These videos speak for themselves. My only quibble is the waste of perfectly good bacon. After all, mere contact with the toxic waste that is the Koran would make otherwise perfectly good bacon useless for anything but feeding to “good” Muslims.
I was telling Debbie that I’m feeling artistic.
One large cast iron skillet.
Bacon, fried carefully and arranged in the skillet so as to form the Farsi equivalent of “Mohammed was an infidel.”
Clear polyurethane to both preserve the bacon and make defacing the artwork more difficult.
Hanging the artwork in a muslim center, or on the doors of the mosque in Mecca.
It’s just free speech, right? And it’s art too. Sort of in the same vein as “Piss Christ” or some other so-called art that hung on the walls at MOMA.
I wonder if I’ll get my own fatwa just for thinking about it?
Not bad, Perri. Could follow it up with a piece composed in dog feces spelling out (in Arabic script), “Mohamed was the insane offspring of anal intercourse between a rabid dog and a syphilitic sow.”
I wonder if the above hypothetical will earn me a fatwa?
I also wonder if there are any Moose-limbs who are literate enough to really comprehend what a “hypothetical” is.
Brilliant! I’m going to “borrow” that.
Don’t borrow it, Woody. Steal it. Please. (With no apologies whatsoever to Abbie Hoffman. :-))