Quick Q

Just a quick question; perspiring minds wanna know:

Do folks who are arrewted arrested (dontcha love typos?) for public nudity get strip searched? If they do, would they really mind? And if they minded, could they really object?

Just wanna know…

2 Replies to “Quick Q”

  1. Yes, David, I would object!

    RE: “If they do, would they really mind? And if they minded, could they really object?”

    YES, David! IF (& I say “IF”) I had been “arrewted” for such Baptist behavior, then I would definitely RESIST.

    Oh, not for a check of the “perceived body cavity openings” —– but there is one member of my body with another “opening” to the outside world. One which I want “NO ONE” to “probe” — not even a fleamale medic. LOL!

    Not prepared for this ‘un, were ya???


  2. Well, there is only one other “entry point” apart from the two normally checked on a man as “body cavities” and I can imagine that would be discomfitting. In fact, having done a few catheterizations (don’t ask) many, many moons ago, I’d prefer avoiding a search of that locale myself…

    Though I can’t imagine what a LEO would be looking for there…

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