Now, That’s a Car I Wouldn’t Mind Driving…

…even if it ended up going right into the wall. A real rush…

“…a friggin’ quarter-million-horsepower engine forged in the fires of Mordor..”


The snippet above is from an ARC of “Monster Hunter Vendetta”–pure fun. Simply an engaging tale, well told. Something sadly lacking from almost all “literature” from the early 20th Century to today. *sigh*

One Reply to “Now, That’s a Car I Wouldn’t Mind Driving…”

  1. The morning radio show I used to listen to had a similar motor cycle ad for Kamikasi Motors newest bike. It would go from 0-120mph in under 5 sec but it didn’t have any brakes. Their slogan, “Kamikasi’s Motor Cycle – the last bike you’ll ever drive”

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