Tell ’em, Cal

Cal Thomas gave counsel for Blair’s “kissy-face” meeting with Muslim “leaders” at 10 Downing Street
Let’s just let Cal Thomas say it in his own words, shall we?
Here’s what Blair should say to the Muslim leaders: “The onus is on you guys. You find and shut down the terrorists and their network. You turn those who incite, plan and encourage violence over to the authorities. If you don’t act, we will by closing and bulldozing the mosques and schools that incubate and instruct the killers, prosecuting the terrorists we find and deporting them and their clerics, and closing our borders to anyone from countries that harbor and teach terrorists. Those who are British citizens will be stripped of their citizenship.”
Well, that’s a good start, but I scarecely think we’ll be hearing Blair (or Bush) say such sensible things, eh? Or, saying them, mean it…

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