Lies, Damned Lies and Lying “Statistics”

Just read Joel Mowbray’s column. He details lies sKerry used in Wednesday’s debate. An example (one of many):

Repeating a populist—and untrue—line from his stump speeches, Kerry said, “The jobs the president is creating pay $9,000 less than the jobs that we’re losing.” This sounds like a devastating indictment, and it plays right into the urban legend that disappearing manufacturing jobs are replaced by burger-flippers. According to the nonpartisan, “Higher-paid occupations, like managers (who can be in any industry) and health professionals, are growing faster.” This claim is largely based on Federal Reserve of Chicago study released last month.

As Charles Krauthammer said of Edwards, “There is absolutely nothing the man will not say to get elected,” so, too, with sKerry. Any lie is acceptable to him, as long as it serves his short-term ends. (BTW, read the Krauthammer piece, too. WOW! Is Krauthammer rigtheously angry or what?)

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