Ran Across This In a “Re-read”

“…stone-cold dead cuts recidivism by 100%.”

Makes sense to me, at least for some crimes.

2 Replies to “Ran Across This In a “Re-read””

  1. It probably wouldn’t cut recidivism for politicians, journalists, or their dupes on the left. Altogether too many of them are mindless zombies. How do you permanently kill the undead anyway? ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. “How do you permanently kill the undead anyway?”

      Zombies are pretty well taken care of with a 12 gauge or a flamethrower or equivalent device to cause more or less complete combustion.

      Vampires and zombie vampires (the latter being the worst case congresscritters) can be handled pretty much similarly. I’d depend on fire, for the most part, for these classes, but shot of lignum vitae or Osage orange (bois d’arc) for a 12 gauge might suffice. Actually, it might be amusing to employ a flamethrower and then put out the fire with fire extinguishers charged with holy water, for these classes… ๐Ÿ˜‰

      At least it would be more wholesome entertainment than listening to congresscritters spout their toxic spew.

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