with cloudy days in visibility/easy on the eyes. Recently, as America’s Third World Countyâ„¢ has started becoming more populous and “electrified” the clear nights are also becoming less appealing: fewer visible stars, etc. But still, a clear night when the moon overpowers the “electrification” is a really Good Thing, even if it does mean fewer visible stars.

3. Green. Especially the multivariant greens of the Ozark hills of America’s Third World Countyâ„¢. When a Spring and Summer have gotten good rains, the greens are so rich that simply looking out off our back deck can absorb hours if I let it.

4. Coffee: God’s gift to those blessed (and it can be a real blessing!) with the invidiously labeled ADHD. Besides, when made correctly, it can be a tastebud treat nonpareil!

5. Well, nearly. There are also the taste bud treats of apple pie

6. Ice cream (especially peach, strawberry or blueberry!) and

7. Sherbet (see #6 for flavors :-))

8. And who can deny the fact that God made beef so tasty? Especially range-fed Scottish Highland Cattle! Oh, yum! Beef: it’s what’s for dinner.

9. Beethoven. Yeh, I love Brahms’ music, and what could be more delightful than listening to Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau singing Papageno in Die Zauberflöte (Mozart)? Fabulous! And Bach, Haydn, Sibelius, Copland–the list is too long for one post, let alone one point. Nevertheless, Beethoven has captured my “Fav of Favs” spot for years, now. Even the much-maligned Eighth Symphony is head and shoulders above darned near anything by anyone else, IMO. (And why is the thing maligned at all? Beethoven, when asked why the Seventh recieved such praise and the Eighth such pans, said something to the effect that the Eighth was negatively compared to the Seventh because the Eighth was so much better… and he was right, of course. Even then, many listeners’ ears were dull to its beauty. :-))

10. Graphic artists, musicians, writers, dancers, etc., who understand and appreciate beauty and

11. Who develop the chops to draw a stright line, sing or play ON PITCH *sheesh!*, create moving and beautiful choreography, etc.

12. Dogs and cats, for very different reasons. Dogs, largely because they are so unreservedly givers. Cats, because they are so unreservedly takers. Both because they feed my soul.

13. My family. Wonder Woman, Lovely Daughter and Bubba (he needs a new appellation; this one’s no longer as decriptive of his character–need to think on that one) feed my soul as nothing else does. My reasons for living.

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I’m gonna eat the locusts today…

Today’s shaping up as one of those typical “day eaten by locusts” but nuh-uh! When they come for my breakfast, lunch and dinner, I’m gonna eat those buggers today. Heck, I’ll even get a post in later today (I hope :-)), “Those Lying Bastards!”

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I blog these things so you don’t have to

Even some Dhims have (or at least once hadthis was in 2005) a better feel for the political pulse of the electorate than Fifi Mohammed Bush and his cronies do:

“Bubba doesn’t call them illegal immigrants. He calls them illegal aliens. If the Democrats put illegal aliens in their bait can, we’re going to come home with a bunch of white males in the boat.”

— Political consultant Dave “Mudcat” Saunders, quoted by Craig Crawford, on how Democrats can pick up blue-collar white males if they move to the right on immigration.

But lest that quote seem vaguely encouraging (while demeaning those who are concerned aboiut American sovereignty and the rule of law), remember we always have Foggy Bottom to remind us that evil should never suffer consequences that are just and fitting. For example, when Tom Tancredo sanely observed that threatening (with, I assume, the intent to carry through) to nuke Mecca and Medina if Islamic terrorists (yeh, I know: redundancy alert) nuked an American city, the State Department, in the person of a “deputy spokesperson” had one of its typical hissy fits:

Tom Casey, a deputy spokesman for the State Department, told CNN’s Elise Labott that the congressman’s comments were “reprehensible” and “absolutely crazy.”

No, head-Casey, what’s “absolutely crazy” is cozying up to mad dogs and expecting not to get bitten. You don’t give mad dogs treats; you shoot them. Better, if they have a place to congregate, you wait for a large influx of ’em and nuke it.

There you have it: from both sides of the aisle brief brushes (for whatever politically realpolitik reasons) with the sanity Fifi Mohammed Bush has forsaken.

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[Is my face red or what? *vbg*]

Cobbler’s children and all that. I harp and harp and harp on keeping regular, verified backups…

So, I’d been meaning to check into why my last few backups had failed on the computer I use most for blogging, email, most internet stuff, etc.

Oops. Procrastinated juuuust a tad too long. Yup. Boot drive has “the click of death,” so I’ve got that computer benched and waiting for a new hard drive (wethe one I use the most *LOL*), new hard drive, mobo and CPU–why not? :-)). I’ll freeze the dying drive for a day or so before mirroring it off on the new one and do the mirroring as quickly as possible. Usually works.

Meanwhile, other comps that are usually tasked for other uses will take up the slack. Right now, since my Wonder Woman’s masters classes are finished for the summer, right now I’m using her nice lil Toshiba Satellite (because it offers the added advantage of being located right next to her on our fav lil loveseat :-)) to do a lil blogpost.

And back in the twc batcave, another comp has all my email accounts loaded and other pages, searches, etc. loaded.

But it will be nice to have all the blogging/email/’net searches in one place again, once all the pieces are in place for reassembly.

And yeh, it’ll be nice to put this lil episode behind me, let the embarrassment of failing to maintain full, current backups fade a bit… as long as I don’t forget the lesson and do it again (maintain all the other comps but screw up on a computer I use for my blogging, etc. *LOL*).

Well, it also moves my backburnered plans to build a dedicated backup server for our lil network up a little. *heh*

Anywho, if I can only be a good bad example, perhaps I can persuade you to make sure you backup regularly, verify the backups, and when you have errors, find out why and correct the issue before you stand to lose (some of) your data.

Quick Q

Just a quick question; perspiring minds wanna know:

Do folks who are arrewted arrested (dontcha love typos?) for public nudity get strip searched? If they do, would they really mind? And if they minded, could they really object?

Just wanna know…