Sh*t His Dad Says

I guess I’m outa the loop. This guy’s website’s been successful enough for him to get a book deal–and a TV deal–out of it. I can see why, though, since a lot of what his dad says (as reported by him) makes sense. A sample of one of the comments lacking the usual vulgarities:

Why would i want to check a voicemail on my cell phone? People want to talk to me, call again. If I want to talk to you, I’ll answer.

Pretty much how I view telephone use. (And if I were to call you and you didn’t answer, I guess we wouldn’t talk. Works for me.)

Bonus comments:

Pick your furniture like you pick a wife: It should make you feel comfortable and look nice, but not so nice that if someone walks past it they want to steal it.


The worst thing you can be is a liar….Okay, fine, yes, the worst thing you can be is a Nazi, but then number two is liar. Nazi one, liar two.

Oh, and yeh, William Shatner’s apparently involved in the TV show:

“I spent about 8 hours with William Shatner a few days ago. He’s an unbelievably smart guy. We were having a conversation about the rewrite of the pilot… “

I dunno… the only thing I’ve really enjoyed William Shatner in is Boston Legal (he was always too over the top for me as Captain Kirk and please don’t even mention T. J. Hooker. I told you not to mention it and yet I did. *gag* *sigh* ), but I think I could watch him in something like this.

6 Replies to “Sh*t His Dad Says”

    1. Yeh, Keach would do all right in the part, but I’m actually looking forward to the day this show goes into syndication (because I WILL NOT watch it on See B.S. Sure, See B.S. will still get some revenue from it then, but at least it’ll be less.).

  1. The best film Shatner was in was a youtube video of two guys being robbed in a parking lot, the one where he shoots the robbery suspect. That one made me smile.

    1. A Boston Legal episode, TF. Denny Crane in Boston Legal, as I said in the post, is the only role I’ve seen Shatner in that I really appreciated.

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