
Some good ketchup, some minced onion and this:

Just about the perfect condiment for a simple meal centered around some nice shrimp.

(No, it’s not real wasabi–or not mostly–but it is good, and makes for just the right zing in a sauce for the shrimp. Next: garlic stir-fry using some of this “wasabi” sauce, shrimp and lots n lots of minced garlic!)

6 Replies to “Num-Num!”

  1. You can keep it, Lucy buys little wasabi pea looking things and pops them in her mouth while watching a movie. I gave them a try and decided to keep my tongue in tact for other more bland items.

    1. Oh, yeh! Those “Wasabi” peas are great stuff! Son&Heir and I can each go through a can of those things (apiece) in no time. Like candy. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I do kind of wonder what the REAL stuff tastes like on its own, though.

  2. I tried Gold’s Wasabi Sauce. Big mistake. They add sugar and about 20 other ingredients not one of which is wasabi.

    The best cocktail sauce is what I make myself with horse-radish, lemon-juice, tomato sauce, and very finely ground red pepper.

    1. Well, you’re certainly right about the contents of the so-called “wasabi” sauce you sampled, Bernie, but as an ingredient in a quick cocktail sauce, it’s better than just half good. That’s sometimes the problem with on-the-fly recipes though: going with whatever is on hand results in multiple compromises, but if the end result is decent, then it’s num-num time. The Beaver brand “Wasabi Horseradish” sauce does at least list “Grated horseradish and wasabi roots” at its primary (first listed) ingredient, which does redeem the ketchup a bit, IMO, even though it also loists about 20 other ingredients ranging from mustard seed down to some dyes and, lastly, ginger. ๐Ÿ™‚

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