No more Blogger Comments….

Haloscancommenting and trackback only.

Just got tired of the old “both and” thing. (Thanks, Rich, for spurring me to get off TDC and just do it.) Yeh, that means past Blogger comments aren’t visible right now, but they aren’t gone, and if I wanna I can put ’em back.

But I don’t think I wanna. ๐Ÿ˜‰ It also means I’ll be checking comments only once or twice a day, so no quick replies via email as I have sporadically done. If you really need to get my attention, drop me an e- cos that’s checked automatically umpteen times a day. Or call me at my Minneapolis phone number. Oh! You don’t have that one? heh (Well, I do… ๐Ÿ™‚

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