10 Replies to ““But Ma, All the Cool Kids Dress This Way!””

    1. Nope. Never. Oh, I think I almost did one time, but you know, clothes just don’t fit at all if one tries to do something that dumb. And then to go out in public that way? He doesn’t even have competent keepers.

  1. Thanks for the link!

    mel, I’ve done that lots of times, when I’m schmutzing around the house.

    But I’ve never gone out in public like that.

    And I don’t have a staff of hundreds who are supposedly watching over me in the full knowledge that my every move outside is going to be photographed.

    1. Oh, I’ve done “worse” while “schmutzing around the house”–heck, I’ve even worn shirts inside out (cos those particular shirts fit and felt better that way–like some sweats), but out and about? Not a chance. And like you said, Mr. B, I don’t have a staff to keep me squared away. Heck, his “fashion plate” wife (well, that’s what the Coalition of Dupes represents her as being; those of us with an ounce of good taste have distinctly other views) should have caught that one.

  2. I’ve only been married for a year, but I learned very quickly that I was responsible for knowing the location and condition of Chia Pet’s clothing, both civillian and Army, because he tends to ask “Where’s my *insert item here*?” at o’dark thirty. *sigh* Part of the territory, right?

    Is it just me, or do his daughter look royally tee’d off at something?

    1. Well, MM, the older daughter is certainly giving facial and body language cues saying she’s P.O.’d about something. To me, the younger daughter simply looks focused… on anything except what’s to the right OR the left of her.

  3. That picture did make me laugh. ๐Ÿ™‚ About time some pictures of him looking dumb start showing up. Seems every time the media showed a picture of Bush it was when he looked royally idiotic, yet Obama got the shining halo treatment.

    1. Yeh, Nicole, that was pretty much the reason for posting this at all: just a little balance. (Do note that neither Bush were real favs of mine, for similar reasons: both were pretty much “Dhimmicrap-lite” in their domestic policies. Bush II earned my special disapprobation for his two terms as lapdog to successive Mexican presidents. *sigh* Still, he was better than what preceded or succeeded him by more than at least one order of magnitude.)

  4. I believe the media is slowly realizing that he is not the messiah and so pics like this, showing that he is not sent to Earth from God, are starting to show up.

    But I have left my house on occasion with different colored socks. However, I doubt my staff would allow me if I were POTUS.

    On the other hand, it does look like it would allow one to bow down even further than if it were properly buttoned.

    1. “…it does look like it would allow one to bow down even further than if it were properly buttoned.”

      *heh* If I were an lame-assed “entitlement” loser, I’d try to bill you for the keyboard cleaning that resulted from the coffee spew. ๐Ÿ˜‰ As it is, I’ll just chalk it up to my own lack of preparedness and move on.

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