Earth Day 2011

While I’m in favor of conservation and good natural resource management practices, “Earth Day” just gives me a rash. It’s nothing but an excuse for enviro nazis to celebrate their victories over civilization and pound more lies into the heads of dumbass, self-lobotomized sheeple.

Today, on Earth Day 2011, crank up the lights–and anything else electrical that you can. Burn some meat over some charcoal. Mow your lawn with a 2-cycle mower that spews hydrocarbons. Drive a lot. Turn up the AC. Get a big cigar and blow smoke, preferably in the face of some local greenie. AnNd at the end of the day, build a bonfire of green wood and smoke up the neighborhood.

F’n greenies.

4 Replies to “Earth Day 2011”

  1. All of that and more.
    Won’t crazy uncle Joe accuse you of plagiarism or copyright violation over fte beginning of your last sentence. Or did he lift it from J F’n Kerry?

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