“Get back on your own side of the fence!”

“What’s mine is mine” is a basic human right…

…and the SCOTUS (Supreme Communists of the United States) stirred a tiny (wee, bitsy, teen-eintsy) spark of the Founders fire in June when they said it was hunky-dory in their books for governments to take private property with just about any lame excuse they could dream up.

Alarmed by the prospect of local governments seizing homes and turning the property over to developers, lawmakers in at least half the states are rushing to blunt last month’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling expanding the power of eminent domain.

In Texas and California, legislators have proposed constitutional amendments to bar government from taking private property for economic development. Politicians in Alabama, South Dakota and Virginia likewise hope to curtail government’s ability to condemn land.

Even in states like Illinois — one of at least eight that already forbid eminent domain for economic development unless the purpose is to eliminate blight — lawmakers are proposing to make it even tougher to use the procedure. (See story here)

And see The Open Source Amendment Project‘s Restoring The Right To Ownership of Property Petition.

Hit ’em high and low… and let your state legislators and congresscritters know you’ll for for anyone else if they don’t put a cork in the land grab schemes of their fellow politicians. Gripe longly, loudly and often to as many people as you can about the ____ (fill in your own descriptive) politicians grabbing private property with the lamest of excuses.

And let said pols know you’re doing it.

Crossposted at Cathouse Chat.

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