Just right for Carnival: Bicuits and Sausage Gravy

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Bicuits and Sausage Gravy

When I was in college and working three part time jobs to fit my schedule, sometimes my last meal of the day would be at a 24-hour truckers joint that featured an unending plate of biscuits and sausage gravy and a bottomless cuppa coffee. Often, a drive out to a plate of biscuits and gravy would net a table of like-minded college students and together we’d spend the wee hours of the morning gorging on biscuits and gravy, tanking up on coffee and B.S.-ing the night away.

Ah, well.


Mixing bowl and fork to mix; measuring cups, spoons; glass baking dish(es)–I use a couple of Pyrex “pie pans”.


  • 2 C Flour OOPS! This isn’t how I made my biscuits this morning! Don’t know how I did this: it’s 4C Flour!

  • 4 ts Baking powder (Check)

  • 1 ts Salt

  • 2 Tb Olive Oil (Used 4 this a.m.)

  • 1 C Milk (for “buttermilk” biscuits–lighter and flakier–add one Tbs vinegar to measuring cup before measuring the milk.)

*sigh* Shoulda proofread the thing before posting… 🙂

Separate: margarine or butter

Preheat oven to 350 Fahrenheit. While the oven is preheating, place your baking dishes in the oven with a tablespoon or so of butter or margarine in each.

Mix dry ingredients in a bowl. Mix wet ingredients—milk and oil (and vinegar if used)— in 2 C measuring cup. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix together quickly.

Turn out onto a floured surface, dust with flour and roll out to about 1/2 inch thickness. Butter the top. Cut with cookie cutter and then stack them so that each final biscuit is two 1/2 inch pieces. Remove baking dishes from the oven and slide each biscuit around in the melted butter/margarine a little as you place it in the backing dish. Bake for about 8-10 minutes, until the tops are nice and golden.

Sausage Gravy

  • 1C flour

  • 2C milk

  • 1Lb ground sausage—whatever your fav. I prefer a “hot” sausage of a brand I can usually find around here, but whatever suits you is the right sausage.

Crumble the sausage and cook until well done. Remove the saisage and leave the grease. Keeping the heat on the pan at a little above medium heat, add the flour a bit at a time to make a good brown roux. Back the heat off. Now, add the milk slowly and bring almost to a boil, and add the sausage back in. Simmer at a very, very low heat until the biscuits are done. If the gravy thickens too much before serving, bring the heat back up and add a lil milk at a time until the right consistency is reached (i.e., one you like).

Serve the sausage gravy over separated biscuit top n bottom halves. Scrambled eggs make a good addition. Scrambled eggs with Rotelâ„¢ or Tabascoâ„¢ make a better addition.

Oh, and coffee. Lots n lots of coffee. 🙂

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