“Worst thing a woman can say to a man?”

I wouldn’t know, since I have to leave home to be abused by women (my Wonder Woman is far, far too nice to me), but I would imagine this might make the top ten:

“Good morning, sunshine! If you think you need your ‘package’ don’t worry. It’s in a jar of formaldehyde on my dresser… “


So, what do you think the worst might be?

4 Replies to ““Worst thing a woman can say to a man?””

  1. A very simple statement such as “I Don’t love you anymore”.
    It would probably affect a woman more than a man.
    Particularly when I hear nearest and dearest say “I love you”
    Umpteen times in one day and always last thing at night.

    1. That would be very hurtful, as you say probably more to most women than most men. In my case, I continually wonder just what miracle causes my Wonder Woman to continue to love me, but I try to not question it too much. Well, except for the occasional response to her “I love you,” of “Well, that’s not my fault!” *heh*

  2. The worst possible thing a woman could say is “I dont love you anymore” It would be even worse for a woman to be on the receiving end. I hear the “I love you” umpteen times in one day and every day, and always the last thing at night. BTW I Do reciprocate.

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