There’s Another Lesson That Can Be Drawn From This

Well, at least one two more on top of, “Shoe, meet other foot. And how can Progressives complain? These are just undocumented firearms in search of a better life.”1

Gun sanctuary movement explodes as background checks near record high

  • Do not own guns that must be registered. Either make your own or purchase in a lawful private transaction.
  • Live in a firearms-friendly locale.
  • Practice good infosec/persec.

It’s just common sense, nowadays.

1J.W.B. II, on FarceBook

Should the Second Amendment Be Replaced?

Maybeso. . . How about this?

Citizens have the natural, God-given right to self-defense, and thus the natural right to bear arms. No part of the federal government, be it the Legislative, the Executive, or the Judicial branch, may at any time or in any way infringe on the people’s right to bear arms. This includes any weapons that are human-portable, and all equipment and supplies necessary to their function. No exceptions. Period. Any person in any branch of the federal government who in any way, shape, fashion, or form infringes on this right is guilty of treason. Congress may enact any form of capital punishment except old age as the proper punishment for such treason. Non-citizens may only be afforded these protections if they are legal residents of the United States.

Apply the 14th Amendment to that, please.

I Ask These Questions, Because You Don’t Think To

Granted, rifles are used–willfully or accidentally–in a wee bit south of ~400 deaths per year in the US, and deer are only responsible for killing ~150 people per year, but why aren’t people who are concerned about deaths from abuse of AR-15s (a fraction of that less than 400 deaths) also clamoring for the elimination of deer and celebrating those heroes who go out into the deer woods to thin the numbers of these murderous beasts? Why? Because they just do not care, that’s why. *heh*

Of course, Leftoid morons would probably prefer to deal with the problem of Kamikaze Deer murdering innocent motorists by more effective signage telling the deer to cross at places where they are less likely to kill or maim humans (more than 10,000/year injured in less successful deer attacks), or cause the ~$1,000,000,00 of damages they do yearly.

Move Along. Nothing to See Here: Just Another Evil Anti-Gun Whacko

Texas gun control activist shoots her three children dead

“Auzenne was a vocal advocate for stricter gun control in the United States with multiple social media postings calling for an end to gun violence and Facebook profile pictures that bore the hashtags #Enough and #EndGunViolence.”

Well, killing her own children certainly makes her point. Not. The article hand waves a bit of “depression” and “anxiety” along with physical problems, NONE of which are excuses or reasons for killing her own children. The only explanation is that she embraced evil and made it her own.

About That HIvemind Myth of Rampant “Gun Violence”

Yes, I said “myth.” In fact, in 2013, gun violence was at its lowest point–in a steadily decreasing occurrence–since 1993, and the trend has continued even as gun ownership has increased. That is not to say that gun violence has abated uniformly across the country. No, some of locales with the most restrictive gun laws are also where the most gun violence occurs.

In fact, one can almost take all the “anti-gun” talking points and directly refute them with facts, readily available to ordinary people. So, why do the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind and various anti-gun groups and individuals promote more restrictive policies that have no rational basis? Well, many are just (self-made) useful idiots adopting irrational ideas based on fiction as an emotional response to Hivemind media and political manipulation. But why the manipulation via lies and purely emotional appeals to begin with? To any thinking person, the answer is obvious: because the ends of the manipulators cannot be served by truth and reason.

Here Are 8 Stubborn Facts on Gun Violence in America Here are the bullet points, but do read the whole thing:

  1. Violent crime is down and has been on the decline for decades.
  2. The principal public safety concerns with respect to guns are suicides and illegally owned handguns, not mass shootings.
  3. A small number of factors significantly increase the likelihood that a person will be a victim of a gun-related homicide.
  4. Gun-related murders are carried out by a predictable pool of people.
  5. Higher rates of gun ownership are not associated with higher rates of violent crime.
  6. There is no clear relationship between strict gun control legislation and homicide or violent crime rates.
  7. Legally owned firearms are used for lawful purposes much more often than they are used to commit crimes or suicide.
  8. Concealed carry permit holders are not the problem, but they may be part of the solution.

(Further development and links to sources at the article)

The crux of the matter is that those advancing the myths about “gun violence” need scared people reacting irrationally to false facts in order to advance more and more government control over individuals’ lives. “Gun violence” scare tactics serve the same purpose as whatever drug du jour scare tactics to: calls for more government intervention. (Yeh, the “opiod crisis” is another manufactured crisis intended to keep pumping up fear and calls for more control, and so far the “war on opiods” seems to do more harm than good, making it increasingly difficult for doctors to prescribe pain meds that are legitimately needed.)

