Ground Zero Mosque

I suggest that all right-thinking people raise their voices and assert that the “Ground Zero Mosque,” A/K/A/ “Cordoba House,” SHOULD be built… as soon as a similar-sized Christian church and a Jewish synagogue are built here:

Sauce for the goose, friends. Of course, as soon as Islam shows one scintilla of genuine tolerance for other religious views it will cease to exist, for intolerance, hate, and violence against “unbelievers” are the bedrock of Islam.

3 Replies to “Ground Zero Mosque”

  1. Oh my goodness No, David! We’re Americans! We aren’t allowed any public expression or display of our religion if that religion is Christianity or Judaism! Have you lost it?

    1. Well, the pic I posted is of Muslim pagans bowing down to the big rock they all worship in Mecca. Of course, ONLY Muslims are allowed in Mecca, so were they to allow a Christian Church and a Jewish synagogue there, it’d be a Very Good Thing–as I said, the end of Islam.

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