“9/11 Questions”?

Over at Stageleft–yeh, a “leftist” blog–the pseudonemous author of that blog is promoting a “9/11 Questions” day. He quotes another (leftist?) writer saying,

Why September 11th?

Because it is a powerful and symbolic day to take a step back and look what has happened to our country in the last six years. Is it “inappropriate” or “disrespecful” to take the day off, reflect, and express your dissent (quietly and personally or loudly and publicly) or rather to go about your business as if this was just another a normal day?

Stealth terrorist sympathy. A commenter there raises the issue,

I’m a little hesitant about participating in anything that says “9/11 questions” since that has become a bit of a code phrase for kooks who think the buildings had bombs in them, or didn’t fall because freakin’ jets flew into them.

Exactamundo. The blog’s author tellingly (and disingenuously, IMO) responds,

Everybody I know has at least one question about September 11, 2001

Everybody he knows. Questions. Unspecified questions, naturally, so as to make the weirdest and most insane acceptable?

I dunno, folks. The code phrase, said in a breathless whine, of terrorist apologists everywhere, “what has happened to our country in the last six years…” is also a bit revealing. Stageleft cites the Maher Arar case as an example of “9/11 Questions” that he’ll be asking. Go ahead. Read the linked Wiki article (it’s no better or worse than most presentations of the case). I’ll wait.

Back, now?

So the Maher Arar case is apparently another case of official anarcho-tyrannyt in action. So? Anarcho-tyranny is a result of 9/11? I don’ty think so. What about before then? What about Ruby Ridge and Waco? Folks there weren’t just sent on a “vacation” to Syria. Vicky Weaver was killed for “threatening” Lon Horiuchi with her baby daughter (yeh, that baby’s a terrible weapon, Mr. Lon-I-shot-the-mother-and-got-away-with-it). 83, correction, 82 people at Waco (mostly women, children and the elderly) were murdered by “feddle gummint” agents (despite what John Danforth’s whitewash says: they’re still dead, John and ALL of them killed by “feddle gummint” agents).

Why no questions from leftists like Stageleft about these murders by the “feddle gummint”?

Oh, perhaps because the coverup of Ruby Rudge and the massacre at Waco were done at the behest of a “Democrappic” administration.

Sure, there are things to hold this administration’s feet to the fire for, but few of them are 9/11 related (and cases like Arar’s should be left to his own–Canadian–government to seek redress). Certainly one cannot easily draw a line between 9/11 and the persecution of Martha Stewart or that of Ramos and Compean, as but two examples of “feddle gummint” persecutors and in(ve)stigators abusing American citizens since 9/11, though unrelated to that day’s events.

Nah, “9/11 Questions” is just a cover for more of the same from the anti-civilization, anti-American bushwah from that menagerie of socialists, communists, surrenderists that comprises the self-lobotomized, mindwashed left.

(Soon, I need to turn my attention to the self-lobotomized, mindwashed right as well, I suppose, but the Leftists are so much more disnigenuously annoying.)

Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Adam’s Blog, Inside the Northwest Territory, Webloggin, Leaning Straight Up, Conservative Cat, Adeline and Hazel, Public Domain Clip Art, Wake Up America, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, 4 Time Father?, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, Planck’s Constant, The Pink Flamingo, Gone Hollywood, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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