Need Camping Supplies?

GM Roper has ’em here

Also see the link in my left sidebar any time you feel like gearing up.

Give it a look. GM’s a friend who blogs at the eponymous GM’s Place–another site you might consider visiting.

2 Replies to “Need Camping Supplies?”

  1. I have been wanting to get a tent, but I am afraid I’ll waste my money on something not good. I take it the site in your sidebar comes with a thumbs-up recommendation?

    1. GM is a good guy. He’s a mental health professional in Texas, a guy who’s known to me for eight years via the net, and known personally (face to face) by others I hold in high regard. I believe he will treat folks right. The products on the site that I’ve checked out are good brands. I have not yet bought anything from GM’s site, mainly since I’m pretty well-equipped with camping/survival gear. I do hope he’s successful enough top expand his offerings, as there are a few more esoteric things I don’t have and probably would spring for… cos I’m an easy mark for specialty gadgetry in the camping/wilderness survival area, and I’d like to have a way to justify (rationalize) spending some money with him. *heh*

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