One Good Thing About the Current Economy…

…is that perhaps–perhaps!–a few people might learn the truth of that old saw that debt is a tax on stupidity. Then, if we as a society can learn, even in small part, that allowing our supposed representatives in government to place us all in debt, mortgaging our grandchildren’s children’s futures to purchase the votes of the greedy and stupid and lazy is beyond merely stupid all the way to criminally stupid, then–if we are far more fortunate than we as a society deserve–we might survive the ends our “political masters” have apparently designed for us.

Of course, I know that saying, “have apparently designed for us,” may be stretching things, as the conspiracy of dunces we have put into power over us may simply be validating that other old saw attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte:

“Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by incompetence.” (Though some sources substitute “stupidity” for “incompetence”)

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