5 Replies to “It All Becomes Much Clearer Now…”

  1. Shenanigans.

    The bit about magic has to go. Athiests don’t believe in the supernatural in any form, hence no magic either. So a bunch of everything *randomly* rearranged itself.

    No magic.


    Otherwise, yep, looks right to me. At least as long as we’re using the version of the dictionary where “right” is a synonym for “preposterous.”

  2. Ah, but as you rightly know, Yak, whether atheists say they believe in magic or not makes not one whit of difference to the fact that they do. They just call it something less innocuous to their ears.

  3. The sad truth is that most folks who claim to be atheists know that God is real. I feel sorry for them as they go about denying the blessings which could easily be theirs.

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