Just always keep in mind: any government action that does not protect actual individual rights is almost assuredly an illegitimate power grab and a violation of individual rights. Period.

An Anti-Gunner Asked a Stupid Question and. . .

Stupid question on Quora: Would a gun amnesty work in America?

I would be perfectly willing to support an “amnesty” for all law enFARCEment personnel and organizations to turn in all assault rifles, flashbangs, etc. (including any and all “military grade” *heh* weaponry and equipment) to appropriate military authority (or even to ad hoc citizen militias).
Such things in the hands of civil government agencies and disallowed to citizens is just flat out wrong.

After all, the very first case challenging the 1934 NFA that came before the SCOTUS resulted in a decision against the (deceased and unrepresented before the court) citizen for having a weapon that was not one in use by the military. Thus, according to that SCOTUS opinion, supposedly only “military grade” firearms are protected by the Second Amendment prohibition against federal infringement. *heh*

Right to Bear Arms?

Tell me again that an ad hoc militia composed of armed citizens is of no use whatsoever. . .

One of the clearest examples of a case where the Second Amendment prohibition against infringing on citizens’ right to bear arms directly enabled a just overthrow of corrupt government is The Battle of Athens, TN.

WWII veterans and others in the community armed themselves and laid seige on the town jail in direct response to corrupt government practices, including blatant (and violent, even murderous) cheating at the polls. The end result was a housecleaning of local government. Unfortunately, the “housecleaning” was not violent enough (I am quite serious here). . . “Clean” government only lasted a couple of years.

Opposition to “Constitutional Carry” Has Some. . . Expected “Reasons”

Revenue. An article about permitless open/concealed carry of firearms in Oklahoma included this final line:

“State agents said they’ll adapt to the changes. But because Oklahomans won’t have to pay to get a permit anymore, the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation could lose between $4 – $6 million in fees.”

Yeh, “concern” over milking citizens for more money is certainly one reason. Of course, a strong desire for state control over citizens’ inherent rights is prevalent as well.

“Gun Violence” *mhwa*

[Extracted from a ub-thread of a discussion discussing the disparate topics of “mass shootings” and wrongful shootings by cops.]

To whatever extent wrongful shootings by police exists (and any is a Very Bad Thing, IMO), it can more easily be explained by Lord Acton’s pithy comment, Rudyard Kipling’s “General Summary,” or even the theological concept of universal moral depravity. Humans being what we are, any group of people is going to have apples that are, urm, “badder” than the norm, and unfortunately, there are bad apples in government jobs at almost any level (LEOs, run-of-the-mill bureaucraps, public “persecutors,” politicians, and corrupt judges), and they ARE be a problem, universally, to some degree or another. How to deal with the bad apples without crucifying the “less bad,” maybe even marginally OK apples? (“Marginally OK” because as long as their PEERS do not stop them, the “badder apples” will find it easier to abuse their authority.)

Well, that’s the nut, isn’t it?

Qui custodit ipsos custodes?

But as for being a “problem with guns,” well, it’s the same answer as to the issue of “gun violence.” Guns do not commit violent acts. People do. One way (really, AFAIK, the only legitimate way for governments that are not supposed to infringe on natural rights but protect them) is to make the punishments for serious violent acts serious punishment, pour encourager les autres, as it were, and those punishments should apply to ALL, with no weasel room for LEOs to argue “qualified immunity.” (“So I shot the guy seven times. I thought that UNARMED MAN SPREADEAGLED ON THE FLOOR was a threat, and how was I to know that I busted down the door at the wrong address? Qualified immunity” “Well, I thought that baby she was holding was a deadly weapons, so I killed her.” Qualified immunity. Etc.)

But, demanding that our faux “nobility” give up special privileges just isn’t going to fly, I don’t think. *sigh* Meanwhile, anti-gun folks argue that citizens should surrender their rights because of an almost vanishingly small number of bad actors. *smh*

Gun “Control”? #feh

A site I visit now and then, just to bring a smile to my face.

“When any government deprives a citizen of his freedom or property, the individual must take action to publicise his grievances. To this end, I hope to illustrate in the following pages, the futility of gun control, and that no amount of arbitrary legislation can ever prevent those wanting firearms from owning them. The individual who has the ability to construct his own homemade gun can never be permanently disarmed by any level of gun control legislation.”

Do note that the “expedient firearms” featured at the site are rather crude, and not examples of firearms I would ever be tempted to build, but it is nice that, even though the site creator has passed away, there are those committed to natural rights who have been willing to step up and maintain the site.

Below, “gun control” as desired by the enemies of the people: