Reasons to Blog

Ran across this at The English Guy‘s place and thought I’d inflict it on both my regular readers…

Top 10 Reasons to Blog

Of course, The English Guy only lists seven of “the” top ten, and since only three of them really apply to me, I decided to help him round out the top ten with six of my own. That way, the top ten come to a nice, even bakers’ dozen…

And my top six are:

  • The voices in my head now have somewhere to express themselves.
  • All those years reading dictionaries for relaxation. Now I have a place for those words to go.
  • What fools these mortals be! Do you know what we’re doing tonight, Pinky?
  • I blog for Truth, Justice and The American Way! (Or was that American Pie?) “Up in the air, Junior Spacemen!”
  • “The Blog! The Blog! Run for your lives!”
  • Oh, and all the nice goodies I recieve from the trick-or-treaters who stop by… yummy.
What are your top reasons for blogging (and is there a tag thingy in this somewhere? Anybody wanna play that game?)

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