THIS is why we need to keep pressing for Kerry’s full records

Joe Biden is touted as presidential timbre; Billary waits in the wings…

I think that is one of the reasons why it’s important to get Jean Fraud sKerry’s full records. Unless the most obvious liar and poltroon of recent presidential races can be fully exposed as the fraud he is in ways that the casual voter can grasp in passing, then what reason would there be to dig for information that expose the character of any politician?
And make no mistake, despite the (mostly successful) attempts by Mass Media Podpeople to paint “the character issue” out of the picture, character is the single most important issue of politics. If we cannot trust a politician to say what he means, mean what he says and keep his word, then we are truly screwed.
Cancel that. We can’t. We are.
Oh. Well. That still doesn’t negate the point that we need honest people who will serve in Congress and in the Administration (as well as in local and state offices) regardless of their party affiliation or political stances. And even more do we need a president who can be trusted to do as he says he will do when the chips are down.
Ask Kadafi why he surrendered his nuclear weapons program. Hmmm, at the time, he revealed that he knew George W. Bush was serious about his rhetoric on the GWT. Because GWB’s words matched his actions.
Contrast that with Jean Fraud sKerry’s flip flipping and outright lies.
Now, ask yourself about other candidates floating up for target practice. Joe “Blowhard” Biden’s name’s being floated again (I wonder where that has come from? Surely Bloviating Joe had nothing to do with it…)
BeldarBlog has a short rundown of some of Joe Blowhard’s disqualifiers (one of them being that he’s as all sizzle, no steak). I think his serial plagiarism—and expecting to get away with it—and puffing his resume are enough to place him securely within the Jean Fraud sKerry camp of losers, myself.
It wasn’t just as a “college kid” (yeh, right: grad school counts as being a “college kid” I guess) that he plagiarized—he hasn’t stopped. It’s ingrained in his nature to pretend to achievements that are not his. He’s a liar, a poltroon, and a buffoon. “Top half” of his class in law school, as he has claimed? Barely the lower 12%. “Mistaking” the botton 12% for top 50% and expecting folks to just buy the lie is a mark of abyssmal, arrogant stupidity and, given his penchent for repeatedly stealing others’ work and claiming it as his own, a sign of a fundamental weakness of character that disqualifies him for responsibility as a garbage man, let alone senator or president.
He’s a worm, a jerk and an empty suit.
Now that I’ve completed inventorying his good points…
And that leaves Billary to consider. Does a return to what was arguably the most corrupt administration of the 20th century appeal to you? Sure, she’s smarter than Joe “Blowhard” Biden and knows how to hide the bodies well, but who really wants Madame Harridan as a president? Digging in that back yard would be a Good Thing to Do before her candidacy gets too much wind in its sails from puffing Mass Media Podpeople.
Ahh, but I’m picking on the poor Dems. Yeh, well, recently it’s the Dems who have made lying their standard policy. (The “Bush lied” lie springs readily to mind.) Sure, maybe there’re only one or two out of all the politicians on the national stage who don’t regularly speak to decieve—Spaceman Kucinich springs to mind: he’s too nutso for anyone to be able to tell whether he’s lying or just being a sock puppet for the voices in his head—but it seems to be policy now in the Dem party.
With the Democratic party now apparently owned by the Democratic Underground wing, it seems blatant lies and fantasy are the only resort of Dems who want party support.
And that’s just not acceptable.
Of course, The Stupid Party has its own set of problems…

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