Dinner’s Getting Microwaved Tonight

Here’s why:

Yeh, yeh, the house is mostly cool, but I spent some time this afternoon doing some electrical work in some areas w/o AC, and I’m wrung out, so no stoves or ovens for me tonight. 😉

2 Replies to “Dinner’s Getting Microwaved Tonight”

  1. The temp in the warm and sunny beachside town of Budgewoi on the sunny central coast of NSW Australia at 4am was 6cel, it is now 11cel. Stop complaining and enjoy the sun while you may.
    We have clear skies, dry, light winds and the noon temp expected 18-19 cel. We are in mid winter.

    BTW Summer temps here reach up to 45cel, Usually on Christmas day.

    1. Who said I was complaining? Just reporting the facts and dealing with circumstances. We’re just having our annual Northern Hemispheric Warming. It still doesn’t approach the kinds of temps enjoyed during the Medieval Climate Optimum, so we have a ways to go before we can enjoy the enhancements to environment it offered.

      Enjoy your Winter weather.

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