Gotta Love Gun-Grabber Morons on Quora

Why love ’em? Because they are the single best argument for NOT surrendering one’s firearms to tyrants, fools, and liars — an even better argument than the existence of the ATF.

Recent exchange:

“Gun violence is the leading cause of death in the United States, so why are guns still legal? There is no reason for anyone to own a gun.”


Really? Since you start your question off framing it with a lie, then close the frame with an arguable statement, stated as if it were fact, I see no reason to respect your statements, your question, or you.

Per the CDC:


“Heart disease: 695,547
Cancer: 605,213
COVID-19: 416,893
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 224,935
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 162,890
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 142,342
Alzheimer’s disease: 119,399
Diabetes: 103,294
Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis : 56,585
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 54,358”

Firearms deaths are regularly under, 40,000/year, so alcohol kills more people (liver damage), and we know how well the last attempt to ban alcohol went. Oh, sorry, by “we” I meant anyone who’s not a complete historical illiterate who’s been playing with an autolobotomy kit, so, obviously, not you.

BTW, that “under 40,000” figure includes suicides (who can always find a way), gang violence, and execrable marksmanship from LEOs (interesting lil factoid: ATF firearms casualties at Waco were “blue on blue”).

Facts and Figures

“The human toll There were 39,707 deaths from firearms in the U.S. in 2019. Sixty percent of deaths from firearms in the U.S. are suicides. In 2019, 23,941 people in the U.S. died by firearm suicide. 1 Firearms are the means in approximately half of suicides nationwide. In 2019, 14,861 people in the U.S. died from firearm homicide, accounting for 37% of total deaths from firearms. Firearms were the means for about 75% of homicides in 2018. The other 3% of firearm deaths are unintentional, undetermined, from legal intervention, or from public mass shootings (0.2% of total firearm deaths). There are approximately 115,000 non-fatal firearm injuries in the U.S. each year.”

One last bit of “due respect” for your lie and disingenuous question:

“Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.”

Nopers. Not for Me.

Saw a posting for what is quite likely an otherwise worthwhile event, but even if I were to desire to attend, I could not, because I have a firm policy against exclusion of knives (and by extension ANY exclusion of items that can be used for self-defense, because such is an inherent right). And, guess what? The venue not only excludes ALL knives (no matter size, design, or purpose) but excludes a lot of other things that, well, only Koolaid drinkers would approve of.

Yeh, I don’t fly, either (and I’d have to to make the event. Or rather, I will not, because Thugs Standing Around are just Security Kabuki, laced with cover for Official Thievery. Sure, it limits some of my options, but not any that are really important.

Anarcho-Tyranny: Two Stark Examples

Anarcho-tyranny is a concept, where the state is argued to be more interested in controlling citizens so that they do not oppose the managerial class (tyranny) rather than controlling real criminals (causing anarchy). Laws are argued to be enforced only selectively, depending on what is perceived to be beneficial for the ruling elite. [ref]

In Mexico, neither the police nor the military are effective in curbing cartel violence, for a couple of reasons: plata o plombo, silver or lead. They are either bought off or simply keep a low profile because of threat of gruesome death for themselves and their families. Thus, the government has a de facto policy of either not actively discouraging or active encouraging cartel violence. On the other hand, private citizens who want to arm themselves against cartel violence find it almost impossible to do so legally because of the extremely restrictive firearms laws, which harshly punish private citizens who arm themselves for self-defense. (Indeed, communities that have done so have been harshly punished for making their communities “no go zones” for the cartels).

Anarch-tyranny: no control of real criminals, while criminalizing self-defense measures.

Example two: Chicago. No serious attempt at enforcement of Chicago’s restrictive gun laws applied against criminals who cause most of the (very large number of) firearms deaths in Chicago, while making it difficult for common citizens to legally obtain the tools (firearms) to defend themselves against predation by criminals.

You see, it is dangerous to actually attempt any sort of serious efforts to control violent criminals, but controlling common citizens who want to be law-abiding is easy-peasy. Until the tyranny becomes too much to bear, and then. . . . well, history gives us at least one clear example of a proper response.

Semi-Sorta Random Thought on the Passing Scene

In response to absolutely nothing, “ex nihilo,” as it were (from the vast, empty spaces between my ears) issues this random thought:

I believe the only proper gun regulations are self-regulations (with a tip o’ the tam, and an apology to Jeff Cooper):

1. Always treat ALL guns as loaded and ready to be discharged.
2. NEVER let the muzzle cover ANYTHING you are not prepared to destroy.
3. KEEP YOUR BOOGER HOOK OFF THE BANG SWITCH until you have acquired your target and are ready to fire.
4. Be ABSOLUTELY sure of your target and what lies beyond it.

If those four self-regulations are followed, and the Second Amendment were enforced with more than the *wink-wink-nudge-nudge* pseudo-acknowledgement now practiced (IOW, the current open, blatant, and oppressive disregard for “shall not be infringed”), then methinks the proper and ideal “gun regulations” would be in effect.

But maybe that’s just me. . .

There’s Another Lesson That Can Be Drawn From This

Well, at least one two more on top of, “Shoe, meet other foot. And how can Progressives complain? These are just undocumented firearms in search of a better life.”1

Gun sanctuary movement explodes as background checks near record high

  • Do not own guns that must be registered. Either make your own or purchase in a lawful private transaction.
  • Live in a firearms-friendly locale.
  • Practice good infosec/persec.

It’s just common sense, nowadays.

1J.W.B. II, on FarceBook

Should the Second Amendment Be Replaced?

Maybeso. . . How about this?

Citizens have the natural, God-given right to self-defense, and thus the natural right to bear arms. No part of the federal government, be it the Legislative, the Executive, or the Judicial branch, may at any time or in any way infringe on the people’s right to bear arms. This includes any weapons that are human-portable, and all equipment and supplies necessary to their function. No exceptions. Period. Any person in any branch of the federal government who in any way, shape, fashion, or form infringes on this right is guilty of treason. Congress may enact any form of capital punishment except old age as the proper punishment for such treason. Non-citizens may only be afforded these protections if they are legal residents of the United States.

Apply the 14th Amendment to that, please.

I Ask These Questions, Because You Don’t Think To

Granted, rifles are used–willfully or accidentally–in a wee bit south of ~400 deaths per year in the US, and deer are only responsible for killing ~150 people per year, but why aren’t people who are concerned about deaths from abuse of AR-15s (a fraction of that less than 400 deaths) also clamoring for the elimination of deer and celebrating those heroes who go out into the deer woods to thin the numbers of these murderous beasts? Why? Because they just do not care, that’s why. *heh*

Of course, Leftoid morons would probably prefer to deal with the problem of Kamikaze Deer murdering innocent motorists by more effective signage telling the deer to cross at places where they are less likely to kill or maim humans (more than 10,000/year injured in less successful deer attacks), or cause the ~$1,000,000,00 of damages they do yearly.

Move Along. Nothing to See Here: Just Another Evil Anti-Gun Whacko

Texas gun control activist shoots her three children dead

“Auzenne was a vocal advocate for stricter gun control in the United States with multiple social media postings calling for an end to gun violence and Facebook profile pictures that bore the hashtags #Enough and #EndGunViolence.”

Well, killing her own children certainly makes her point. Not. The article hand waves a bit of “depression” and “anxiety” along with physical problems, NONE of which are excuses or reasons for killing her own children. The only explanation is that she embraced evil and made it her own.