UPDATE: I just downloaded the ~62MB mp3 file of the Ninth. One-a my very favs. What a treat (even though the direction of the choral *an freude* section—naturally my fav—was a bit choppy)!

Beethoven’s symphonies 6, 7 and 8 are ready for download NOW!

Number Nine available sometime Thursday (perhaps late tonight for USA downloaders… 🙂

*sigh* Once again I have been too eager. Number 9 will be available starting either late tonight (for U.S. and further west–up to a point 🙂 or Friday, July 1, as per:

“Symphony 9 will be broadcast on Thursday 30th June, and available to download from Friday 1st July to Thursday 7th July.”

I have downloaded and appreciated the very credible performances of numbers 1-5, as offered by the BBC. I fully expect these to be of the same caliber. I’ve also listened to the download of #6 last night. Worth burning off and saving, listening to some more. And more…

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